
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

The Vision

Evil envisions a world, where the laws of man and reality as we know it today do not apply. Where the things we once knew as man wouldn't be in our eyes if we were to look at them in the future. The resources would run out. The animals are all dead. The land is silt and barren. Rivers are glowing green. Toxic gas covers the air. Nothing placed anywhere has no sense of being their to begin with.

A beautiful woman stands their statuesque. A hooded woman in rags is right next to her. She is filthy. But the statue is worse. For it is hollow. It has no smile but the one painted on it with red. A sacrificial dagger in its hand gleaming crimson. The hooded woman however is holding in her scabbed scarred hands a holy symbol gleaming like the sun. Yet the hooded one talks through the statue. The statue acting as some sort of vessel for the hooded one to communicate. But the statue herself doesn't care. It's lost all meaning and wholeness. It cares not what happens save what happens to her sister. It's just a tool. But the good sister doesn't use it. She refrains from doing all evil. A bird scrawny as it is cawing loudly, landing beneath the statues feet. Pecking at it affectionately. The statue stabs the crow with her sword of soulless ness. And crushes it with here feet. The statue impassive. The hooded goddess watches commands the statue to lift her foot. And so reverently and gently scoops up the bird. She digs a grave right next to all the other things foolish enough to go to the statue to begin with.Attracted by its beauty. This statue has an inner circle of people it truly cares about. There's only one person in it. All the others could waste away in the no mans land. For the wastes didn't scar the true goddess the people did. Still the goddess forgives them. The statue doesn't even care. It's only their to protect her sister from all threats, perceived, imagined or otherwise. And stupid enough to still be living in this world. They had their chance to turn things around they didn't take it. The threats in the statues eyes would do worse than kill her sister. The statue then looks to the sun, it's warped beyond belief in our eyes so much that we wouldn't recognize it as the sun. " I must go toward those who would torment my love and life and end them come sister, let us be off"

The statue hates all life. Like most things in the wastelands of Abel.

The Soldier was fighting the enemy. The enemy were rebels of a kingdom of good. His lover was missing. The Soldier cut down as many the enemy he could find. The kingdom was in ruins. The very earth crackled in flame. The skies resounded in thunder. Fire rained down from the sky. The buildings were houses of rubble. And in the center clearing of the kingdom. He found her. Her eyes were rubies. Her hair was Snow White. Her robe was white, with yellow filigree. He stops to a halt. In her hands she was holding a child. A human child. The woman is before a cliff hanging precariously before a fire below. Screams of pain emanate from the pit.

"Stop Mourne this isn't right, what are you doing with a human child"

"This child is evil, it doesn't deserve to exist it is a pale representation of our lord.All these creatures do is sin and reproduce, they flounder in the mud of pity. They spit spite of our lord everyday. And we the lords vassals must let them in to our country"

"Yet the lord demands ,he knows what's right, that these creatures are his treasured creations higher than us."

"The lord made a mistake"

The Soldier drops his weapon.

"Come my love let us go, put down the child. And the lord would forgive you"

The Soldier said pleading.

"This is my home, Angel. I am sad to see it being corrupted by these... humans"

With that she jumps off of the edge of the cliff into the fire below. The Soldier rushes to the cliff hoping to save her. She isn't there.

The Angel opens his eyes. His eyes, flames of white snow. His anger from waking up is a fury of the heavens. And his mouth spews out fiery ash. He then stops and regained control of himself. Or maybe the Lord himself regains his control. Soon enough He appears.

"It is time, my son, commander of my forces"

The Soldier says derisively, "that time already?"


With that the Soldier dons his armor. And picks up his swords. Barely containing his rage of god.

