
4 - A Tea with no Pair

Su Jin Xia determinedly drank the tea and fainted. Several moments, Su Jin Xia's body turned into light particles and gathered in one place forming a floating soul.

The tea Yan Yi gave her was a unique ceremony that sealed Su Jin Xia's soul. It will be sent back to the headquarters to start the missions after it will be bound with a system.

With a wave of her hand, the floating soul turned into a blooming red rose that is protected inside a transparent sphere. This is yet another unique skill that Yan Yi have. Usually, Guardians would secure the soul in a small safe guarding chest, but Yan Yi turns them into flowers that represents the souls.

Yan Yi loves fancy things. So she must also have a fancy skill. In fact, her skill is highly recognized by the higher ups, not only it is beautiful but also much more effective that those small chests specially made for souls.

"Xiao Zi."

Beside Yan Yi appeared the beautiful young boy who led Su Jin Xia in earlier. He disappeared the whole entire time until he was called again.


The red rose full of thorns floated into Xiao Zi's hands and in a blink of an eye was absorbed inside Xiao Zi's body.

"Then good luck to you, Xiao Zi. This time's host is blooming red rose full of thorns. Hopefully, you can help her heal her self."


"Fufufu, how many worlds will it take, I guess?"


"Probably more than a thousand worlds, fufufu."


"Oh, good luck to you, Xiao Zi."

... Senior, can I just kick you for once..?



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Silence is everything here.

In the middle of a large lotus lake, stands a large red pavilion with intricate gold designs that could blind anyone who sees it. Greedy people will grit their teeth in envy and simple minded people will admire.

Within that fabulous pavilion is a pretty girl in soft lavender robes leaning on the railings while sitting at the edge. Her snow white feet splashed on the water's surface and being the only noise heard.

Yes, it is precisely Yan Yi.

As a Guardian, other than receiving potential hosts, her only work is to monitor the world's path— making sure it won't get destroyed.

But her world is in a parallel ancient times. No magic, no powerful entities, no modern bombs. No troubles that will have the opportunity to destroy the world.

Her predecessor who resigned was someone who likes to do 'exciting' things he used to say. That's why after just one mandatory millennium in this world, he resigned and went back to become someone's system again.

If he wanted to do 'exciting' things, he could have just become a host himself. He had enough points to become one after all. But Yan Yi remembers what he replied to her, "Tsk, tsk. Our little Yiyi here don't understand it at all. Becoming a system is much more freer than becoming a host."

Well, he did have a point...

Yan Yi strongly kicked the water causing the whole lake to ripple in correspondence.

Ah, boring...

Yan Yi likes peacefulness. Just like this. Serene and beautiful place, just the right time and place to enjoy a cup of tea. But... there's no story to read!! It's too quiet!!

Yan Yi herself have lived through a lot of ancient worlds, although there are some fun things she could do here, it still can't compare with a modern world.

Endless entertainment! Like web and graphic stories!

She have already tried reading books here while she drinks her favorite tea flavor as of the moment how many times already. The end result was: throw all those useless books somewhere in the mortal world.

Books show the different views in life, unfortunately, people in this world is too narrow minded people, if not narrow then shallow. Not shallow? Then, she don't know anything else beside labeling it as stupidity.

"...tsk! That annoying administrator, I will beat him in the next meeting!"

Immediately, a pen and paper appeared in front her. She didn't waste time and write her complains again.

Her actions stopped when a flying paper airplane softly bump on her forehead. This strange thing is the annoying way the administrator sends her messages so she snapped it open.

As expected, her previous ideas were not wrong at all. This letter is a late response to her when she asked about that suspicious man.

He was really a tasker— a Host.

Previously, because of Su Jin Xia's accidental rebirth, Yan Yi reported it back to the administrator. Although there was rebirth happening a few times in a world, Su Jin Xia's rebirth was unregistered thus a report was made.

Yan Yi didn't notice it until just recently when things got critical. But, the admin said they have responded to it immediately and she have to standby and wait for more information.

The letter's content was just a confirmation of her guess and a vague information. They sent a Host because the Emperor in Su Jin Xia's rebirth life have really fallen in love for her. And to prevent the world taking the wrong path they had to make a special case of sending a Host. That's all it said because the rest, Yan Yi can guess already.

The Emperor fell deeply in love with Su Jin Xia and in the future, he would only have child with Su Jin Xia which is a big problem for this world.

In the original lifetime, after Su Jin Xia's death, the previous crown prince, Su Jin Xia's ex-fiancee never ascended the throne because he was replaced by the third prince after his wrong doings were revealed.

The third prince, Li Yan ascended as the Emperor and his Empress was Han Minglan. And their son, Li Hei Zhi is the predestined son of heaven that will bring great change and glory.

Li Hei Zhi's existence is a must.

Unfortunately, an accident happened and that is Su Jin Xia's rebirth. In order to keep this path right, Yan Yi had to take an action but the higher ups stopped her in time.

They send a Host to the Emperor's body and change back the path.

Yan Yi pitied Su Jin Xia, but she can only blame herself for taking the wrong path and collided with the world's path. If she didn't fell for the Emperor, her rebirth would have been a success. Her rebirth was also the admin's fault thus giving this chance to Su Jin Xia.

In short, Su Jin Xia's pain and hatred was caused by the people who gave her a chance for revenge.

Yan Yi thought that what if Su Jin Xia knew about this, what would be her reaction?

Nevermind, in the end, they would forget those emotions when time comes. As she continues to do missions, that so called revenge will be nothing but a small fragment of her past.

Even if by the end she would know about it, Yan Yi is sure that Su Jin Xia will feel like an idiot being played in someone's hand.

Isn't it always like that?

Yan Yi have met a lot of Hosts who have discovered the twist and turns in their original life and some of them had similar situation with Su Jin Xia. In actuality, her case is common.

The worst reaction Yan Yi knew was when that Host discovered that the rival who destroyed him in his original life was this another Host, he declared that he will defeat him in his every mission world.

In opposite, the lightest one was when a Host knew that this Host was the one who killed him, she just shrugged and said "what else can I do? Anyways, I'm more thankful that he killed me that gave this chance."

Feelings, they are just momentary and fleeting. Time flows and never-ending. Eventually, time will make you forget. Forget everything including your emotions.

That's why Yan Yi thought of those cold hearted people in the higher up. They must have surely achieved their position with cold hearts, or maybe just no heart.

Even that annoying administrator. She won't be fooled by his jolly and easy going attitude that made everyone have good impression of him. Because if he really is, would he have easily decided to just send a Host unblinking at the fact that those two fell in love?

That Host he sent too...

It's really irking Yan Yi right now.

She also can't deny the fact that she is starting to become like them, but isn't that why she wanted to quit as a system and be a Guardian? So that she's a little farther from those cold hearted people...

Even so...

It doesn't mean they're excused for sending me in this world! So bored..!

"Bastard Admin, I will see you in the next meeting! My name is not Yan Yi if I don't beat you up!"

I realized that I never gave the third prince a name, so this was just on the spot name decision I gave.



I called it web and graphic stories to make it a wider variety. I wanted to say web novels and manhua, but some may prefer manhwa or manga (they're the same and different at the same time) You can look up for more info of it in the internet, (/◕ヮ◕)/

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