
Chapter 2

"So who do you think will perform the best in today's tests?" one of the VIPs present asked several others around him. Just like some other influential figures within the city including some military commanders, noble clan leaders, and even merchants, this man who made his living as a contractor was present to watch the results.

During the tests with the upperclassmen of the academy, influential figures would attend or send over representatives in order to recruit some of the students. Usually even if the students who were under the five great clans of the city took the top positions, there were still formidable commoners who attended the academy who would be recruited into numerous factions.

Though Maroon City was unable to attract some of the more dominant figures of the region, there were still plenty of VIP attendees who would try to recruit future experts under their wings. Maroon City still allowed these VIPs to do this even if it meant that they would potentially lose some future experts.

The reason was simple. If the noble clans did not allow these VIPs to try to recruit experts from the commoners who were taking part of these tests, it would make Maroon City's economy suffer over time which hurt them more than losing a handful of potential experts for their clans.

"Well, you have those three who hail from the five great clans in the city, but there are some commoners who have a bit of potential. I just hope that I could see that womanizer from the Sacred Flames clan I hear, that although his cultivation is lacking significantly, that even some older women want to seduce him." a representative of the Flying Spear clan responded to the man who asked.

In the city, the five great clans on the surface were extremely civil when dealing with one another, but there were two groups and the Flying Spear clan would usually come into conflict with the Sacred Flames clan regularly.

Knowing that the Sacred Flames clan had a student who was completely useless when it came to cultivation, the representative used this to his advantage to speak poorly of the Sacred Flames clan. In politics, it was fairly easy to smear others if done correctly.

"However, I also hear that the young miss from the Waterfall clan will be putting on quite a show for all of us. I just wish that one of our clansmen of the same generation could keep up with such a monster." a representative from the city guard told the group of individuals.

This city guard was one of the top cultivators who represented the city guards, but he was from a commoner clan, and thus, he understood that praising a student from the five great clans of the city would benefit him, especially when the Waterfall clan was the only clan of the five great clans who remained completely independent from the internal struggles of the other four.

"That is strange, it seems like that student from the Sacred Flames clan is absent?" a merchant cried out as those who were discussing the testing among themselves took a look at the training field. This was a shocking development, because there was absolutely no reason for this to be happening.

"I will say it one last time, Tommy of the Sacred Flames clan, please come forward to conduct this test!" one of the instructors called out in an enraged tone. There would almost never be any students who would ditch taking an important test like this in front of many of the city's top representatives!

Many of the students and the onlookers were all stunned that a student would be ignorant enough to miss this test, until many of the others understood what was happening and filled in the blanks for the rest.

"That youngster always decides to never take these tests even after his clan spent a lot of money and resources to try and bribe their way to allowing him to progress in the academy!" another representative said as he broke his wine glass.

"Is the Sacred Flames clan truly willing to waste all of our time in such a way? Who do they think we are, some ants with no real power behind us?" and just like this, it seemed as if the Sacred Flames had now made many enemies thanks to this individual referred to as Tommy.

-Nearby in the Sacred Flame clan's grounds-

"Oh Tommy, are you sure that it will be ok if you were to not take that academy test?" laying down in a secluded yet spacious room, a young woman was laying down in a bed right next to a young man. The young woman was seventeen years old, while the young man was only fourteen.

"Even if I were to miss a countless number of tests, I would do it just to spend a little more time with you. I just hope that you feel the same way about me?" the young man asked the young woman lying down next to him as he gently rubbed her shoulders.

"Tommy, you never do change, but I hope that one day you will actually take your cultivation more seriously. There is no telling how much longer that you can live this carefree lifestyle, especially with your clan always making excuses for you." the young woman said as she kissed Tommy on the cheek before snuggling her head against his chest.

"My clan you say?" locking eyes with the young woman now under him and extremely close, Tommy started to let out some chuckles before stealing another kiss from the young woman. "I am Tommy of the Sacred Flames clan, who would dare defy me?"

"If you say so." not wanting to argue with the young man who clearly had a mind of his own, the young woman decided to put on her clothes as she sat in front of the mirror in the room so that she could tidy herself up.

"Do you really think that I, Tommy would-" being cut off from finishing his sentence about how formidable and amazing he was, several older clansmen of Tommy's Sacred Flames clan barged into the room with angry faces.

"Tommy how could you skip the test! Do you realize how bad our Sacred Flames clan looked in front of so many influential individuals within the city?" one after another, the clansmen started reprimanding Tommy like he was a little child.

"You had better get dressed immediately! The patriarch demands that you are to swiftly head towards the academy's training grounds so that you could at least save our clan some face in front of so many experts!" another one of Tommy's clansmen called out before blushing at seeing the young woman sitting down still drenched in sweat.

"They are right, Tommy. If you do not head out right now, there may be some consequences that not even you could endure the impact of." the young woman called out to Tommy before smiling towards the clansmen who were clearly uncomfortable watching this scene unfold in front of them.

Tommy was always the playboy of the clan, but these individuals who were in the room were not the usual clansmen who would be scolding Tommy and escorting him elsewhere. Understanding that all of the so called rumors were actual facts, these individuals all started to blush while keeping their tough poker faces on.

"Fine I will go if uncle really feels that way. But I think we all know that I will not be performing very well at all. I hope that I will be compensated for at least keeping this level of dignity for the clan." Tommy reluctantly said as he got dressed in a clean and sparkling white robe with blue clouds on them.

This was Tommy's casual wear, yet the clouds represented his carefree attitude, while his shiny robe represented that he came from wealth and would most likely die with wealth as well. This was not something that any of the five great clans allowed their younger generation to do unless during a special occasion which was how many citizens of the city realized that Tommy was given special treatment.

In many cases, even the commoners would feel envious of Tommy and the luxurious life he was able to live. However, being so flashing all the time without any real care in the world, made even the commoners feel sorry for Tommy as well.

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