The man was running through a forest. A blur of trees is how fast he was going. In the distance there was a tower with weird shingles. It had a fish on it it's mouth agape. He passed it. But in the clearing up ahead a break of shadow. The sunlight and the ocean. And there before me was a female with light brown skin, red lipstick, a grey sweater which I suspected contained bits of metal at the sleeves, glassses and what He knew from the first moment he laid eyes on her a prison tattoo on her arm. She had grey eyes. But we're filled with fake warmth the moment he met her with his friend. That of a cold woman hardened by her time in prison.

"You can't escape me".

" I did my best" said Zachary.

" I told Chris Canstont that he should never marry or date a woman due to his upbringing."

"He did it anyways because he was in love it's not his fault,it be yours." Said Maria

"Tell me when your brother who you labored to get out of Saint Los Aslos penitentiary what would he do? Do the same thing he was doing but in a different area?"

"We didn't have money at the time to move not even then our family situation"

"You know I admire that you care about your brother, but blackmailing me by threatening to destroy what my mother wrought for Chris is- "

"Devious?" Said Mila

"As a Christian I do not know how to respond, you have 'friends' in the U.S government, the Mexican mafia and on the other side you have the law abiding government"

"If I sign the papers waiving my things to you, the government will catch me. And your brother may not be freed at all. Or even worse for me the government would have him kill me corrupt as it is."

"Another would be I don't sign the papers I get the ire of you, who would frame me with your blades on your wrists. That and your smart enough to play the system"

" I sign the papers I go to jail but will be attacked anyways"

" I don't sign I would displease god by condemning a possibly innocent woman from her brother"

" If I do sign, I break the law and be part of theft to a country"

"Only option I see is to sign and commit suicide"

"You implicated your whole church by asking to help me you know"

"I only told my reverend"

"Yeah then things went south"

"And I had to run, in shame"

"You screwed up if you did it or not you should have given your things"

"Yes I should have"

"You would have died either way"

"There would be no reward"

"No there wouldn't and shouldn't have to be, I've already called the authorities and news crews their on their way, your life is ruined."

Zachary, prideful rushes up and jumps right into the ocean. Rather than suffer the sting of defeat and a well deserved bankruptcy as well as a blow to his reputation. Even though there was no reputation to begin with. That more or less his unwillingness to realize he's not even an electron in the universe, or a speck of dust for that matter.

" A little more husband, a little more"Mila whispers to the mechanical drone watching. She remembered something she would have to deliver the package to a 'friend' in the US. Meanwhile the man's body gets swept out to sea into a beach made of trash. A trash island, a dumping place for garbage as well as a experimentation zone. Currently they are doing tests. It involves toxic waste and a ray machine. Along with plant matter.

As sundown happens in the swampy lands, mangroves looking forlorn. The birds are silent. The only thing buzzing are insects. Cicadas mostly. A waterfall is heard in the distance. It's noise creates a somewhat peaceful but eerie feeling. Underneath a tree beside a trail, there lies a figure clad in fancy silk. Red and green. Something an emperor would wear is how fancy it is. A paper lantern is leaning on his shoulder. It's green glow is nauseating, but at the same time strangely soothing. Fireflies seem to be attracted to it as they dance before it. In the distance their is the sound of screaming and yelling, then finally silence. The figure did nothing to help. Instead he gets up and walks deeper into the darkness leaving the lantern behind. And the lantern to gets up and walks on its own to join its master by hopping it's way toward the inky darkness. If you take a closer look those fireflies are actually little people with wings. Wearing beautiful glowing green silk dresses. As we take a closer look at the mans clothes they have a red star motif. An even more closer look when the light is quite a distance away the silk becomes rags. The figure which we now know is no man at all but a creature under the spell of illusion. A man who will lead his people on the physical realm to victory. No man must ever come here for it is the Spirit Realm and intruders are killed for having no permission to come here. But still their are no such limitations for spirits on the material plane.

A man is strapped to a dental chair. His eyes closed but behind his eyelids there is nothing but a blank stare. This man is naught but a zombie after countless drugs brought him back to cold life. A lady nurse enters, beautiful but with a twisted bent. She pulls out her syringe and sticks it into his neck. Soon war will begin and he needs to be ready. This woman is the succubus known as Lorelei. A demoness working for the Seven Deadly Sins.

