6 Soft Injury

We've been hanging out at in the ocean for some time now. We discussed where we should go next and Zachary mentioned a restaurant being a couple blocks away from where we are. Angelica, Rosalie, and Zachary sat on one side while me and Zofia sat in front of them. Everyone ordered a milkshake but I ordered lemonade. It was quiet for a little while and then I started thinking about what Angelica said to me when Zachary was running late.

"Angelica, you said you've known Zetha since middle school right? Zetha transferred to Veera Hatch High School this year. So I was thinking, what school did you go to?" A good way to break the silence but I was also curious a little bit on where she is from since she knows Zofia oh so well.

"Who's Zetha?" Angelica replied.

"He's talking about me." Zofia answered while having her hand a little raised with a sad look of acceptance on her face.

"Why does he call you that Zofia?"

"He doesn't, but Lanathy usually doesn't remember my name so I've kind of gotten used to it. I've heard about every other name that isn't close to mine being said from him." Still with the sad look. Okay, I'll actually remember your name this time. Since I start seeing you a lot more. Angelica just said her name so it's Zofia, I'll see if I remember it.

"Oh, well, I go to the same high school as Zofia and you guys; Veera Hatch as well." Angelica replied straightforwardly. Huh, I thought she would've been in a different school because I have not seen her hanging out near Zofia. Well, I guess I only see Zofia bump into me all the time.

"I don't see you on campus that much, where do you usually hang out?"

"Just around the trees near the 200 building." There are literally trees near every building. But I guess I know that she just vibes around the 200 building.

"Ah, I usually sit on the bench next to the electric box during lunch and then go home after school. But, does Zofia not hang out with you guys? I always just see her accidentally bump into me and Zachary."

"I mean, I see many people but don't pay attention to them." Zachary replied to my statement.

"Usually me and Angelica hang out together during lunch and after school. Zofia bumps into us as well but it seems she bumps into you more." Rosalie answered back.

"Yeah, I don't really see you two that much. Around Zofia or on campus." Hmm, no reaction from Zofia after I called her by her name. I guess she's looking at me now. Wait, she was always looking at Angelica, Rosalie, Zachary, and me the entire time.

I can't remember the faces of the people I saw at the ramen restaurant but part of me wants to think it was Rosalie and Angelica there. But there were four people sitting at the table I remember the amount. Who was the other person? I don't want to ask and make it seem like I somehow have seen them before. Moreover, I just don't know if they were the ones with Zofia at the ramen restaurant.

While I was lost in thought, Zachary has been keeping the conversation alive talking about books and shows. I'm not into that stuff as much as he is but he has a lot of charisma for some reason. Everyone was smiling and laughing at Zachary's remarks.

When we finished eating lunch and started walking around stores for a little bit. There were mostly just souvenir items shops along with snack and drink stands. The stores were also near the beach and we were still in our swimming outfits. Zachary spotted a volleyball net and encouraged everyone to play.

Zachary must've been prepared for this because he also had a ball for us to play with. Since there were an odd number of players, one of us decided to watch the game and keep score. Angelica decided to keep score since she said she isn't good at volleyball. Zachary and Zofia were on a team while me and Rosalie were on the other team.

"Let the games begin!" Zachary was riled up. He threw the ball up to serve and, with an overhead swing, he hit it over the net. Rosalie bumped the ball and sent it towards me. I set the ball for Rosalie but she doesn't spike. She just bumps the ball over the net. Looks like I'm going to have to be the person who spikes the ball.

Zofia goes in to hit the ball. She hits it but it doesn't go high. Instead it kind of just popped off her arms and then fell to the ground. Zofia must've had her eyes closed when she hit the ball. Not much of an athletic person. Zachary walks over to Zofia and explains how to hit the ball correctly and what not to do. He then walks back to serve again.

After a while The score is 4-2 not in our favor. Zachary is really good at volleyball. But us scoring two points doesn't mean it will be impossible to win. The plan was I bump the ball towards Rosalie, she passes it back to me and I spike. Rosalie isn't hitting the ball close enough to the net for me to spike though. I tell her to try and pass close to the net so I can spike.

Rosalie sets the ball to me after I pass it to her. I hit the ball aiming straight for the floor but Zachary lunges forward with one hand to keep the ball in the air. Zofia sets for Zachary and then they send it back over the net to us.

Darn it, looks like I might have to aim somewhere that isn't close to where Zachary is. Maybe this time I'll aim near Zofia. Rosalie sets, I aim, and fire. I was going to have it land near Zofia's feet but she walked forward a little bit. I hit her dead center in the face and Zofia fell backwards.

"Oh my god, are you alright Zofia?" I rush over to her. Everyone else surrounds Zofia as well.

"My butt kinda hurts from falling but yeah I'm okay." She said trying to stand up slowly.

"Is your face okay?"

"Your butt isn't broken is it?"

"Do you need help getting up?"

Rosalie, Angelica, and Zachary expressed their concerns and they were met with Zofia's reassurance.

"I'm sorry about hitting you in the face Zofia, I was trying to hit near your feet but you kind of moved a little bit and it hit your face."

"It's fine Lanathy, it's not like it'll scar me haha." Zofia laughed it off easily but I couldn't get it off my mind like that. We stopped playing volleyball after that and went home about an hour later.
