

Chapter 25 Death

"Could it be that the Nancang Forest has a higher-level divine fruit and divine grass?"

Min Yan thought of high-energy plants that can turn ordinary humans and animals into warriors and beasts.

However, after so many years of research by Min Yan, ordinary spirit fruits, spirit grasses and spirit flowers are most effective for ordinary people and warriors in the blood energy state.

For warriors in the blood-moving and blood-coagulation realms, the heaven and earth vitality contained in the spirit fruit and spirit grass is not worth mentioning, and it is not as much as they have cultivated for a few days.

Therefore, high-level human warriors seldom eat spiritual fruits and grasses, and more often use them as the key to open the door of martial arts.

But now the appearance of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a beast, made Min Yan think of the spirit fruit and spirit grass.

Since the beast can break through to the blood-moving state, it means that the vitality of the world contained in it can also help human fighters in the blood-moving and coagulation state to break through!

Thinking of this, Min Yan immediately wanted to find the range of activities and nests of the Tyrannosaurus rex in the jungle, and find this higher-level spiritual plant.

But right now, all three of them were seriously injured, and their blood was exhausted.

In order to prevent the wild beasts in the jungle and possible fierce beasts from attacking, Min Yan had to return to the Li tribe first.

And ordered the people from the tribe and the surrounding tribes to go to the jungle to find the lair of the tyrannosaurus rex.

Moreover, the more people can find the lair faster.

After more than half a month of searching, Min Yan finally found the Tyrannosaurus Rex's lair in a remote place.

In a deep cave in the Nancang jungle, Min Yan and Lie Feng strode into it.

The area of ​​the cave is quite large, otherwise it would be difficult to accommodate a 30-meter-high Tyrannosaurus rex.

The top of the mountain was fifty or sixty meters high, and there were scattered rocks in the cave, and a slanting road spread into the darkness.

The three of Min Yan held torches in their hands and walked inward for more than half an hour. They could feel that their current place was already hundreds of meters underground.

Suddenly, a faint green light appeared in front of them, which lifted the spirits of Min Yan and the others.

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A moment later, an underground world full of stalactites appeared in Min Yan's sight.

Looking around, stalactites are endlessly covering the end of the line of sight, and a faint green light emanates from them, driving away all the darkness here.

"Heaven and earth vitality?" Min Yan's eyes were fixed, and his heart was shaken.

Min Yan, who is carrying the jade jade of martial arts, has an extremely high perception of the vitality of heaven and earth.

As soon as he stepped into this underground world, Min Yan immediately noticed that there were a few stalactites that contained rich vitality of heaven and earth and some kind of destructive and powerful energy!

At this time, Min Yan saw many stalactites covered with tooth marks, and they also exuded a faint vitality of heaven and earth.

Min Yan understood: "It seems that the tyrannosaurus rex beast entered the blood-moving realm only after devouring these strange stones."

Since the concentration of vitality in heaven and earth increased and the extraordinary era came, the high-energy plants and extraordinary biological trees on Tianyuan star increased greatly.

All kinds of plants and animals can be transformed into high-energy plants and supernatural beings.

The metals, minerals, and rocks buried in the ground can naturally combine with the vitality of heaven and earth to become spirit iron, spirit mines, and spirit stones!

Compared with animals and plants, dead objects such as ores and metals do not have the function of active 'breathing', and are more difficult to be infiltrated by the vitality of heaven and earth, and become treasures of heaven and earth.

Especially in a world like Tianyuanxing, where there is almost no magic environment and low concentration of extraordinary energy.

The difficulty is thousands of times higher!

It took tens of thousands of years for the stalactites to do this, and their own particularity contained special destructive energy.

Then, taking advantage of the chance that the concentration of heaven and earth vitality soared decades ago, it became a 'primordial stone'!

Lie Feng and Min Chong also saw the mystery.

"These stones will definitely allow me to go one step further and reach the master's level!"

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The two were ecstatic, and rushed over immediately, trying to remove the stalactites that contained the vitality of heaven and earth.

But Min Yan stopped their actions.

Min Yan said solemnly: "In addition to the vitality of heaven and earth, there are other energies in these stones."

Then Min Yan let the two of them carefully feel the difference between the vitality of the world inside the cave and the outside.

As warriors, the three of Min Yan need to transport and condense their blood energy, and they have a high degree of control over their bodies.

So they soon felt the other energies that Min Yan mentioned.

After being exposed to this energy, their skin felt a slight to extreme tingling sensation, as if they were being attacked and destroyed.

But it's not without a good side. Their blood is more active than usual, and they can be easily transported.

This also made it easier for Gaefeng and Minchong to absorb the vitality of the world and gather blood faster!

Not to mention that this stalactite already contains a strong vitality of heaven and earth, which can be absorbed by them!

After careful study, Min Yan, who understood the characteristics of these primordial stones, looked solemn and said:

"This kind of stone is less harmful to warriors, but it is more harmful to ordinary people."

"If you want to absorb the vitality of the world from these stones, you can! But you must not absorb it within the tribe!"


For this reason, Gaefeng and Minchong stayed in the cave to absorb Yuanshi's heaven and earth energy, preparing to become stronger.

And Min Yan returned to the Lie Tribe to continue his old age.

It's just that after the battle with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Min Yan had many hidden wounds on his body…

In the 125th year of the Extraordinary Era, the ninety-nine-year-old Wu Zu Minyan's blood was weakened to the bottom, and his life was not long.

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

Warriors from countless tribes within a radius of 3,000 miles went to the Lie tribe to pay their last respects to this Martial Ancestor who was the pioneer of bloody martial arts, the co-lord of the world, and the leader of the human race.

Before his death, Min Yan passed the treasure bestowed by the gods "Martial Dao Jade Bi" to Lie Feng, the patriarch of the Lie Tribe (who has reached the peak of the blood coagulation state and the power of ten tripods just like Min Chong).

And pass on the position of the co-lord of the world and the leader of the human race to him.

Since then, the world has also regarded the 'Martial Dao Jade Bi' as the symbol of the Tianyuan Continent, the co-lord of the world, and the treasure of inheritance!

Only every co-lord of the world can hold it! !

And when Min Yan passed away, Wen Dao turned his attention to the Tianyuan Realm and witnessed his death with his own eyes.

"You've made a great contribution to me, but unfortunately it's still the problem, there is no reincarnation in the Tianyuan world."

Wen Dao pondered for a moment, feeling that such a genius cannot just let his soul dissipate.

"It just so happens that the plan for the traverser is about to be implemented, so you should be the first person in the Tianyuan world to traverse to the ancestor star."

——It has been more than 20 years since Min Yan hunted the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it has only been a few hours since he was in Zu Xing. He heard that he had just selected a thousand candidates for time travel.

There are still more than four days until the birth of the first batch of traversers!

Originally, according to Wen Dao's prediction, the traversers of Tianyuan Star would not be born until later.

But Min Yan is the genius who helped Wen Dao create a cultivation system after all, and he has made great contributions.

I heard that he didn't want him to return to heaven and earth like this.

So give him a chance to go through rebirth.