Thousands of years ago there was a king who loved and was loved by all in the world of Falstaff, where everyone where's their tribal and personal masks denoting their heritage, their acts of bravery as well as who they are. But the king wanted more, sure the people were content but he wanted to be a shining beacon. A step above all the other kingdoms in the multiverse. So after many failures, his desperation led him to the evil spirits,who in their evil humor and for his ambition and pride for demanding in hubris, he was cast into molten iron in the heart of a magic volcano. Where he became the first of the metallic creatures. Due to the magic of the volcano his mind and spirit was just as twisted as his body. When his people refused to bow down to what was once their king he too turned them into metallic creations. The need for perfection was so great he attacked many other nations all over the multiverse. He and his entire army was eventually destroyed at sea in a now forgotten part of the multiverse. Another thousand years will pass before his flagship was discovered by divers in the ocean.

In a laboratory deep within a medical facility, a man is working on a cure for his cousin. By using mushrooms and other fungi Fenix Morrel, hopes to find a cure for an otherwise untreatable disease. Many of these mushrooms are magical. He's so absorbed in his studies he doesn't realize he was being watched the whole time by his director. The only time he noticed him was when the director snapped his fingers and then all. It was that point there was crashing and smashing as security guards barged in, taking notes and grabbing pieces of equipment.

"No! What are you doing can't you see I'm working on my wife to find a cure"

"Your funding has run out for this project, and your license was revoked you shouldn't be here anyways"

"Please I beg of you i need more time"

"You said that two weeks ago Fenix, it has to be shut off now!"

"But I'm almost at breakthrough,my wife-"

"Will be terminated"

"You monster"

And as the security guard picks up the mushrooms,Fenix tries to take it from him their is a struggle and a poison dust cloud appears. As the spores hit the floor. Forezen manages to dodge the spire blast but the guards and Fenix get the full brunt of it. And as he wheezes for life and finally crumbles to the floor. He looks at his cousin,Titania, in her stasis pod. He failed her. The director comes back into the room and tells the two guards remaining to drop him in the desert ravine. Everyone would think he died of heatstroke while searching for more specimens, after all it is Abel. Anything can happen.

