
The Worst

Ever since he was enrolled in The Windsor Academy by his parents after years of home-schooling, Danny has never had an easy time. At first, due to his wealthy family and good looks, people were kind to him. Girls and guys alike would flock to him, curious about his situation. His timidness was his greatest enemy, and most people got bored of him quickly. Their preconceptions of theirs stayed with them and expected Danny to be one of those quiet geniuses.

Teachers said it was normal that during the transition between home-schooling and the Academy that Danny's grades could suffer. However, no one expected a large 0 in his first round of quizzes. Perhaps some people still believed that this wealthy, good-looking kid was just struggling to fit-in, but most people saw him for what he truly was, trash.

He was bad at school, bad with girls, bad with social interactions, some people even gossip that he can't even tie his own shoelaces.

Danny was alone. His parents didn't care for his grades or him. He didn't get scolded by them. He barely talked to anyone at home, either. His parents were always abroad for work. The only person that he communicated with was Larry, his butler. Even then, Larry was only doing his job and answered ultimately to his parents. He couldn't be considered Danny's friend.

The school ignores him. As if they've all gone to a meeting and unanimously agreed to ignore Daniel Velantis. Bullies, teachers, girls, and staff alike pay no attention to his presence. He's even gone hungry some days in the cafeteria when the lunch-ladies didn't notice he was lined up for food.

Danny has never been one to confront people. Homeschooled until three months ago, he never really got to interact with anyone but his parents and his butler. He doesn't really know why his parents sent him to this prestigious Academy when they knew about his academic shortcomings. Money could surely buy his place into the Academy, however, it cannot guarantee his continued stay. At the rate that Danny progressing, his stay would surely come to an end after this year, or maybe sooner.

Winter was cold in his house. Perhaps it was because the castle's heating and insulation had long ago needed an upgrade. Or perhaps it was the loneliness that Danny was feeling seeping into his physical state. What used to be a bright boy with shining locks of blonde, had turned into a gloomy, pale excuse of a teenager. His sunken eyes revealed a tiredness that seemed to never go away. Larry frequently beseeched his master to get more sleep. Danny didn't have the energy to scoff at Larry's remark, but instead pulled his blankets over his face and sobbed into his pillow.

Danny woke up on Christmas morning tired. He had cried himself to sleep again last night. His face still salty from the dried tears. He may not be academically smart, but the way he felt emotions were far deeper than most. He should be used to the isolation by now after years of solitude and neglect, but he certainly still hasn't acquired mastery of his emotions. Instead, it seems that his sadness only increases each day. A wound that is constantly fresh and refuses to callous.

As a kid, he used to think that he was blessed. The love that he felt was unbounded, his happiness genuine, lasting. But recently, he curses himself for being weak. For being a slave to his emotions. The world has no use for people like him, or so he thought. That's why he cried.

Not because people didn't like him and ignored. Or for his parents giving up on him. Or for Larry being Larry. Rather, it was at his own uselessness. His existence disgusted him, and he could do nothing to change it.

School holidays lasted for two more weeks, and Danny did nothing but go to the manor's library. There, he felt a little freer. A little more alive. A collection of books that even the Academy's elite librarians would drool at. It was Danny's escape. He read.

He read fantasy, non-fiction, biographies, anything and everything that was in the Velantis Library. It had been six years that he had started his first book in the library, and soon, he'd finish his last book. He had decided to finish this last book before the new year, and start all over again from the beginning. It was the only thing that kept him alive.

He has been holding on to this last attachment to life as strongly as possible because he knows that if he does let go, nothing will keep him from leaving and never coming back.

And so, on Christmas Day, Danny Velantis is about to have his life turned upside down.

Welcome! Join me on the ride of Danny Velantis!

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