
A Feast and Fateful Vow

The early morning still embraced the premises as Xiao Yu concluded the test. Taking his time, he strolled through the Western Institute, acquainting Nomad and Aizen with their new surroundings after leaving Guan Yi in the southern district. The Institute boasted an array of facilities that facilitated students' learning, offering opportunities to gain experience and earn spiritual stones for cultivation.

One such facility was the trading center, where one could exchange spiritual stones for various goods. In the original timeline, Nei Li seized the chance to sell a god-tier demon spirit, acquiring spiritual stones to further his cultivation. This highlighted the preciousness of spiritual stones, as even students with heavenly spiritual roots could only claim five spiritual stones per month. However, Nomad possessed the Mountain Deity, which not only produced countless spiritual stones but also a rarer variant—gold spiritual stones. Hence, they didn't face the same scarcity. Even Nomad's clones had access to the Nomad's Soul Realm, simplifying their recruitment efforts.

"I've rented a place for us, so you don't have to stay in the dormitory," Xiao Yu announced, guiding them towards their new abode. Nomad and Aizen expressed their gratitude as they entered a beautiful house adorned with a tranquil garden. A picturesque pond surrounded by breathtaking flowers captured their attention. Nomad settled near the pond, dipping his feet in the water, finding solace.

"It must have cost a fortune, Brother Xiao Yu. This place is splendid," Aizen remarked with a smile. Nomad exchanged glances with Aizen, and without uttering a word, Aizen understood Nomad's unspoken message—a reminder not to include Xiao Yu in his plans as Xiao Yu's force and influence in the sect was limited unless he chose to join them. Aizen simply shrugged and took a seat on the wooden floor, facing the enchanting garden.

"Alright, take your time to familiarize yourselves with the surroundings. I have some matters to attend to elsewhere," Xiao Yu announced, bidding them farewell before departing. Meanwhile, Nomad, now relaxing by the pond, allowed Jidan and Yu Yan to explore outside his soul realm. This new residence would be their home, and Nomad wanted them to experience more than just cultivation within his realm. Yu Yan understood his intentions, while Jidan slumbered, clutching a Cyan Spiritual Stone.

"So, this is the Divine Feather Sect of the Draconic Ruins Realm," Yu Yan remarked, eliciting a smile from Nomad. Yu Yan's history was a complex tapestry, with fragments of her memories yet to resurface fully. Nomad assured her that when the time was right, she would remember her past.

"I shall depart as well," Aizen suddenly declared, rising from his seated position. Nomad nodded, extending his well-wishes. He knew Aizen had been eagerly anticipating the initiation of his plan, so he allowed him to follow his own path while he reveled in the scenic surroundings. After some time, a knock interrupted Nomad's slumber, rousing him from his rest.


As Aizen strolled toward his destination, his eyes couldn't help but wander, taking in the splendor of the Divine Feather Sect and the bustling activity of its inhabitants. Despite the beauty of the place, one couldn't deny the scarcity of resources for cultivating its students. Aizen intended to capitalize on this fact, using it as bait to entice followers into his camp.

Such thoughts brought a smile to Aizen's face as intricate plans swirled through his mind, a dance of complex strategies. His musings continued until he arrived at a massive gate before him. "Knock, knock," Aizen announced, prompting someone to open the gate and guide him into an opulent house. Inside, he was greeted by the cunning Hua Ling, wearing a sly smile. "Welcome to my humble abode, Aizen. I knew you would come," Hua Ling remarked, offering him a seat while instructing someone to prepare tea.

"Of course, young master Hua Ling. I couldn't resist your enticing offer," Aizen replied, and Hua Ling burst into laughter. Earlier, at the venue of the test, Hua Ling had sent a message for Aizen to visit his residence, not expecting it to bear fruit. But now, seeing the young man sitting before him with a smile, he couldn't help but laugh heartily at the prospect of not only securing such talent under his wing but also snatching one away from Xiao Yu.

"That foolish Xiao Yu fails to grasp the true meaning of talent. That's why, even at this juncture, he has yet to reach the Heavenly Fate Realm. He even abandoned someone like you!" Hua Ling began to rant, but Aizen maintained his smile, choosing to ignore the babbling. Instead, he observed his surroundings both within and outside the house, vigilant for any threats. Satisfied that it was secure, he discreetly struck Hua Ling with a concealed beating stick, aided by an illusion arranged by Shiro.

While Hua Ling continued to babble, he couldn't help but admire the young man in front of him. Aizen possessed not only the talent to defy the heavens but also the wisdom to choose his allies and listen to advice. This made Hua Ling view him favorably. "Tell me, young master Hua Ling, do you desire strength? Strength that commands respect rather than fear? I may have a proposition for you," Aizen suddenly spoke, causing Hua Ling to pause, urging him to speak privately.

If Hua Ling didn't trust Aizen, he might have suspected ulterior motives. However, since he did trust him, he promptly ordered everyone to leave, leaving his subordinates confused. They had been summoned in case Aizen intended to cause trouble. But since the young man was not even at the Heavenly Fate Realm, and harming others within the sect carried severe consequences, they followed their master's order and stood guard outside the room.