The mountains cool breeze was unwelcome for Sakari as she would be even more colder getting into the cave. In The world known as Ikaru was pretty bad during winter. Right now it's nearing the starting edge of spring and that's when the cold is at its worst. Sakari was on a mission to revitalize the valley as well as her village. But to do that she needed help from the patron god who dwelled on top of the extinct volcano. Her mother was dead but so was her entire village. With their dying breath she was told to go to the mountain to restore the land to its natural beauty. And as she plumbed it's depths. Stalactites on the ceilings, mushrooms lining the walls. And vines with flowers. Flowers, or even fruit like berries or grapes. There was also plants that could kill you when consumed as well. Interested of where the vines lead Sakari followed them. Eventually into a giant room. And their standing before her was a creature. It had flower petals blooming like a mane around its serpentine head. A tail with a shining phlosfurous glow at the end. Root like tendrils some shaped like paws were either in the ground or in the air. Dancing to some unknown unearthly tune. It's body was that of a fiendish lizard but instead of scales it's bark from that of an oak tree. It smelled of rancid oil, the scent coming from a evil looking tree. Like that of a foul willow but alive. Looking around the room Sakari notices something, a katana, with silver leaf filigree and a pink hilt. And also a whip, in the appearance of a vine with thorns, it's handle woven of leaves as tough as iron. All laid on separate podiums. Looking around the room it looked like some kind of temple. Pillars in all four corners, an altar is in the middle of the room guarded by the plant dragon. On the altar is a withered tree. There were several faded murals of what are plants and what should be plants but aren't quite the plants Sakari remembers hearing about from the elders down at the village. In fact if the murals are even able to be seen it's because of the light coming out of a giant hole in the cavern ceiling. Almost like that of a mouth of a volcano. It's as if some strange force created this place not of nature but something that's one step ahead of it. Even the moon looks strange when seen in here. It's yellowish green, not pearly white. The dark clouds weren't their either when she entered the cavern. When Sakari's mother died by her sister,Sakari swore she'd bring her to justice. And save not only the village but the entire world from the predations of her sister. Her sister Buraiya was a brutal and cruel, yet beautiful and seductive. She along with her evil plant beings destroyed her village and killed their mother. Sakari could only guess why she acted now, it's probably because Mom paid more attention to her rather than Buraiya. Buraiya used to be nice, what happened ? Whatever the case this creature was sent by Buraiya, to guard this place. More as a distraction than anything else. Sakari dashes to pick up the sword and the whip narrowly dodging the bite of the plant dragon. With sword in hand and whip in the other she flays at the beast. But to no avail. The beast lashes at her and she jumps back. Sakari at that point noticed the pillars. So with all her might and her whip she pulls down all the pillars. The dragon is pinned from all the rubble, the tree, head and tail being the only thing protruding from the stone. And with a leap she chops down the tree of heartlessness. With a mighty roar of pain, the dragon stabs at her with its tail of spite, at which she chops it off. Then the dragon now in a rage tries to bite her with its head of malice,with which the swordswoman slices it in two. And as the dragon dies, the withered tree eventually becomes more livelier until it blossoms pink flowers in which it bursts into pink flame. An unearthly sound reverberates throughout the chasm. The sound is at first a rumbling, and as it gets lighter it becomes more of a light hearted chuckle. Then Sakari here's something,like that of a woman. It's voice is warm and childish.

"Thank you for cleansing this place of evil. Many have forgotten me, but your village never did. I am the warmth and comfort of earth, I am it's keeper and ruler. I am nature. And there will come a time when I call forth my champion, in the great conflict of the multiverse. Nature must continue in the next world. You are their to insure it. Though the world is frightening I will always be their for you, for you are my child. This task is arduous and to aid you I give you a silk kimono as strong as iron, your whip, your sword and a cloak of leaves that will hide you. I did not put you here and the other creatures on this earth to condemn them. Do not be angry at your sister for she is in need of healing, you are to show her that their is love for all including her. She need not be killed, for she turned to evil in a vain attempt to drown her insecurity and sorrow. Man throughout the multiverse are the same. You must temper their rage with love and mercy. Not anger and hate. When you find the center of the multiverse you will find your sister, make allies avoid making enemies. My time grows short and I exerted the last of my energy calling you here. I must pass on."

The fire burns out but not before the cloak and armor falls onto the ground.

And so as the once great nature spirit that protected this mighty valley vanishes from this earth a new one has taken its place. That of a defender of all that is good, relentless and merciful like that of nature. And as she looks to the skies she sees a staircase to a portal in the clouds and she goes toward it, step by step. To the unknown.

We now visit a dark and dreary home, it's gloomy but however warm. A child wrapped in bandages is seen sitting in a eating hall. The chairs are chipped and broken, the tables are dirty. Yet their is food on golden dishes on the table. Yet the child is not eating. He murmurs to himself as ghosts and ghouls try to comfort him.

"What did I do?"

"What is this your trying to do for me?"

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"How am I to respond to this?"

"I don't know his name all I know is that he came"

His every moment he is more erratic, for he is the child who Good condemned. He was the man who was most beautiful and powerful even on Earth. He is now a pitiful mess, and will be for the rest of eternity. He is the king of hell.

