
6 years ago I was all yours.

"Lucia you are 27 now don't you think it's time you get married?" my mom says kissing my hair.

"Mom, what marriage? are you talking about the one which is just bonded by rings and the exchanged surnames" I replied

"Honey it's been 6 years, not every guy is like That dirty cheater "

"I don't know mom I just can't fall in love again I have gone through enough, I m sorry mom but I m not going to get married in my life"

"What's the point of all this success and money you make if you don't have someone in your life that will hold your hand in every step of your life. I am getting old I want to see you happy "

"mom you are only 47 and I am happy "

"Do you think I don't know how miserable you have been in these 6 years, " My mom rubs her tear from her eye?

"Who said that I'm miserable, mom?" just then my phone rings. "Goon take your business call again" she goes upstairs to her room

"Mom I love you " I received the call.

"Hello Mrs. Lucian we are in trouble "

"What, What is going on?"

"Our shares have dropped and our contracts have been terminated by the Jones"

"What how can they just terminate it wait I am coming to the office right away, Arrange my meeting with the Jones"

I quickly get inside my car and drove it towards my company, Link Click the best game development company of 2023, how can Jones just terminate their contracts with us when we have given so many brilliant games.

I reached the company.

"Miss. Lucian you are here," MY assistant says.

"where are the jones?"

"They are inside the room, Please talk with them in calmness "

"I will think about it"

I opened the door. I see Mr. John Jones the Ceo of the Jones company along with his Secretary.

"Ah, Mrs. Lucian you are finally here, Beautiful as always " He comes close to me for a hug. I grabbed his hand and handshake him. "And hard catch as always" he takes a seat.

"Mr.Jones, how can you terminate your contract with us? after we have worked for you guys for so long and our contract has provided so much benefit to us"

"Oh Miss Lucian I heard that you guys have recently dropped in the share markets and no new games have been in the production after the loss of your game with that new game what was it named ah whatever you know we just put money to the best companies only"

"So just because we loosed for one time you are trying to say that we are not the best?"

"I am not trying, I'm saying that you guys are not in the position you used to be, A woman should not be tangled in this affair let alone beautiful delicate young women like you" he puts his hand on my thigh.

"Why don't to think about me helping you with your stress relief? what do you say?"

His hands start to slide under my skirt.

I stooped his hand. and gave him a punch at his nose.

"Ah!! you stupid bitch! " he screams holding his bloody nose.

"You creep jerk how dare you" I was about to hit him again but my assistant stopped my hand.

"Miss Lucian what are you doing? "

"You stupid bitch I am going to destroy your fucking company and I will make sure that you come begging at me for sleeping with you " That jerk screams at the top of their lung and gets out of the office.

"Oh no miss Lucian what we will we do now? we need to find the next investors soon"

"Don't worry Liam, I got this I won't let our company down"

I dialed the number of Jayden, My ex-investor.

"Hey, Miss Lucian what made you remember me let me guess you need new investors right?"

"Hello, Mr. Jayden I hope I can share a few words with you if you are not busy and you are correct we are in the need of urgent investors."

"Hmm okay I can help you with that, you have heard about the high-tech company right?"

Who hadn't heard about it being the number one company?

"Yes sir I indeed have "

"Well the good for you, They are my well-known ex-partners they were looking for a nice game developing company to invest in, I will arrange your meeting with them tomorrow"

"Thank you so much Jayden I appreciate your help"

"You're welcome "

"Liam!! we are about to be saved now" I jump in excitement.

"wow miss I know you can do it" he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Now let's just hope to get the contract "

"I know you can get it cause you are miss Lucian you are amazing"

I am currently waiting for the Ceo and the directors to arrive. this may sound stupid but I didn't search anything about high tech. I don't know anything about them except for the fact that they are a brilliant app designing company.

I only prepared my presentation and my document to make sure that they don't have any doubt about whether to invest or not.

today I dressed up very professional first impression is everything and I should not leave any chance for them for the development of the doubt.

"Miss they have arrived, " Liam said "I know you can do it miss "

"Thanks, Liam"

"Greetings miss Lucian, " Jayden says I turn around to see him.

"Greeting to you too Mr. Jayden "

"Meet Alex my close friend and the Ceo of High tech"

I got numb at the name that he took. This can't be possible right it's just a name, not the same person. But oh boy I was wrong. It was no other than the man who broke me apart and left me alone at our wedding. The person who made me feel miserable all years, The person who cheated on our 9 years of relationship with my best friend I will resent him to my death.

He must be happy with my backstabbing ex-best friend Rose. For the sake of my Company.

"Hello Mr. Alex I am Lucian and I look very much forward to working with your company" Only your company not you.

"Lucian " Alex whispers

"Did you guys know each other before?" Jayden asks

"No we don't know each other, This is the first time I m meeting him," I said.

"Yeah I suppose we have not met, " Alex said

I could feel the endless staring of Alex at me, while I was doing the presentation.

