
Playboy in otome Game world

There was a boy called Álvaro Morte. He was always crazy for girls. In his school life his nickname was ''the great seducer'' whenever he sees a girl he will definitely try to hit on her. You can call Him a Professional playboy. Everything was going well for until He Brought a Otome game called "la cité perdue de l'amour" The lost city of love (eg). After Playing that game He became obsessed with it , Like the game was saying to him 'Play more , don't leave ' The day's pass , one day while playing the game's last quest he Suddenly see's a light coming from the monitor and a see's a hand coming form it , he tried to move but His body Refused to move, The Hand reached to Him And Pulled him in to the monitor.... _______ "My Head -agh It hurts, wait WHERE i am????????"

SK_YUNJUN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Ch 14 : Getting ready for the big game




Louis and Daniel were standing on a cliff, looking down into the surroundings.

"What are your thoughts, Louis?" "Would be that possible?"

"It's not about the possibility, young master; it's about the opportunity."

"Look, Louis, I'm not in the mood to play some type of enigmatic game; just tell me what you want to say."

"Your goals are great, young master, but what are you attempting to achieve that is illegal?" If master Cedric or Kingdom discovers the truth, they will perform what God commands."

As soon as he heard Louis' comments, Daniel puts his palms to his chin and went into deep thought.

Daniel appears to have considered starting his own tiny group to protect himself and his family in this reality.

After lunch at midday, they left the castle and proceeded nearby to a village not far from the palace.

This gets us to the present time.

"I have a plan to run this organization legally, but it will take some time." Louis' eyes widened in surprise.

"H-how. "I'm sorry, I mean, how would you go about it?"

"How will we utilize the center guild as a shield?" it's simple. We shall establish our organization as a branch of the Guild in order to continue our operations lawfully. What are your thoughts on the matter?"

"Well, it's not a terrible strategy. In fact, it's a fantastic strategy. If we can accomplish this, we will be able to complete our assignments quickly. Master Cedric and the royal families of the kingdom will have nothing to say about it."

Daniel's face lit up as he fisted and pumped his hands in the air.

"How would you acquire the Guild's approval? I feel that is an almost difficult assignment. Why would they do this, after all? "What would they gain from this transaction?"

"Well, even for me, it's difficult to work, but it's not impossible in the capital." A guy named Ayazaki exists. He is the guild corporation's principal figurehead. He will be our guy, and what can the guild achieve by helping Us? It's as easy as that, Intel."

Louis remained silent and did not ask any additional inquiries.

"Oh, and the thing I wanted to show you..." Come over here."

Daniel then took his time. He made his way to a huge open area near a settlement, which was surrounded by trees on all sides.

"What is this young master?"

" I'm glad you asked. " It will be our base of operations."

Daniel's words were met with a nod from Louis. He became curious in the location and proceeded to inspect it.

He began to wonder about the surroundings and examined it.

After returning to Daniel's location after 5 minutes, he stated, "The site is extremely nice and no one will ever suspect that something is over here and the trees surrounding this place make it great for a covert."

"I know right, we can invite ladies here as well." As Daniel spoke, Droll could be heard pouring out of his lips.

The duo discussed this issue, then departed the area.


When we returned, a maid informed us that my father had returned from his trip and was waiting for me in his room.

I said Louis good night and made my way to my father's study area.

I knocked twice after reaching the door.

"Daniel, please come in."

I entered the room gently and bowed to my father, who was seated at the table with a book in his hand.

"You don't have to do that, son; simply come here and embrace your father."

Obeying his orders, I approached him and hugged him tightly.

"Welcome, son."

"Dad, welcome back."

He motioned me to sit on a chair in front of him after releasing me from his arm.

"So you've got a lot to say to me, don't you?" With a curious look, my father asked me a question.

"In fact, I was looking forward to speaking with you about certain issues I had concerning Ciestella."

He smiled and indicated for me to begin.

"It's about the mayor, your childhood pal. He's a very crooked individual."

My father's facial expression As soon as he heard this, everything changed.

"Why do you believe so?" he said solemnly.

"During my stay at the Ciestella, I was ambushed by assassins." His eyes widened as he began to examine my body, seeking for wounds with anxiety in his eyes.

"You don't need to be concerned, Father. Fortunately, Louis killed the assailants before they could even enter our mansion. " He sighed, seeming relieved, and returned to his seat.

"I'm assuming you're claiming the mayor did everything."

"Yes, I've confirmed with my own eyes—I mean, Louis has confirmed this from the assassin's."

He then rose to his feet. He walks over to a nearby shelf and pulls out a book, which he places in front of me.

"Please read this, Daniel." Wtf, I just told you your fucking pal tried to murder me. Instead of being outraged, you're handing me a fucking book to read.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I'm handing you this book...but first, accept it...there you have it... When you open the book, you'll see a round-shaped ball."

Following his instructions, I opened the book and discovered a circular item in the center.

