
Chapter 2 a new world, or the old?

As I woke up it was a truly odd sensation. It felt like my room was swaying back and forth like the tide of the ocean. It was calming but the fact that I should be landlocked in my nice comfy house means that I should not be having these sensations.

As I open my eyes I finally notice that I am in fact, not in my bedroom or anywhere else that I recognize for that matter. 'What the actual fuck! Where am I!?' I yell in my own mind, not yet willing to speak out loud or else draw attention to myself.

Then the memories hit me like a freight train. Giving me the memories of this life, basically living on autopilot until the correct age was reached, while taking my perks into consideration as well. I feel it was a bit nerfed in what could have been but considering I am fairly well off and not destitute I will consider it a win.

The name I gave my ship when I received it was Fortuna, named for the Roman goddess of fortune. She was a Dutch fluyt, about 100 feet in length, while carrying 20 guns. It could easily function with a crew of 35 men and could hold 180 tonnes of cargo.

The only other relevant information that I can find after the memory upload is that I have one year until canon begins and the black pearl attacks Port Royal but that info more came from the CYOA sheet I filled out. ...sigh I am so fucked. Should have probably been a pirate or joined the navy but it is to late to change things now and I did choose some good perks at least. I am very much glad I chose seriously instead of just picking whatever.

After a good few minutes to get all the information running through my skull in order I took stock of myself physically. I look similar to my past self though also different. I have fairly long black hair pulled back in a short ponytail, I was about 6'1" tall, not overly muscular but still well built to move fast. Blue eyes and a decently tanned figure.

My first order of battle will most likely be to find the treasure from the map I bought with my points. May as well get that over with. Shouldn't be overly difficult with my magic compass.

Huh weird, I guess I came to port Royal as a kid on the same ship as the Elizabeth Swann and her father, though I am a few years older than her. We seem to be fairly close. For some reason I was made ward to governor swann as a kid so he basically raised me. Also my name is this world is the same as in my last, Alexander Duvall.

Huh not a bad background but now I will feel like a jackass if I don't help protect her since I definitely FEEL like she is a old friend or something... thanks ROB, you asshole!

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