
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 312

"What is it?"

Luffy tilted his head dumbly and looked to this side.

Lin Bei hurriedly threw the doll aside and shouted at Luffy

, "Don't look at it indiscriminately,


Luffy suddenly puffed out

, "I'm already 18!"

"So, do you really understand what I just took?"

Lin Bei asked helplessly

, "Hmm… Is it something like a doll?


Lin Bei shook his head, sure enough

, "I know you don't understand."

Luffy was suddenly upset

, "Then what is this!"

Lin Bei casually pointed to Shanzhi

, "That's what it really looks like to really understand what it is."

Luffy followed Lin Bei's finger to look at Sanji, and suddenly saw Sanji, who was still swallowing saliva and moving.

Of course, in addition to him, Brooke was also very moved, just looked down and sighed.


He can only talk for a moment now.

Luffy asked Sanji

very cutely, "What is that?"

Isn't it a toy?

Sanji swallowed again, his gaze never retracting from the doll that Lin Bei threw away.

"It's so realistic…" "

Hey Yamaji!"

"Huh? What's wrong?

Luffy asked

loudly, "What the hell is that, is it a toy?"

Yamaji then lit a cigarette and calmed his mood:

"If nothing else, look at the appearance and look at the degree of realism, it should be a toy that belongs to adults."

Luffy suddenly clapped his hands and looked at Lin Bei

happily, "Look, Sanji also said that it was a toy!"

Lin Bei didn't speak, just looked at Luffy with a pitiful look.

Robin, the big sister, didn't know when she walked to Luffy's side, gently stroked Luffy's head, hugged him and whispered

, "It's okay, you'll understand when you grow up."

Luffy: ???

Sanji didn't care about Luffy's inner doubts at this time, he couldn't wait to run to Lin Bei's side, rubbing his hands, with a wanting but slightly shy expression.

Nami suddenly looked at Yamaji with a disdainful gaze, and Yamaji noticed, but Yamaji, who had been very attentive to the lady on the ship in the past, ignored Nami's expression this time.

He can't blame his knighthood for a brief lapse here, although he also enjoys serving the beautiful ladies, but there is a very practical problem!

In front of you is a big toy that can be seen through at any time!

As a pirate, floating on the sea for ten days and a half is just the beginning.

At this time, pirates will feel that their eyebrows are clear when they look at the sow, not to mention the top matching real silicone big toys.

Of course, there are beautiful women in the Straw Hats, so this statement is not so appropriate.

It should be said that floating for ten days and a half month, as long as the other party promises that you can penetrate, as long as it is not of the same sex, even if it is fifty or sixty, Sanji will only have to get on the boat.

So at this time, Sanji only asked Lin Bei,

"Is it realistic?"

Lin Bei's expression at this time is also quite strange, realistic is very realistic, but how to say.

The space is replaced, and it is not factory direct, who knows if this thing has been used!

"Well, it should be true, but I'm sorry that Sanji can't stay with this thing.

My superpowers today may not be exchanged for something completely new, what if this thing is also worn by many people like the armor that was exchanged?

Yamaji waved his hand

, "I don't care!"

The ladies suddenly made such a sound in unison

, "Huh~~~"

Oh yes, although Qioba does not know why, he also made such a sound

together, and it looks quite cute.

Yamaji didn't care about this, and grabbed Lin Bei's shoulder,

"Do you know how it feels for a strong young guy to stay on a ship for months and not be released?"

You don't know!

Lin Bei looked at the approaching Yamaji, leaned back tactically, and scratched his chin.

"Am I too?"

At the mention of Lin Bei, Yamaji suddenly exploded

, "You have a white star!!

"So, Solon?"

Yamaji blew

up again, "He has Miss Fumiko!!

Lin Bei looked at the few people left.

Choba, whether the orientation is a deer or a person, it is difficult to say now.

Usopp, he has a girlfriend waiting for him at home.

Well, speaking of Usopp, I wonder if he will reward himself himself.

If it will, then with the strength of the big brother in the right arm, it will be broken….

Brooke, nonsense.

French, pervert.

Luffy, I don't understand anything.

Boss Jinping, well….

So old, and a fish man.

In this way, the outbreak of Yamaji is indeed excusable.

Or, wash it for him?

After all, Lin Bei still owes him an anthropomorphic beauty.

While Lin Bei was thinking about it, Robin had already used the ability of flowers and fruits to conjure up a few arms on the deck, and with the way of volleyball striking, he flew out the silicone big toy.

Yamaji suddenly knelt on the ground and raised the sky and roared

, "No, !!"

Lin Bei took a step back, leaving the space to Sanji.

At this time, there should be a cut of cold plum BGM….

But don't say, Lin Bei is still addicted to playing, today's superpowers don't say those brain-opening words, in terms of playability, it is more fun than all the superpowers that Lin Bei had before!

This is simply a super-dimensional gacha machine!

As long as you throw something in casually, you can get things from other worlds.

Think of the big silicone toy just now, it looks like a modern thing, and the workmanship is very good.

If it weren't for the risk, Lin Bei wanted to replace himself in the past, and then see if he could return to Earth to find the Shabi who drove him to death and hammer him!


Lin Bei took a long breath, not wanting those unhappy things, after all, Seon lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing.

You can't come here without being created and dying.

"Hey, do you still want to play?"

Without waiting for the rest of the people to answer, Sanji came up as soon as possible!

Lin Bei swore that this guy's speed just now definitely broke his speed record.

"Play! As long as you can change that one, you can do anything! Saying

that, Sanji also hugged Lin Bei's thigh.

Lin Bei pushed away Sanji's head

in disgust, "I'll help you change, let go of me."

Sanji wiped his tears, quickly stood up and asked,

"As long as it's useless, right?"

"Eh, whatever you want, useful things can also be, as long as you don't feel distressed."

Yamaji waved his hand

, "Don't feel distressed, come, just him."

Saying that, Sanji jumped up to Luffy and lifted him up by the collar

, "Useless thing, right?"

Luffy was furious

, "I'm a captain!"

Shouting, Luffy also looked at the others, only to find that everyone looked like they had been pondering for a moment, and then nodded.

It's like saying:

yes, it's useless, throw it.

Luffy: ???

The question mark that popped up on my head today is inevitably a little too excessive, hey!