I took it in my hand and asked Father, "What does it do?"

In response, he stated that it is a fortune stone that provides its owner with a vision of a future occurrence.

when I said, "Why are you handing me this valuable artifact?"

In response, he stated that if I am in any danger in the near future, it will make me aware of it. As the heir, I would be handed over It anyway, so he gave me early he stated.

[New Item acquired: Satrakon Stone]

[Using Mana verifier]

[Completed: User can safely use this]

I needed to examine this at night, I thought.

My father then told me to keep the event at Ciestella a secret and not to tell Mom about it, telling me that he would lock him up early the next morning.

First and foremost, he is terrified of his wife. Second, his deception is a terrible one. He attempted to murder your son, who will inherit this house that you adore. Instead, you're quoting a movie line: "I'll make sure he gets locked up." Oh, come on, you're not in a movie, this is real life. But he's not going to comprehend since he's an idiot.

I'm the only bright person in my family...now that I think about it, I'm not actually a son of this family. Maybe that's why I'm so bright.

"There's one more thing I wanted to tell you, Daniel." Because he was in agony, his tone became sorrowful.

Oh, this man's sadness is no laughing matter. I'm curious about what he wants to tell me.

I asked in a hesitant voice, "What's the matter?

The next thing that came out of his mouth seriously gave me a heart attack.

"You'll be leaving for the capital." Tomorrow morning, I know it sounds, sudden, but you have to go. Admission starts in 10 days, but you don't have to worry about it. I have used my connection to admit you to the school beforehand. You'll have to just pretend to be present there. Nothing else. I'm sure you are interested in the capital. Make that 10 days useful, okay? " He patted my head as he told me the shocking news.

Seriously, I'm not looking forward to visiting the capital, but I need to do some job there, so I'll have to go. Going 10 days ahead of time will undoubtedly make my job simpler.

"May I make a request, Dad?"

After that, the night passed peacefully as I slept soundly.


The morning light shone brightly in the blue sky, and birds sang a joyful tune.

I was sitting in the courtyard, beside a swimming pool that I had recently built with the help of this world's engineer.

Louis was standing on my left side, holding a towel, while Nancy was on my right, cooking sandwiches.

"Hello, Louis. When are we leaving?"

"I'm guessing we'll leave around four thirty."

"That's great. Then I'll go on a tour to Maid's station."

"You do not." Nancy looked at me from the right after hearing my comments.

By the way, she appears frightening when holding the knife and glaring at me.

To gratify her, I said "yeah yeah" with a theatrical expression.

As she returned to normal and began to make sandwiches, I asked her a sarcastic question: "Are you jealous that I'll take another maid with me?"Her face turned red as she fixated her gaze on me with annoyance.

She's adorably cute. I'd want to play with your cheeks.

"Young master, you shouldn't tease Nancy like this."

A footstep noise invaded our ears as we were speaking.

"Hello, Young Master Daniel," the individual said as he approached us and bowed to me on his knees.

"Please get up and clarify your objective," Louis urged the man by his side.

Hearing Louis, the man raised his head and replied, "Did I ask you?" in a contemptuous tone. ''No, I didn't, so don't say anything; I'll only lift my head at the instruction of a young master, not a butler."

Wow, look at that, this dude has a large ego.

Louis was about to say something, but I interrupted him.

"Raise your head and tell me your name," I urged the man as he straightened his posture and elevated his head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, young master. I'm James Charles, a trader, and the Astrophar Soldier commission's mercenary chief."

I see... It should be general knowledge by now that Astraphor House has a new heir. That has to be the case. These folks have come to currying favor with me. Let's play along for the time being and see what he has to say.

"So, Mr. James, could you explain to me the reason for your visit?"

"Of course.

" You see, Lord Cedric has designated me to monitor your safe journey to the capital." That's why, before we go, I wanted to see you in person and introduce myself to you."

The man's speech is quite mature, and the costly clothes he is wearing signals he is a highly strong pawn of my father.

It's not as if it mattered to me.

So, now that you've introduced yourself, you should go. Nah. Why are you behaving like a pig?

"'Wait, you're coming with me to guard me the whole way?'

"Yes, young master, I'll be in front with my 200 men, while your carriage will be in the center, and 30 carriages will follow you."

I didn't ask him that, but it's still useful.

"Thank you for informing me..." We're preparing sandwiches for the journey. Do you want to try some? " The man gave Nancy a brief glance before shifting his eyes to Louis, who was, er, pretty furious.

"I'm sorry, young master, but I have to decline you." He understands he's not welcome here, therefore he's smarter than I anticipated.

Then, lowering his head and accepting my approval, he walks away.

"Louis, you didn't know who this person was?"

"No, young master, I just know about the mansion employees. There is nothing else."

Oh well, he's a butler after all.

Nancy then finished creating sandwiches and began placing them in a basket. Taking a single slice, she placed it on a plate and invited me to eat it, which I gladly accepted. I could see Louis drooling from the side. After much deliberation, I shared half of my sandwiches with him, which caused me much pain.

