
Chapter 1: Why? Just.. why?

"Why? Just.. why?" A janitor said.

Haruto, the janitor who was never but a letdown walked through the hallway with countless insults coming at him. Getting insulted every day didn't make his mental stronger but instead more anxious & weak.

He had nothing anymore. Nobody to love, to lean on. He was abandoned by everyone he once loved. And at this point, he had nothing on his mind. It was just a void floating around..

"If you don't study you'll become like a disgusting janitor! I'd rather suicide than being a lowlife janitor" upon hearing that he got attracted to the word 'suicide' and thought that it'd be peaceful after death.

Haruto had everything ready to hang himself and say goodbye to no one. "It's all good after death right?" he cried asking himself countless times. And finally, he did it, but a shining light which made the sun look like a tiny pony brightened upon Haruto.

"What! What is this... Is this heaven.?" Haruto was mindblown by the gorgeous hall and the beautiful lady standing in front of him.

"Welcome to the Hall of Reincarnation, Dwarve." The lady said.

"Wait Dwarve..?" Haruto was confused so he swiftly looked around and saw a tiny looking guy in the mirror.

"Hey.. That's not me is it..?"

This is my first work so feel free to judge it!! ^^

veraacreators' thoughts