In that moment, Hua Ling's trust in Aizen transformed into reverence. He vowed his unwavering loyalty, and in response, Aizen provided him with resources to recruit others and strengthen himself. "I shall carry out your orders, Lord Aizen," Hua Ling proclaimed, bowing to the floor as Aizen departed the room. On that day, Hua Ling and his group actively recruited members, particularly the newly accepted students.

With Hua Ling and his subordinates now recruiting in the Western Institute, and two followers operating in the Southern Institute, Aizen set his sights on a larger, more dangerous prey. However, as he glanced at the setting sun, he decided to return home before nightfall, disappearing as mysteriously as he had arrived.


As night fell, Nomad invited Xiao Yu and Aizen to the garden for a dinner prepared by him. It was a puzzling sight, considering Nomad's laziness and lack of experience in the kitchen since his arrival. Yet, he managed to cook a feast so delicious that even Xiao Yu, who had dined at the finest restaurants in the Divine Feather Sect, couldn't help but marvel at the flavors.

"Hehehe, do you want to hire me as your personal cook?" Nomad teased, causing Xiao Yu to blush. Aizen, who observed the subtle tension between them, chose to ignore it, focusing instead on savoring the delectable food. Little did they know that Nomad hadn't actually cooked the meal or purchased the ingredients. He simply fed the ingredients into his blackhole and instantly conjured up the mouthwatering dishes. The herbs, spices, and animals all came from his soul realm which are brimming with Heavenly energy, made the food exceptionally delightful.

"By the way, I've already enrolled both of you in your respective classes. You can start attending tomorrow morning," Xiao Yu announced, enjoying his meal alongside Aizen. Nomad, on the other hand, devoured his food as if there were no tomorrow, even though he can eat such delicacies whenever he want. However, he couldn't resist experimenting with his newfound ability to cook using the blackhole.

As they relished the delicious food amidst the gentle night breeze, Xiao Yu couldn't help but share his story, eventually revealing the reason for his failure to reach the Heavenly Fate Realm. "The Myriad Dragoncall Technique? I believe my family discovered that technique in the Desert Palace," Nomad remarked, reciting the introduction of the technique. Xiao Yu's eyes widened in affirmation. "Do you possess the complete technique, Nomad?" he asked hopefully, causing Nomad to pause and adopt a serious expression.

Xiao Yu instantly regretted his question upon seeing Nomad's change of expression. The Myriad Dragoncall Technique was not something one could casually ask for; it was an heirloom passed down from his father, the Nether Lord, with strict instructions not to share it with anyone. Even though it was an incomplete technique, Xiao Yu had asked Nomad for it as if it were a trivial request. Now, he wished he could turn back time and hope that their relationship would remain unaffected.

But Nomad's thoughts were not focused on Xiao Yu's concerns. He contemplated whether he should involve him in the dangerous life they had chosen. While Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun, and Lingyun were already part of it by choice, Nomad pondered whether he should pull Xiao Yu into this perilous journey. With a serious expression, he began to reveal their mission to defeat the Sage Emperor and the truth behind everything, allowing Xiao Yu to decide for himself whether he wanted to embark on this dangerous path.

After hearing everything, Xiao Yu was taken aback. Nomad and Aizen had forsaken the safety of their home to battle such a formidable being with their lives. Without hesitation, Xiao Yu pledged his oath to assist them in their cause and defeat the Sage Emperor together.

Thus, Nomad shared not only the complete version of the Myriad Dragoncall Technique but also an improved variant tailored to Xiao Yu. "Now we just need to channel the stagnant Heavenly energy in your soul realm so you can finally reach the Heavenly Fate Realm," Nomad explained. Xiao Yu, brimming with excitement, eagerly asked how to achieve this, prompting Aizen to bid his farewell politely and retreat into his room before secretly entering in his soul realm to cultivate.

As they watched Aizen's retreating figure, Nomad smiled mischievously. "Just kidding! You don't need to undress. I'll perform acupuncture on your meridians," he clarified, causing Xiao Yu to pout with a reddened face.


This chapter will provide a brief introduction to cultivation ranks and their progression.

In the Tiny World, there are only five ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, and Legend. Each rank is further divided into five stars. Beyond these ranks, one can aspire to reach the Demigod and Spiritual God levels by mastering a Power of Law.

On the other hand, in the unrestricted Draconic Ruins Realm, cultivation begins at the Heavenly Fate Realm. This realm consists of nine stages, where practitioners can create a Fate Soul that acts as a second life, allowing revival at the cost of one Fate Soul.

Moving forward, the Heavenly Star Realm and Heavenly Axis Realm follow. Next comes the Dao of the Dragon, where all Fate Souls combine into one. After that, cultivators can aim for the Martial Ancestor rank, where the body and spirit merge into a unified state. Beyond the Martial Ancestor rank, there is the Deity rank, which no longer follows the nine-stage division. Lastly, there are the Emperor and Supreme ranks, achieved by exceptional beings like the World Creator.

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