

Their was a love marriage, they both loved each other a lot and she was pregnant with their baby but one day, there was a sudden attack on them and he made all his efforts to stop them, but he lost his life and finally he requested his dear wife "please run away from them don't allow them to touch you and our pure child, I will protect you until my last breath, go! run! don't look back!"

with the baby in her womb she tried to run but they followed her, so she mislead them and started running from dungeon, but she felt the pain, it was the time of the baby to come out, she had an immense pain, she was born in front of all the prisoners, and as soon as she was born her mother died. The lord couldn't get the opportunity to have his mother but now he was happy because he had her daughter. what will a new born baby knew? that lord came all over here to consume, what was her fault, will she be able to discover her sin?

to be continued...

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