
Please Be My Fate!

A second prince of a pack of warewolf kingdom, Hugo Cyrillo, would be the next king. But he was kicked out from Cyril by his brother. He was running away and seriously wounded. The betrayal from his henchman could be forgiven. Moreover, his older brother has full of envious resentment. He set the sudden attack for Hugo. By his wounded body, Hugo ran away, further through the woods. He changed his form into a black wolf and sleeping under the tree near the path. Here, a young lady was passing by and save him. Her name was Irish. With her bright eyes of kindness, she brought him home as her pet. From now on, Hugo would be her fellow. Until she knew the truth that her wolf was actually a man. But, she had a bad experience with a man years ago. “I want you to be my fate! You are my Luna.” Hugo said it gently. Even he knew Irish could not answer it. Was she still by him side being his Luna after knowing his real form? Or was she killing him instead?

Rizuki_Umi · Urban
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2 Chs

Became Her Pet

Hugo should act as a wolf now. Even he was a man, he must hide his true identity. Because of the silver knife, he got a serious injury. It would not heal so easy. He did not expected Victor knew his weakness.

When Hugo was trying to hold his wound, Irish came back with a plastic box. Hugo did not know what was that. He just acts like a normal wolf.

Then, Irish sat down in his side. Hugo was wondering, why this girl was not scared at all?

In silent, Irish took a towel. Then she wiped the blood gently. The wolf just kept quiet, as if its tried to hold the pain. After the blood was cleaned, Irish put the towel near her foot. Then, she was slanting her eyes, checking the wound. That was deep.

Fortunately she had an ointment from her father. It was the best ointment to heal the wounds. Gently, Irish was dabbing the ointment to the wound. Once, Hugo was groaning low when he felt the pain.

Irish was patting the wolf, her kind eyes could make Hugo feel better.

'So, this is what they called human. She's not only beauty but also has a kind heart. Maybe she can help me get back my power.' Hugo said in her mind. He was watching Irish finished her cures.

White bandages were wrapping his shoulder. Irish smiled softly and pat the wolf once again. Hugo was curious. Why this girl was so quiet? There was no single word she uttered.

"Irish." A call surprised the girl. She then turned her head and found Robin, her caretaker.

"Are you sure it's alright to let it here?" She asked, pointed the wolf.

Irish nodded her head as the answer.

"Oh, Gosh. But ... But what if ... What if this wolf will kill you when you were sleeping?" Robin showed that she was worried.

As the caretaker, she knew better how her young lady. Robin knew that Irish was lonely. This girl never has a friend since in junior high school. Irish was not trust in other people for so long. This girl only has two people she trust, her father and Robin.

Now, she saw that her young lady was bringing a black wolf home. Even she witnessed that this wolf did not attack Irish, she still worried.

After hearing Robin's question, Irish gazed intently into her dark eyes. Her hands was moving and told Robin she was fine.

"But ...."

Hugo knew that this middle aged woman hesitated him. Then, he should pretend he was a nice dog. Hugo was rubbing his head to Irish hand. He also gave a gentle look. Then Irish smiled and cared his soft fur.

Robin was not believing what she just saw. Its like she saw a dog, not a wolf. Then, she smiled and said, "Okay. Maybe it can be your friend. Maybe this wolf just a tame wolf before." She raised her shoulders.

Irish agreed. She wanted to pet it. Hope that this wolf would accompany her in her loneliness days. This girl then hug the wolf. Hugo was surprised, but, it was as he expected. From now on, he will be her pet.

It was almost evening. Robin should go back to her house. After she saw that the wolf like a nice dog, she relieved to leave her alone.

"Okay, Irish. I will go home. Lock the door before you sleep!" Robin yelled.

Irish nodded her head. She was accompanying Robin to the door. While, the wolf was sleeping on the carpet.

"And you, Mr. Wolf!" She shouted. Made Hugo lift his head and saw her.

"You must take care Irish when I am not here!" She added.

"Woof!" Hugo answered the order by woofing.

"Good. Okay, Irish. Sleep tight and have a nice dream."

Robin kissed her forehead. Irish nodded again as the answer. Then she hug Robin as a good night.

"Good night, Dear."

After Robin saying a good night, Irish locked the door like what she told. Then she walked through the room and sat down on the coach. Tonight she has a friend.

Irish turned on the television. Watching a drama in silence. Hugo widened his eyes. It was his first time watching television. No one has a television in Cyril.

'So, this is what we called 'living as human'.' He thought.

At eight P.M. Irish made her dinner. A piece of toast. She also made a glass of milk. Then, Hugo was following her after smelling a delicious smell. He was disliked it when Irish gave him a dog food this afternoon. He was a man after all. Like human being.

Irish saw her impatient wolf. Then, she showed her toast to him. Hugo suddenly bite the toast. It made Irish laugh. This wolf was smart, she thought.

Irish pat his head. Letting her toast to be eaten. Then, she made another toast for her. Maybe this wolf disliked the dog foods. That was why the wolf left the food. This evening, she saw that her new fellow eating her toast in delight.

The clock was ticking loudly in this quiet night. Irish and her wolf finished their dinner. Now, she walked to the second floor to her room. The wolf was following her again. Irish smiled for so many times. She felt that she has a guardian now.

Irish opened the door. She let the wolf came in first. Then the door was closed. Hugo knew as a nice dog, he should sleep on the carpet. Even he was a prince, right now he was a pet.

Irish walked to her closet, reached a blanket and covered the wolf body. Then she was laying down to her bed, covered herself by her blanket. Before she fell asleep, she cared the wolf again. Soon, Irish was in her deep sleep.

Hugo was blinking his eyes. He was not feeling sleepy yet. In the middle of the night, he turned into his true form. Hugo turned back into his man body. This naked man then sat down in the bed side. Seeing the peaceful and beautiful face of Irish.