
The New Beginning

<p>"Rei!, Rei!"<br/><br/>A loud voice pierced the air, cutting through the bustling sounds of the crowd. I turned to see Mio, her breathless form halting in front of me, sakura petals swirling in the wind around her.<br/><br/><br/>"Oh, it's just you, Mio," I greeted her with a smile, though my heart felt heavy knowing what today meant.<br/><br/><br/>"Why did you leave early? Today is the last day of our middle school. Just join in the graduation party that we prepared," Mio pleaded, her expression a mix of disappointment and hope.<br/><br/><br/>"I promised my parents we'd celebrate at home after my graduation," I explained, feeling guilty for letting her down.<br/><br/><br/>Mio's face fell for a moment, tears threatening to spill, but she quickly composed herself with a forced smile. "It's okay. I'll tell everyone you have plans," she said, her voice wavering.<br/><br/><br/>"Don't be sad, Mio. We'll see each other again. We can plan to meet with the others," I reassured her, gently wiping away her tears.<br/><br/><br/>Her embrace tightened briefly, a silent plea for reassurance. "That's your promise, okay?" she whispered, her voice trembling.<br/><br/><br/>"I promise," I replied firmly, returning her hug with a sense of determination.<br/><br/><br/>With a final goodbye, Mio left, and I watched her retreating figure with a mixture of emotions. The graduation song filled the air, sakura petals dancing in the wind, as students bid farewell to their friends and families.<br/><br/><br/>Heading home, I was greeted warmly by my parents, their pride evident in their smiles. We celebrated together, relishing in the joy of my graduation.<br/><br/><br/>As the evening wore on, my mother broached the topic of my future, presenting me with an opportunity to attend Fukuhara Private School as a scholar. Intrigued by the school's promises, I eagerly accepted, eager to embark on this new chapter of my life.<br/><br/><br/>Summer passed in a blur of reunions and festivities with old friends, each moment filled with laughter and memories. And now, as April dawned, I stood before Fukuhara Private School, ready to embark on a journey filled with challenges and mysteries.<br/><br/><br/>Entering the school grounds, I was greeted by a scene unlike any I had imagined. Students engaged in various competitions, their skills on full display in a chaotic yet exhilarating display of talent.<br/><br/><br/>As I took in the sight before me, I realized that Fukuhara Private School was not just a place of learning, but a battlefield where students fought to prove their worth. And I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to carve out my own path in this new world.</p>

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