This is the path of the Aspect. An aspect is a facet of a god. It takes on a characteristic of that god and personifies it. It becomes a literal holy symbol of a god. It need never be aligned to the actual god itself. It is possible to have two or more aspects who oppose each other but worship the same being. As seen with Buraiya and Sakari. It's possible to see some aspects working together. The being known as Nature was the child of the four elements as well as ultimately Good and Evil. And any Aspect and the entity they worship could be construed to be related in some way to these two beings. Death was born of this union and was created to ferry the dead over to the three realms as a sort of holding area. In some cases people that are exceptional need not a deity to draw powers from, but would still be related in some way to the two opposing forces. Good and Evil are the spirit of Life. The two forces that keep the worlds running. They can never be separate. From Good and Evil came the planar four elements, law and chaos. And all the other planes in between. Falstaff the plane of masks , Arrown the plane of darkness, Ikaru the land of steel, Abel the plane of dust, Kain the plane of industry and civilization and Hiligree the plane of sound. Then their is Earth, the prime material plane.

But here Earth has become corrupted over the years, with the death the true belief of Jesus and Mohammed and all the other pariahs, martyrs, saints and gods of old. The world has been invaded and beset by forces not of this earth. The people have been enslaved mentally,spiritually,physically and every other way an extraterrestrial overlord can think. Every thought is controlled by drugs,subliminal messages and technology. People are literally brainwashed. For all it was utopia. No crime,no genuine love,no actual joy, just mindless behavior. The outsiders however were not inhibited. Their minds were clear. For the humans sent their soldiers to conquer them. Soldiers that the humans themselves knew nothing about, were so powerful, that in desperation the governments and kingdoms of old expelled them to the moon in hopes of finding a way to destroy them. Many of these "soldiers" were lost and mad. Literally and figuratively. They saw they had no future on earth, what was once seen as their home and taken for granted, the earth they thought they knew no longer wanted them. Beforehand, they were victims of familicide. Each were the sole survivors of their family. Many of them fiscally rich. Many of them loving. But instead as time progressed as transients, shut-ins and otherwise in hiding, in prison and all over the world, they begged for answers of direction from a being that wouldn't respond. Only their followers would. And even they grew tired of these queries for many areas were reserved and conservative and did not understand these new strangers. Many a priest no matter how much the monsters begged or demanded would give them an answer. These monsters were left adrift. But they could not die. The monsters and their predators have tried. Executioner chairs would break or even run out of power, their operators giving up. Chemicals would not work, poisons and diseases had no effect. Bullets bounced off. Steel weapons would break on their skin and clothes. Fire would not scorch them. They could not drown.Water would evaporate at their touch. Food would not satisfy as thoughts of ineptitude,anxiety, futility, desperation and hopelessness plagued them. They had no need to eat ,sleep or drink. The only thing that could kill them the humans found out after they jettisoned the mutants was the mutants themselves. They had enormous strength, cunning, intelligence, some could change shape, breathe fire and otherwise change reality, seemingly in a humans eyes. Only the few that were sane during the ordeal as the years passed were allowed to stay provided they send their lost brethren away and subject themselves to intense brainwashing and complete self subjugation to every human being on earth. These beings were considered saints. So the half sane mutants left for the moon. However they were discovered by alien explorers. The alien governments inquired earth for fellowship, the humans agreed. Many of the mad mutants were insulted and infuriated and outraged. How could the people of earth treat former earthlings ,ones who even were loyal people of their countries before their tragedies. To be seeing beings they never met to be accepted as if they lived their there whole lives. And that they belonged their. The mutants felt shut out. Some silently made peace with it. Others went on crusades against the aliens, invading home worlds. Some took flight to far corners of the galaxy to hide from the coming war. The alien home worlds were on the brink of annihilation, some caught completely by surprise by the attack from what they saw as their newfound friends. And the