
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Transformation

As the terrible creature's claws rend through the air. It turns into a sort of vice grip on Raynes skin. Riiip! Rayne couldn't believe it until she heard it. The creature tore her skin off into that of like cloth. She couldn't feel it either it was so fast. Not when she felt it afterward of attacking the creature with the scythe. In which the scythe cut through like water and rice paper. And water that is blood flowed forth bathing her scythe in oozing green ichor and slimy scarlet blood. Her body was baptized with it. And as the creatures howls echoed the room, only her piercing shriek was louder. It reverberated across the halls. And that is when she felt a mixture of pain and relief as the alchemical baptism worked through her body to the bone. Not noticing the creature anymore, as it hobbled off. She was in pain the ichor, searing her muscles but making it hard as iron. Her bones taking on a density like that of stone marble.

As she exhales and inhales each breath hurting every muscle and movement feeling like she was moving through hot glue. She looks down at where her skin was. The creature abandoned it when it fled to its lair. Wherever it was it didn't matter it's damaged and would require someone profane enough to tend to it. She grabbed her skin off the floor it smelled of a sick aroma of candy. Like the smell of cinnamon and ripe fruit. And as she donned her 'robes' she looked like a sight, a horror.

Next she looked at her scythe, it glowed an unholy green miasma. It smelled of rot and decay. Mixing with the smell of her skin robe it was ungodly. And as she next reached for the book. The book opened to a page not unlike the others she's seen. That of a specter hovering over a battlefield of corpses and wounded soldiers. A scythe in her left and the hand of a soldier reaching for her with the right. Littered nearby the wounded desperate soldiers were the ichor stained axe, spiked chain and a obsidian sword. "Find them, find the Writer, the Stitcher and the Binder."Rayne hears. That of a woman's voice but as if not in the room but inside the space of the room. A sort of otherworldly disembodied voice. A voice that was tantalizing as well as enigmatic yet forceful and authoritative. Like that of an strange old woman. And then as the words were spoken a loud sound like that of a sonic boom and a pop, Rayne was gone.

Down, down the tunnel she went seeing many things in what are tears of the tapestry of reality. And within the tears she saw. A man being burned at the stake on top of a sacred altar in the heart of a volcano. Beings of pure fire chanting. A flash of fire and the vision zoomed past.

A loud sound like that of fire and sparks igniting and there sitting before Rayn is a man playing with a violin on top of a massive amount of corpses some are burning on fire, demonic creatures are killing people and stacking bodies on the pile, if they have not been torn and shredded. The man gets up off the pile pulls out the bottle bites off the cork, takes a swill and throws the bottle behind him igniting the corpses. He turns to look in The direction of Rayne then pulls out a gun and shoots.

A loud crumble and then an zassh. And here we see an oceananic view schools of fish swim, coral reefs at the bottom, a leviathan like creature can be seen swimming in the background. But there's a figure it seems to swim toward. It's like a woman covered in seaweed and fish net.A robe that appears to be walrus hide is encased around her. She seems to be carrying a staff and a cutlass. As the sea monster goes toward her she points her staff at it and blinding light encompasses the entire ocean.

Another zassh, and there is a giant of a woman with her mighty warhammer mallet shakes the ground with every smash. In armor stylized in what we know as eastern culture .As she is fighting hordes of creatures with ofuda, paper talismans attached to their forehead. They come seemingly in many forms from imp like creatures, to giant ophidians, to even ghosts their unholy ghost fires blazing. With each swing of her warhammer she creates walls of earth. Smashing as many creatures as she can.

Another tear, and we see a jungle temple. And in the distance a statue of a bird with a crescent thick beaked scimitar. It's wings outstretched, presiding under a storm cloud of red rain dripping down the ruins and trees and into ditches straight to a crimson basin. A woman in a red stained priestess robes can be seen frolicking in the rain, the toucan seemingly watching her silently. She is covered in black soot, her eyes and lips red but her nose is yellow and her hair is green. The night is dark and the moon is blackish red. Cries of toucans can be heard.

A flash and it is gone, and there sitting in a dark wood floor room sits a Asian style shrine. Fox motifs can be seen gilded on all its corners. A man prostrates and bows before it. On straw mats. A cat o nine tails sits right next to him and from a distance they almost look like fox tails. Candles could be seen on the shrine itself illuminating the room. Slowly the warrior picks up the whip and in a flash of light transforms into a golden white fox demon with nine tails. It howls in a way that wolves and other lupine animals howl to signify they are their. Looking closely at the environment you see wall paintings of dinosaurs, demons, monsters and animals all carrying weapons either in their jaws or hands, tentacles or tails. All embroiled in battle with each other.

A flash and the scene vanishes replaced by a scene of wreckage and filth, darkness and squalor. Torches can be seen planted in the mire. It is raining and a thunderstorm lurks. A beautiful feminine figure can be seen hunched over the edge of the water its face covered with a bikers helmet. She turns to look at Rayne through the portal and sees her, the bikers face contorted and deformed to that of an raging, tormented insect. The insect creature looks to the sky and howls at the heavens. Then she distinegrates into a swarm of flies and flies out of view.

