
What Sorcery?!

What Sorcery?!

"Hello guys" He said with an amiable smile in his face.

"Uhm.. Hi" One who seemed to be the leader of the group tried to stop his mind that was reeling in awe and utter astonishment to greet Alex.

"I believe one of your colleague is bleeding away to his death. You guys should stop staring and go help him." Max said to the people who were still looking at him with astonished gazes in their eyes.

As soon as Max said these, the people before him came out of their astonished states while two boys quickly left the group that they were in and hurried towards where the boy whose leg was ripped away from the thigh region to help stop the profuse bleeding.

After the two boys left the group, Max looked at the rest of the people in the group with a curious gaze in his eyes.

He then asked "What did you guys come to do here that you came across such a mighty beast?"

"Well, we were sent from our sect to this place for training." That person answered Alex.

"Sect?" Max asked with one of his brows arched.

"You don't know what a sect is?" The person questioned with surprise in his tone.

"Well, I know sect as a group adhering to a distinctive doctrine or to a leader" Max answered.

"Yea. You are right about that. In our sect, we follow a particular doctrine. And that doctrine is to become One with the Sword and the World, and then reign supreme by using our Oneness Sword Qi to rent apart the skies and then the heavens."

"Nothing can stop or bar us in our path as godly swordsmen." That person answered while Max broke into laughter.

"I am sorry folks. I just feel that you are all fooling yourselves."

"Reign supreme and rent apart the sky and Heaven? Heaven where God resides in? Haha! In your dreams, bro."

"To be honest, the teaching of your sect is terrible. I will advice you guys to leave there and find another sect with more realistic teachings. Haha." Max said and laughed.

"How dare you insult the teaching of our venerable master, Master Hu Chang?" Another suddenly asked with wrath in his tone.

"Hey bro. No need to be so vexed up. I was only stating my opinion. And if you are vexed up and can't wait to rain punches at me, you can come right at me." Max said fearlessly.

Then he said further with indifference in his voice "Anyways, I didn't mean to offend you if you are feeling that way at the moment. It wasn't my intention to do so."

"I only found it totally hilarious when this guy said that the teaching of your sect is for one to become one with the sword and the world, and then use the godly powers obtained from blending spiritually with the sword to split the sky and slash apart heaven. How can you even get there in the first place? Sounds like bullshit to me, to be sincere"

"Well, we don't worship any god in this place. The only people that we see as gods are people who got to the last stage of cultivation. Those are true gods who hold infinite power. And these were once mortals who learnt how to cultivate and then stepped on the corpses of their enemies in their cultivation journey to reach that ultimate stage of cultivation where they can now defy death and live much more longer than one can imagine." Another replied.

"Hmm. Well, from where I am from, we worship many kinds of gods. And these are gods that are worshipped reverently since they are believed to hold shocking and terrifying powers to do and undo. The power of life and death and many other forms of power are in the palm of their hands. Those, in my opinion, are gods. Not some enlightened and graceful human that possesses vast profound knowledge lying to you people and forcing you guys to think that he or she is a god. Haha!" Max said and grinned.

Then he continued with a mocking tone in his voice "So, has anybody gotten to that stage where they will hold boundless power? To become gods that hold shocking immeasurable powers to shake the sky, seas and oceans of your world?"

"Well, yes. But not very many as they might not number up to thirty in in the trillions of people inhabiting our world."

"The thing is, so many cultivators die along the way in their cultivation journey to be the strongest. Only the exceptional ones that are born with god-given talents or peerless-grade veins will be able to reach that stage. Or someone that accidentally stumbles unto a great fortune or luckily discovers the legacy of a powerful cultivator that once shook the entire world before he or she died" The person answered.

Max smirked.

"Well, that's nice. So, are you guys cultivators too?" He asked.

"Yes. We are cultivators. Cultivators of the Sword" Another answered.

"Cultivators of the sword? How do you mean by that?" Max asked.

"People who practice Sword cultivation are called Cultivators of the Sword. So as sword cultivators, we try to gain profound comprehension into the ways of the sword to the Godhood stage where we can now be said to have reach immortality. We gain the power to live eternally, and at same time, acquire terrific powers to be able to split the vast seas and seemingly boundless oceans with only a single slash of our sword." A boy in the group answered.

"Hmm. So that is what cultivation is about in your world. It sounds cool. I like it."

"Well, from where I am from, cultivation is simply improvement of land for or by agriculture. My dad apart from being a scientist and an unparalleled inventor, has a large fertile land that he cultivates. So, we can be said to be agricultural cultivators. Haha" Max said and chortled.