I wish he would stop staring at me. my presentation made the directors of the company happy. And initially, I got the contract Alex had no choice but to agree with his company's directors.

"You have wonderfully presented your idea, Lucian," Jayden says.

"I agree miss Lucian you are indeed very much brilliant as they told, " Alex said.

If If I was that brilliant then I would not have loved you.

"Wow miss you did it," Liam says grabbing my hand.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but we are organizing a party for the occasion of our new partnership, I hope you can attend it," Alex says with a smile.

"We will right Liam? " I looked at Liam he was smiling " yes we will sir"

I washed my face, I looked at myself in the mirror without my knowing my eyes were falling the tears, my mascara was ruined and so was much of my day.

I never wanted this. I never wanted to see his face again I didn't want to hear his voice again. His voice his eyes his face everything irritates me.

I promised myself that I will make him regret everything that he had done to me.

I called Sinia One of the employees and a good friend of my childhood to get ready with her.

"What! you met ALEX! that jerk how dare her to show his face to you until everything he has done"

"It was for the contract, He is the Ceo of the company we are having a contract with"

"We don't need that contract of his company to break that contract, Lucian it must be so hard for you to see him."

"I cannot do that Sinia. We need them to invest in us I cannot think about myself only think about the company, the employees"

"Well, you can think about yourself. But you don't want to "

" but that will be selfish of me and let's not talk about this we have to get ready for the party "

"Yes we have to show that why link click is one of the famous companies, it's famous for the good-looking employees and the hottest director and talented people also"

I wore a black satin dress it was up to my knees and block heels with red bold lipstick. I did my eyeshadow very matte and simple so was my makeup. Sinia on the other hand wore a red dress and bold make up she looked very much beautiful.

We went to the party location. Just like in the seen of movie everyone stopped their activities and looked at me. Liam came running towards me.

"Miss Lucian you are finally here "

"Hey, Liam how does Lucian look?" Sinia asked

"She looks the usual well you look beautiful today Sinia " Liam replied. I felt a bit disappointed by his answer.

"The usual are you a fool Liam," Sinia said

"Huh I mean she looks gorgeous every day so this is not a new thing for her to look gorgeous, So I said she looks like usual," he said with an awkward laugh.

"Ahem ahem may I get ever each of yours attention please," Alex says holding a mike.

"Ladies and Gentlemen to every people who are attended this party. This party is organized for the contract of our company high-tech with a well-known company. That I know you must have guessed Link Click" Alex announced at the mike.

The hall was soon filled with the clap of everyone. Everyone looked at me and gave me their best wishes.

"Lucian! wow, you look so gorgeous" Jayden says with Alex on his side.

"thank you so much Jayden " I replied

"You indeed look beautiful Miss Lucian," Alex says.

"Thank you, Mr. Alex"

the music gets changed into a soft French song.

Jayden asks me for a dance and I agree with it.

Soon everyone in the hall started to dance with holding the hand of their respective members.

"I didn't know you could dance so good Mr. Jayden"

"Just call me Jayden, Lucian"

"Ok Jayden"

"Well, I am an interesting person, not self-titled tho people around me say that."

"Well you indeed are an"

He swings me around his arm. "Why don't you try to know me a little better I promise you, you will feel much more interested in me" he whispers in my ears. His voice gave me sudden chills. He sounded sexy.

Just then someone grabs Jayden it was none other than Alex. "Hey Jayden Mr timber has been looking for you why don't you go and meet him"

"What ok, Lucian wait for me I will be back soon"

he lefts me alone with Alex.

"Lucian, may I have a dance with you? " The audacity of his.

"No " I went away but he grabbed my hand.

"Why not you danced with Jayden then why not me?"

"Because I wanted to dance with him and I don't even want to be close with you Alex"

I went towards the balcony. The atmosphere inside was killing me.

"Lucian Can we talk please?" Alex again followed me to the balcony.

" What is it, Alex?"

" Why are you doing this to me?" he asked with a sad tone in his voice.

"You seriously are asking this to me Alex? are you pretending to forget everything Alex, well you have forgotten everything but I haven't"

"Lucian do you still hate me?"

"Hate what do you expect me to do I hate you so much that I can rather jump off this balcony instead of sharing a talk with you"

"You hate me that much, I don't believe this Lucian will never hate me. the Lucian I knew, She loved me more than anything in her life."

"Well that Lucian was of 6 years ago Alex I was all yours. I loved you and I didn't have any idea that one day I will stop loving you and I will hate you so much. We were dating from the age of 14 and Alex at 21 we were immature I know but we were at our marriage Alex and you, You left me alone for Rose, And yet how shameless can you be that you are asking me if I hate you? "

"Lucian we were only 21 at that time, Weren't we too young to get married"

"We were young but we were not that young to betray one other. You cheated on me but don't do it rose "

I got away from there. I drank too much alcohol. Then I only remembered that I passed out.

The next day I woke up I was in someone's bed. My clothes were gone. And I was covered in a white bed sheet.

"So you have woken up"