
Chapter 3 Lily

[It's... a long story I should start with my name I guess]. She saved my life so I decided to tell the entire story up until the part where I first left my pack. "I see most wolves would have just given up especcially living in the woods for half a week with that wound". [What can I say I just have something I need to do before I die and I'm not about to give up before I start]. "So what is this dream of yours"? [Don't laugh but its to find a Haven].

"Ahh, I see, well your welcome to stay here as long as you like I'm Lily by the way." [Really well thanks lily how much do I owe you for all this]? "It's fine theirs no need for payment". That was music to my ears. [I think I'll take you up on your offer for a while then until I feel better than]. "Wonderful". She gives a bright smile as she leaves me to my own time.

*It might be a good idea to take a look around here*. Deciding on my next action I stand up and make my way towards the cave entrance. A beautiful area was carved out from the middle of the woods. Wolves walked around generally talking to each other. There were even a bathing pond and a water hole. *I should take a look around*.

I begin walking around exploring around. I was getting strange stares though from the wolves I passed by. "Hey isn't that the wolf Lily brought in three days ago"? "Yeah, I think so he is kinda handsome for a beta though isnt he"? "Such a waste if you ask me". I was hearing strange comments and rumors about me but I decide to ignore them for now.

As I'm walking I feel a heavy impact from my side as I'm sent flying to the floor a few feet away. "HEY PUNK"! I had the breath knocked out of me but I look up to see two wolves towering over me. [What do you want with me]? "Oh, you think your tough shit for being able to spend time with our goddess Lily do you"?

I feel a rough scratch on my stomach. blood flowed from an open wound that was created by the bigger wolf's claw. [ARRGHGH]! Pain seared through me as I grabbed my stomach. I lenched my teeth trying to cope with it. "As I said stay away from our goddess". "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE"!? I could hear the familiar voice of Lily boom as the wolves suddenly ran away.

"Max are you alright"? She looked at me lying on my back bleeding quite a bit. [Yeah... I'll be fine]. I grit my teeth and pull myself up. "Hold up you're injured let me treat you". She chants a spell as she puts a paw lightly on my wound. The flesh regenerates at a rapid pace and I could feel my blood restore quickly.

*So this is the power of a mutated wolf I'm jealous*. Having been born with no mutations I've had to live my life in constant fear. However, since Shade became my friend many stopped picking on me. "I can tell your surprised". It was pretty obvious from my facial expression since I was stareing in disbelief.

[Ah sorry I know it's normal and all but not for somebody like me]. "Ahh, I see your one of the powerless aren't you". [Yeah I am]. "That just makes me respect you even more howw about we get dinner I'll pay. I smile, [Yeah that sounds great]. "AWESOME"!

We head to a local venison vendor where we get something to eat. We chat for a while it was very delightful as well. I got to know more about Lily too. She is the medic of this pack and is well respected too. She has saved many lives and is also seen as one of the more beautiful in the pack. *That's probably why those men were after me.

We walk back to the medic center. On our way, I get looks of murderous intent from all the male wolves and looks of pity from the females. I just let out a sigh and try to ignore it all. "Here let me bandage your stomach for you". She starts patching me up where the healing magic couldn't. [Thank you very much I don't know how I can ever repay this debt]. "Well, as long as you visit every once in a while I don't mind". She lets out a warm smile, it was like an angel smiling in the darkness.

I smiled as well but I still had that depressing aura around me. "By the way, you might need these". She grabbed a backpack and the knife I strapped to my arm in case of emergencies. [Thank you so much]. I grab them and start putting them on myself again. "So want to go stargazing together"?

I could remember all the times I star gazed with Shade. [I'd love that]. We head outside. On our way, I feel a heavy force on my side. I'm tackled straight to the ground by the same wolves that knocked me down earlier. "YOU BRAT WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT HANGING AROUND LILY"! Claws started digging into my neck I could feel pain but I've started getting used to it. It hurt but I already knew that feeling.

"HEY GET OFF HIM"! Lily screamed trying to get them off of me but the other barred her path. "Cmon you don't need this good for nothing we can give you a much better time". He starts licking his lips. "In fact why not give us a good time". The one on top of me started chuckling. "NO STOP THIS"! He pinned her to the ground.

Rage flared within me. Memories of my past friend flashed in my mind. [I WON'T LEAVE ANOTHER FRIEND DEAD]. I kick the one on top of me straight in the gut. He gets knocked off due to the force. [YOU BASTARD]! I tackle him straight off of her and we both go rolling on the dust.

"Ahh, I see you have some fight in you". [GRRR]! I growled at his cocky attitude. "Fine than Lug get him". The one who tackled me got back up and charged me. He swung his paw straight at my head. -SWING CHSSSS- Blood splattered everywhere including my face. "AURGHGH"! Lug screamed in pain as a knife was driven through his paw pinning it to the ground.

[YOU DESERVE THIS]! I was in a flown blown rage at this point however I had no killing intent. -BAM- I smash his head straight into the ground knocking him completely unconscious. "Looks like you have quite some skill for a powerless now. [It doesn't matter now leave or else]. "Your acting quite cocky well fine then... let's go". Large icicles with sharp edges pointed at me. He laughed at my shocked expression. However, I wasn't planning on losing that easily.