humans on earth begged and pleaded that those people attacking the planets were not theirs. Until the alien race known as Te-e came and ravaged the planets but some would argue not as powerfully as the earthling mutants. Such was the strength and fury the mutants were. Accounts of singular mutants many of them formerly religious ravaging entire continents would inspire hatred, fear, hopelessness and sadness but sometimes pride as they survived an onslaught with a godlike foe. Legends are told of such encounters. Heroes are made as the aliens discover new powers seemingly by divine intervention and villainous invaders are either killed, defeated or sometimes imprisoned. The Te-e however did not fair much better. And we're annihilated by both the aliens and the mutants. Those Te-e remaining saw so much shame and destruction that they renounced their warlike ways and begged for their peace and lives. They left their ravaged planet and went off to parts unknown. Those criminal and outcast mutants who survived the war were given the land as their prison and home. It became known as Abyssinia. Their in the harsh hot wasteland the verdict among the people of the universe was to make this ruined world there the lushest in the universe as punishment.The demons defied that order and instead the most powerful and generally seemingly pious established territories and exiled themselves. As they are strong enough to leave and destroy the naval blockade and star ports surrounding the planet but instead chose to stay, one day waiting for signs from their former homes' cultural legends of apocalypse the day when they will take their revenge. The demons are loners and generally a clan is lead by the most powerful of demons or the most wisest and usually the clan size would be less than 5000. That's not to say their isn't progeny or spawn as only former humans have the right to be demons. But colloquially the creatures created by the demons are also included in the name as well. As a demon has the ability to create beings. Albeit faulty ones. Most of them are seriously flawed however when a demon lord gets particularly inspired one day he can create a very powerful creature. The demon in charge is very rarely benevolent as their are very few of those and most are cryptic but direct in their help at best. But that is even rarer still. For the demons have convinced themselves they are demons by virtue of their power. It is only the sanest who think they are still human and not gods. But those are rare in any case. But they are the most powerful. For while the others succumbed to wallow in regret and self pity. The heroic mutants stand proud. Still stigma of their fallen brethren still remain. And very few feel sorry for them. Mutant or human or alien alike. Or even each other. So one mutant collaborated with the aliens for peace. He claimed to be Jesus come to help his people of earth in a time of trouble. He extended an olive branch and the aliens responded with agreement and wrath. The other mutants rallied to his side all claiming to be a god or messiah. The humans were allowed to keep their lives but at a cost. Their freedom. All is not well on earth for stories and sightings of strange human beings are common. Beings with powers. Fear and paranoia is rampant. But the so called puppet government by the aliens try to put a damper on it with psychological control. Relegating it somewhat to the mutants who live on earth. But deep down Jesus and all other gods dreams of their people being free. Free from fear. However the demons ultimately stand in their way. Ryan the Mist Lord. Alec the Fire Weaver. Jessica the Water Queen. Sen the Crocodile. Christopher the Giant King. Nathan the Lone Wolf. Benjamin the God of Spiteful Rage. Ronan the Elk. Still-Water the Thunder. Ryu the Dragon Lord. Mohammed the Unclean. Olive the Demon of Pain. Guru the Schemer. Caressa the Hungry Hound. Kenan the Torturer. Constantine the Corpulent And Blood Gorged. Kurt the Rat King. Beth the Unbreakable Horse. Rourke the Sanguine Bull. Cally the Marionette Mistress. Inquiry the Maiden of Steel. Earl the Fallen. Michael the Snake. And Robert the Spider. Only Bertha the Earth Embraced is the one demon lord who wishes to vanquish all the other lords and even herself for the cause of Earth. Some of the others make up a group called the Hands of Sin. Others have various ties to other demon lords. Or even people on other worlds. Or even planes of existences.

Thousands of years ago before there was man on Earth,far across the multiverse in the plane of Law a battle was being fought by metallic beings. Space jets flew through the air manned by robotic humanoids. They were attacking a giant ship. It was badly damaged as if breathing its last it uses up the last of its energy to open a gateway. On the other side is a planet. Earth.The ship hurtles toward it in a conflagration of fire.