A crackle of thunder and the scenery changes to that of a countryside road. We see a man clad in gaunt spiked armor. Riding a fiendish horse. He carries a shield and quiver on his back and a wicked looking spiked flail on his left side. A longbow and an arrow in his hands. He has others with him in similar garb, they carry swords and spears. He spies a feminine figure leading a group of surly knaves, wielding a ball and chain. A dire flail. They size each other up and the knight releases his arrow and the warrior charges at the knight. The vision ends before the outcome.

A flash strikes like thunder as we now see a mountainous terrain. Our view is on a plateau and sitting on it there is a well muscled man clad in a loincloth meditating in a lotus position. Thunder could be heard in a distance, chimes can be heard as well as the ringing of bells. A destroyed monastery burned to rubble can be seen to the right on another mountain. The monk looks to the moon and roars. And as he roars a aura of menace and vengeance around him manifests as a creature coalesces from the sparks. It forms around him becoming one with the man. The man then leaps through the sky, off the plateau and out of view.

A flash and a bloodthirsty screech and we are in a realm of twilight. The moon is out but is glowing emerald green in color. Buildings and skyscrapers can be seen in the background, a city. The rooftops and streets seen are dirty though probably a slum. It has gothic architecture sort of like New York. A red convertible can be heard speeding through the detritus through the asphalt. Bullets of energy can be seen coming out of what appears to be a gun, held by a man with a fedora and a dirty coat. The person driving it is a woman wearing a bandanna, a wife beater, and capris. The energy coming out of the gun appears to be fire, like that of a fireball . And chasing it is a frost blue car, it's driver a man with a baclava and a noir hat, wearing pinstripes. The person sitting shotgun right next to him is wearing fancy clothes as well and is carrying a shotgun shooting bolts of ice at the red car in front of him. The man behind the shotgun is whispering and fumbling with something in his hand.Most of the bullets miss as the red car swerves right and left. The El Devil passengers had little luck shooting as a result. Then finally the back seat passenger from the blue throws what is a grenade in front of the red car. The red shooter has no chance of seeing it in time to stop it before the grenade creates an ice slick and causes the red car to crash into a building as it loses control and swerves. The Ice Vains slow to a stop as they hop out of the car pulling out frosty ice picks. The red mafia members are recovering from the crash. But then we notice something. What we saw as a stone gargoyle was actually what would be it if it was grey dark flesh and bone and sinew with glowing red eyes and a hog nose, a bat like creature. It swoops down and attacks the red gang. The blues are stunned for a moment but then shoot at the Monster with their ice machine guns and rifles. The gargoyle turns to them and attacks one of the blue demons. The red daemons flip the car and drive away. The blues demons then back to their car shooting all the while and drive off albeit one who is pinned by the monster to the wall. The life fading from his eyes as the creature's face is latched to the neck. In the distance of a side street we see what appears to be lupine creatures wrapped with scraps of cloth running past on all fours through the fight and going the other direction of either gang. Through the fork. They are being chased by black blurs the only thing you could see are streaks of red of where you'd think the eyes would be. The blue gang doesn't even pay attention and flee in the car in the opposite direction from whence they came. The gargoyle is still absorbed in his meal gnawing on gristle and sinew. The street lights being the only witnesses. The gargoyle then flies off away into the darkness. The body was left only the skeleton and a few strips of clothing and flesh is left.

Another rip in the fabric of space and time, shows a beautiful woman covered in bleeding scars. Her dress torn into scraps. Standing before her is a wicked flower, it's petals have eyes, it's razor sharp thorns, it's oozing slime and blood. And it's scent is like that of rotten flesh. Surrounding the girl and the giant flower are poisonous plants of all kinds, human victims strewn about. The air is thick with poison. The girl is coughing. The flower seems to be holding something in its roots almost as if it's tormenting her to grab it. And as the child finally uses up her remaining strength she grasps it, a long thorn covering in a thorny vine, a spear eternally steeped with poison. The flower next throws what is some kind of clothing, in which the flower slowly withers and rots. Before it dies, eventually the gas coalesce into a dimensional rip in which she goes through.

Another flash and this time it's noxious as she smells toxic fumes. This rip shows what appears to be a female figure in a cooking apron working on something dangerous, a gas mask shows it. The background is what appears to be an otherwise normal food wagon carriage. The outside window seems to show something like Paris.

A zassh and there in a Victorian horror a horseman with a cloak of green ghoulish flame with a carved squash for a head, black sword and obsidian armor and a flaming horse. It looks in the direction that Rayne is and charges. With Rayne screaming for what seems like ages.

A beam of light and there stands a skeletal figure flames washing over his body like waves. He writhes in a pit, wearing chains standing before him a giant monster. A beast of bull horns, fiery hot scales and a bears body. The being turns around to look and then it roars in fury.

"You as the Hand of Death, must search for the Binder, the Stitcher and the Writer. For only they can take you to the next multiverse. Fail and the balance between good and evil will be forever lost",says the voice.

And with that the last of the visions end and Rayne falls on the soft-hard ground as the portal up in the sky closes up like a zipper. Rayne got up and looked around to get her bearings. She was in what appears to be in a desert. But no desert she has seen, there's strangely formed rocks, a ravine with sharp stones jutting out and barnacles. As if the place was once an ocean and was drained till only the coral remained. In the distance however she does see what appears to be a walled settlement. One step at a time, she goes toward it.Scythe in hand.