

"How do you know if you have free will? You might believe that you are making all the decisions in your life, but how do you know if you are not programmed to think it that way? Maybe I am saying these words right now because I am predetermined to do so."

"Why would I care?", someone across the dining table replies to the question, "Anyway, did you guys watched the latest episode of…"

The boy that asked notices the impatience, so he decides to work on the question in his mind by himself.

"Why should anyone care? Well, what's the purpose of living anyway? The one and only thing I'm currently living for is joy. What makes me happy, I desire; what makes me unhappy, I prevent. 'Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. ', this is one of my favorite quotes from Plato. I desire joy, and learning about this world, every time when I know a little more about human, I smile and laugh. So why shouldn't I continue my search for knowledge?"

As further as he drifts away from reality, deep into his own mind palace, an invisible barrier slowly builds up between him and his "friends". For the rest of the day, he didn't speak a single word, no matter how hard people tried, he just stared at the floor, with a creepy smile on his face.

Hi readers, this is my first time ever writing a novel. I personally read a lot of light-novels and watch a lot of anime. For the past few years, due to the virus, I had a lot more time to spend at home enjoying many stories. Very often I find myself thinking that, “Wait, I can make that story even better.” And recently I'm trying to pick up another hobby than video games, so I decide to give writing a try. English is not my first language, so you might find many repeating words. Please let me know what should I do to make my story more enjoyable. Don't hesitate if you want to tell me to just give up. (It will be a handy reason if I decide to stop writing [wink~]) I would also like to see predictions on what will happen in the next chapter, that is if anyone ever reads the story and sees this message. Maybe I'll actually add it into the story, of course with your permission and credits.

About the story itself, I'm planning to write about a battle royale involving 10 players, who each has very distinct personalities and expertises. They will be competing in a modern city, where they will have to figure out who are the other players among the millions of NPC citizens. One established player is going to be the boy from the prologue. The boy has high self-awareness, always double think before actions, but lacks in physical strength and motivations. He is potentially the protagonist as well if I determine to not write a multi-protagonists story, or if my future self decides to not sacrifice this character for plot twists [evil smile].

Anyway, bless whoever read this message

TiviT out

(TiviT is my preferred username, there is a story behind that as well. If you want to know it, then encourage me to keep writing)

Otto_Duancreators' thoughts