
my planet

i will invent a new galaxy and new planets in it.the galaxy called colors,it has bright colors and dark colors

My planet called the depression planet.it's color is black and has a silver lines

All people there have depression and once a year there is a big black cloud people call her the black cloud when this cloud comes the people there cry so much more than every day

This planet all people there are teenagers no parents

And there is a planet called the angry planet this planet full of parents all of peole there are no teenagers

they don't like the depression planet

They Occupy the depression planet

Notice:the depression planet was a happy planer but when the angry planet occpy it becomes the depression planet because the angry planet restricts their freedom

i know that the story is not so good and not in order but it is thr first time i write a story so please pardon me

Jana_Ahmed_3613creators' thoughts