The boys and girls in the group looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Who is this guy?

Where exactly in their universe is he from?

"Okay. But that is different from the cultivation that we practice here. See ours as advancement or refinement in both physical and spiritual condition."

"So, with what I mentioned earlier, we are basically advancing from being mortals to immortals who will hold immense and infinite power to be able to control the world and live indefinitely. That is simply what cultivation is about in here." That person replied.

"Okay!" Max nodded his head in a light of comprehension.

He was beginning to understand a few things about the world that he was brought into.

Then when he recalled those people referred to as 'Gods' that these people spoke about, his heart shook in dread.

But he still found it a bit hard to believe that people who were once mortals could cultivate to become Gods.

How did they really do that?

Even he who was the first human-vampire hybrid in his world can only hope to become a god using exceedingly durable and powerful, extremely costly, hyper-technological biomechanical implants.

'Do those guys eat some abominable magical things or consume some powerful spiritual elixirs to advance themselves to that really fearsome level?' He asked with furrowed brows inwardly.

No matter how hard he thought about it, it just sounds like a totally impossible feat to him, and that this people before him were being brainwashed by their Sect Master who fed them with lies. He simply felt that they were living in a world that wasn't true.

Then he proceeded to ask them a question that had surfaced in his mind.

"So, how do you guys exactly cultivate to reach that cosmically powerful level?" He asked and listened to know how they will go about it.

"Well, there is a certain energy called Qi. This Qi can be found in all living and non-living things. It is what keeps all creatures existing. And when these creatures eventually die, the Qi that they had stored in them since they were alive will return to the bank of Qi in the universe." A girl in the group spoke this time.

"Okay. And how do I sense this Qi?" Max asked with burning curiosity. He simply wanted to understand how they will do that.

"Well, you have to meditate about it and then try your best to comprehend what Qi is about. You have to understand it profoundness to be able to utilize Qi. Or one won't be able to harness this energy for one's usage." The girl replied.

"Hmm. That sounds cool." Max said.

Then he asked further "Are there many types of Qi? Because you mentioned earlier that you guys cultivate Sword Qi."

"Yes. There are many types of Qi. We have Sword Qi, Blade Qi, Fire Qi, Ice and Frost Qi, Wood Qi, Metal Qi, Earth Qi and so on. They are just so many types to mention."

"Then the Qi of those God-level cultivation experts transforms into Primordial Qi. So as an example, if an expert cultivate Fire Qi, when he or she eventually reaches that Godhood stage, the Fire Qi becomes Primordial Fire Qi."

"Then we can now refer to those cultivators whose Qi have transformed to primordial Qi as simply Primordial Cultivators."

"However, these deity-like cultivators have other titles. They can also be called Absolute Primordial Overlord Or Primal Venerable World Emperor." A boy who was in the group detailedly explained.

"Hmm. That's some really hard-core knowledge that you guys possess. Here, take this!" Max said and began to actually clap for them.

But from the way that he clapped and from the expression in his face, one will have a definite feeling that he was mocking the people before him.

When he stopped clapping a moment later, he immediately said "Don't be vexed. Haha! But what will you say if I mention that all that you just told me are nothing but lies told to you guys by your lying ass, enlightened Sect Master?"

The people in the group looked at Max like they should really beat him up. But alas, they couldn't do so since they knew that they didn't have the strength or power to do so.

But what exactly was the reason for this guy not believing in what they were saying? After trying their best to really explain to him.

Then they decided to show him and see the absolutely stunned look that will appear in his face.

"If you see, will you believe?" One asked with a smile in his face.

"Haha! Sure. In my world, seeing is believing" Max chuckled and said definitely.

"Okay then. I will show you." That boy came out to do what he had in mind.

Max laughed and nodded his head.

He then looked at the boy to see what he was about to do.

The boy who had come out of his group pointed his hand into the distance and said with a shout "Sword Dividing The Rainy Sky!"

As soon as he said so, a large amount of a silvery Sword Qi erupted from his finger and sharply condensed into a pretty large sword that then shot towards a wall of the cave which was what the boy targeted.


The sword effortlessly pierced through the cave's wall to the other side, leaving a line-sized cut in the wall to reveal what was at the other side of the cave.

Max who saw all these had a great degree of astonishment surface abruptly in his eyes.

"Damn! What sorcery!" He said with eyes unrestrainedly erupting shock.

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