The ship crashes into the primordial jungle below. Dinosaurs peek out of the foliage to watch it crash to the ground. Before it bathes the earth in dust that chokes out the sun. Creating a earth shattering shockwave and choking all life nearby it and eventually all the earth.

The ship remains, broken beyond repair. Slowly the survivors come out of the wreckage. Despite being destroyed there was many survivors. They start to make a base for shelter. They set up metal buildings gleaming like jewels using just their bare hands. They build golden roads using machines shining like gold in what we would consider at an impossible rate. Finally they set up defenses, airfields and turrets, weapon factories and automated tanks. All under the cover of dust. Finally they build what appears to be a gate in the center of the city and also a wall around the city.And from the center gate a portal opens and a wizened man comes steps out. He waves his hand to hand to the crowd building his gate. From behind him is a city much grander than this pale imitation he sees before him. He then decrees.

"We will create the first intelligent life and all other lesser life in this planet, Dark Lord must never exist. When the time comes you will serve these life but most importantly the first, the humans. I foresee that Dark One will trick,deceive and manipulate these life to spite me. Know this Dark Lord, love always wins."

With that he steps back into the gate and it closes, winking out of existence.

And with that the crowd cheers. And as they look to the sky see the attackers. And the defenders of earth won and the forces of chaos lost. And the forces of chaos became the first humans. And as time progressed as the old man willed. The humans forgot their grudge against the angels. And at that the angels left in their ships they rebuilt. Leaving no trace to their existence on earth save passing stories of their exploits past and future. And as time went on other forces came and went to change and shape the history of earth. But as time went on most things were largely forgotten. But Dark One never forgot and though defeated he and his wife, a demoness who had snakes for arms,blood that flowed from her head like hair, yet beautiful to behold. A seductress. The Dark One's appearance is ambiguous, nobody knows what he looks like. They swore to corrupt man and turn them into monsters. So that they may fight god and punish all creation. That they will rule all. And in their madness destroy it.

Their was once a period when the last of the demons left the earth. The humans were frightened of what happens next. Until God came and answered them. God gave visions to individuals to climb a certain mountain. Where a comet hit. And their they discovered by the grace of god, magic. The art of crafting magic weapons. From rocket launchers and rifles to axes and swords. Their was one catch, in order for the sword to be magic it must have a name, good or evil. That and it must be done in secret. It wasn't until the first blacksmith discovered by the blacksmith, that calls for answers on how to stop these apparent threats were being called. The Asian blacksmiths made the Seven Lucky Blades. The Christians made the seven virtuous blades. The Atheists made the seven deadly blades. The Muslims made the eight blades of worship. The Buddhists didn't craft any but were charged of safeguarding the weapons. The Jewish and Hindus as a whole refused to make any weapons. But made magical cars instead. The Africans and Europeans made elemental blades. Blades that correspond to all the known elements.The other various less noteworthy blacksmiths made various other weapons but most other known magic weapons were rare. A typical blacksmith made only weapon that was magical in his lifetime.

Meanwhile, somewhere deep in the aether that connect all lands together. A evil force wakes. The force was awakened by the ripples of reality, of worlds that have come into contact with each other. The weave of reality is falling apart ushering into the world an ancient evil, an evil bound by the very fabric of nature. This force seems to not be able to think but is almost like a force of nature but not apart of nature, at least as we know it.

Their a being stood on his throne, before him stood 3 groups of people. Their was a group of accusers, the prosecution. Their was a group of defenders, defending a young man. And then their was his family. The young man's father not worried. However his family is.

"Chris, you have been found guilty and wanting, I hereby bring you to earth as your punishment. Do you understand?"

To which the father shook his head yes to the son. And the son keeping his anger in check. Looks up at the being. And says.

"I understand"

"Good, I banish you from Heaven. You will not have a reward but a punishment..in time you will forget... until next time I call you. You will see my son on earth"

With that a flash of bright light and the young man was gone. And the next thing he heard was the sounds of gunfire.