
Read First.

Hey, how's it going? Welcome to my second fanfiction, this time based on the Percy Jackson universe by Rick Riordan.

Now, before you begin with the story, I'll give you a rundown of what you can expect out of this story, and answer some of the most commonly asked questions.

-> First: No harem whatsoever. There will be a handful of love interests, but I think the female lead will be easy to distinguish right from the first few chapters. I wouldn't say to expect the romance to be a slow burn, but at the same time... kinda. I can't say much because of major spoilers.

Also, for my insecure readers out there, there will be no NTR.

-> The main character is not a transmigrator or a reincarnator. Just an OC. I always find these stories more enjoyable to write, and it also takes away that cringe feeling from a self-insert.

-> No smut. I don't like to write stuff like that, and it would be criminal, seeing the main cast are all a bunch of teenagers. 

-> In some cases, the fights will be hyper-realistic; meaning there will be some gore (Mostly monster though, so less blood and more golden dust). I'll have a warning at the beginning of every chapter that contains a violent fight.

-> There's a tragedy tag. Expect some pretty sad moments. 

Also, if you have any suggestions or ideas, don't be shy and leave them in the comments. And if you spot any grammar error or plot hole, please point it out. It helps me improve my writing. 

Enjoy the story!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NyanTacreators' thoughts
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