"Let's get down to the swimming pool, guys, and Nancy, why aren't you wearing the bikini that I've gifted you?"

With her face becoming red, she said, "B-But that's so lewd to wear." Silly girl, that's why I've given that to you... to see you exposed...

"Young master, please cover the lewdness from your face. It's oozing out." I didn't realize my face would turn horny when I imagined Nancy in a bikini.

Nancy, on the other hand, with teary eyes, leaves us alone.

I mean you guys tell is it wrong to see your made into a bikini?

Well, that's how I spent my morning with Louis at the pool.


Everyone in the palace hall was rushing about.

The maids were carrying baggage to the carriages as the male Servants polished them.

The palace was in an emergency situation, and why wouldn't they be? This house heir was on his way to the capital to begin his academic career.

Grace Astraphor stood with a somber expression on her face in the midst of this, and his husband, Cedric, stood by him.

"Can't I accompany Daniel to the capital, Honey?"

"Dear darling, I can easily allow you to travel, but we have a regional competition in a few days and you have to be there as the Lord, so I'm truly unhappy that you couldn't go with Daniel." Hearing his husband's explanation, she sighed, grasped his hand, and looked him in the eyes.

''Okay, I'll go there, but you'll send me to the capital after that, okay?"

"I'll do it."

A male Servant approached the two at that moment.

"Lady Grace and Master Cedric. The young master is waiting in the front yard to board the carriage. He has asked you to come there."

nodding The pair began to stroll towards the yard, nodding to the Servent's words.


A line of carriages stood in the yard, while soldiers polished their weapons and cared for their horses.

Daniel stands in the center, with Louis and Nancy, with an amused expression on his face.

"Hey, Louis, do we really require this much security? Isn't it overkill?"

"It may appear so, but following the occurrence a year ago, master Cedric grew more concerned about the protection of his family members. That is why he refuses to let any Faults to protect the family."

It's true that the incident a year ago had a significant influence on Dad.

Nancy touched my shoulders while I was lost in thought and informed me that my parents were on their way.

"Welcome, Mom and Dad," I said as I walked towards them, bowing. I welcomed them.

Coming in front of me, my father hugged me tightly as he wept, expressing how proud he is of what I had accomplished, while my mother was sorrowful. She appears to be sad, so why isn't she saying anything? I walk warily towards mum after breaking free from my father's strong grasp.

"Please pray for me, Mom, so I return home safely the next time I visit."

Then, unexpectedly, she grabbed my right hand and yanked me towards her, placing her soft lips on my lips as she began kissing me.


What the hell happened, guy... What in the world are you doing, lady? Your spouse is nearby, and you're kissing your stepson. Come on, people.

I succeeded in getting away from her after much struggle, and I looked toward Dad to see his responses. What I observed was him chatting to a soldier person with complete ease. I mean, your wife just kissed me bitch, and you're not in any panic. You should be ashamed to identify as a male. Turning away from him, I began to look for Louis and Nancy, but they were not in their previous location.

"What happened to them?"

"Did you like mommy's kiss on you, son?"

"W-What are you talking about, Mom?" Aren't you embarrassed to kiss your son? It's freaking horrible."

As I yelled these things, her eyes, shook slightly.

But just for a few seconds before returning to her usual self.

"What exactly are you saying, honey? We always kiss our sons on the lips before they leave the house." She remarked, stating the obvious.

What repulsive customs this world has.

"Oh, you're shy? That's adorable. It's not every day that you flush with shyness." I'll kiss you again, Come here''

No shit.

My father yelled out to me at the moment, as my mother came to a halt and turned to face him.

"Daniel, son," everything is now ready. Please haste, Honey, and don't bother Daniel any longer. He's quite busy. " She walked away as she shouted at him, which he took with a smile.

He's absolutely strange.

"First, I'd want to explain something you'll have to follow in the capital. I know I've told you a lot, but this is different from anything else I've said, so pay close attention." He began when he noticed me nodding.

"First and foremost, when you arrive in the capital, the royal family may invite you to their residence; if this occurs, you must notify the minister who is my closest link in the capital." The second step is to go as far away from the royal faction kids as possible. Now for the most crucial thing... Your mother wants to accompany you to the capital.''

" W-what are you saying, dad? She can't come with me. It's—"

"Calm down, now. I appreciate your point of view, but you know how obstinate your mother is." There's nothing I can do about that, but I've stifled her by assigning her work that she must complete. That's all I've got, and please return safely."

Then, after hugging my father one last time and saying my goodbyes to my mother, which was difficult since she kissed me all over my face, I entered the vehicle while 30 carriages and 4000 troops trailed behind with the Astrophar crest embedded in their breast.

I have the impression that I am some type of monarch.

Well, what is this called in novel terms? .umm.. oh, right, the academy arc begins.