
Testing Max's Speed and Strength in his 'Kron Form'

Testing Max's Speed and Strength in his 'Kron Form'

Seeing his son's powered-up form which he usually called the 'Kron Form', Luke said "I am going to run a speed test on you, son. Now, run!"

Max nodded his head and then began to run round the enormously-sized, speed-test area that he and his dad came to on electronic floorgliders.

And as he ran, he left numerous after-images of himself behind.

Then with the speed-measuring monitors up, they started to scale the velocity at which he was moving at.

So according to the monitor, Max could cover more than one hundred meters in a minute.

Luke saw this from the floating monitor before him and shouted "Max, you can go much more faster than this! Pump more energy into that T-612 dominator!"

Max who was entirely focused on running acutely heard what his dad shouted and then tried to channel more energy into the T-612 denominator.

And as soon as he tried to do so, massive amount of a blue-colored energy suddenly erupted from his entire body, giving the feeling that he was completely engulfed by a large blue flame. And immediately this occurred, his speed shot up from one hundred meters in a minute to five hundred meters in a minute.

However, he stopped in the next instant with many cracks appearing all over his body. Also, the blue-colored smoke-like energy that erupted in a tremendous amount from his body had abruptly stopped.

At the moment, he looked like a statue that had gone through the long weathering process of time. It was like if he was impacted by even the slightest force, he would collapse into smithereens.

Seeing his son's miserable condition, Luke quickly dashed towards him from where he was and asked worriedly "Son, are you okay?"

He had become intensely worried upon seeing his son in this appalling condition. He had never seen him before like this in his entire life.

"Not really, dad. I am experiencing a tremendous amount of aching and stinging pain in my body." Max said with enlarged red eyes and then grunted painfully.

"But what could have really gone wrong? The T-612 dominator in you is supposed to consume the blue energy for you so that you won't really be affected by it when you mentally cause those Kron particles in your body to unleash a greater amount of their indigenous energy. Was I wrong with my thinking?" Luke began to ponder with a morose expression surfacing in his face.

"Not exactly that, dad. It's just that I haven't mastered how to really control the Kronous energy that are being infinitely produced by the thousands of Kron particles in my body upon mental stimulation of them to release more energy."

"Really? You can mentally control the blue energy?" Luke asked with shock in his tone.

"Yes dad. I can. I have been working on that" Max replied with a smile.

Then he said further "However, I haven't really honed and perfected my energy manipulation ability to be able to shape and bend the Kronous energy to my will."

"So, instead of the blue energy being channeled to the armor under the influence of my will, it bursted out of my body in a large amount and caused me to rapidly develop these thick cracks that you see on my tough skin and then the intense excruciating pain that I am suffering at the moment."

"Hmm" His father uttered with a sigh of relief in his heart and then nodded his head.

Max's father, Luke, knew that there was nothing wrong with the armor that he built. It was just that he couldn't figure out what had gone wrong exactly when Max entered his Kron Form to utilize it.

But now, he understood that it was Max who couldn't control the blue-colored energy just as he wills or desires yet. And that he had to really take his time to fully tame and then grasp total control over this tremendously wild and dangerous energy he calls Kronous energy; a radiation-free energy derived from the splitting of a single Kron particle and is many times higher in amount than the one that will be gotten from the fission reaction or the thermonuclear fusion reaction of natural and artificial (lab-synthesized) radioactive elements in reactors.

"Don't worry too much about me dad. I will certainly be fine." Max said, trying to eliminate the great fears and worries that had surfaced in his dad's heart.

Luke exhaled heavily.

"Son, I am really sorry for pushing you too hard. It's just that I was also excited to see to what degree the armor will push your inborn vampiric abilities to."

"Well, such won't happen again." Luke said in a way that will give one the feeling that he was extremely angry at himself.

"It's okay, dad. You didn't push me at all. And don't worry too much about me. I said I will be fine." Max said and then gave a bright smile.

"Hmm. Alright son" Luke said and also returned a smile.

"You can carry on with the test, dad. I am already healing." Max quickly said before his dad would tell him to stop the test and then resume it some other time.

"Are you sure about that son?" Luke asked worriedly.

"Yes dad" Max said.

"Okay." Luke said.

Then he left Max went back to where he previously was to resume the test.

"Alright Max. The next test you will be having is strength test. Get ready" Luke said while max nodded.

Luke then pressed a button on the machine in front of him and all of a sudden, a massive pillar descended forth from a large hatch that electronically pushed open from the roof.

The huge and enormously heavy pillar which was powered by a powerful hydraulic system began to push against Max's arm which he had abruptly raised over his head and then placed them on the pillar to try and stop it from contacting the test floor.

And as he provided resistance against the hydraulic-powered pillar to stop it from touching the test floor, the numerous strength-reading sensors which were mounted round where he was began to gauge his strength, just from the degree of resistance that he provided against the pillar that was being powered by a powerful hydraulic system.

'12 tons...'

'15 tons...'

'20 tons...'

The machine in front of Max's father, Luke, began to generate result compiled from the strength-reading sensors that were measuring the amount of resistance Max put up against the hydraulic-powered pillar.

Not long as max tried his best to stop the pillar from contacting the test floor, he began to grit his teeth and grunt.

However, possessing an indomitable spirit, one that wasn't willing to back down or be surmounted by anything, he decided to increase his strength to many folds by channeling more Kronous energy to the T-612 Dominator to power it.

Although it was quite dangerous to do that for this kind of test, he just wanted to try it out to see his limit. Besides, he knew that this bones had been greatly reinforced and fortified. So, even if he fainted and the pillar went on to smash hard into his body, his body won't sustain that much of a damage.


Immediately the T-612 Dominator received a tremendous rush of Kronous energy which also bursted out of his body like an actual terrifying explosion, the nano-sized, kronaulic system in the biomechanical components of the endoskeletal armor began to operate at an increased degree of power.

So all of a sudden, Max's physical strength upped by five hundred percent, allowing him to push up to more than eighty tons of weight, as read by the sensors from the amount of resistance Max suddenly put up against the massive, hydraulic-powered pillar.

Then trying his best to channel more Kronous energy to the armor to see where his strength threshold lied in, all while screaming in pain and becoming bloodied due to many long cracks rapidly appearing on his entire body and healing as quickly as they appeared, his strength rapidly increased from eighty tons to a hundred and fifty tons before he suddenly shrieked out loud in pain and then collapsed to the ground, becoming totally unconscious of his surroundings.

While the massive and heavy pillar since no resistance was provided against it again went on to smash hard into Max's body that lied unconsciously on the test floor.


A loud bang sound rang out when the pillar smashed hard into Max's body, while the large test area that they were both in trembled intensely from the exceedingly heavy impact of the pillar with Max's body that was on the ground.

However, as expected, no significant damage could be done to Max's body which was supposed to have exploded into mist of blood.

But at the moment, his tough and durable flesh had been badly damaged by the earlier frightening explosion of Kronous energy from his entire body.

Blood could be seen streaming down his eyes, nostrils, mouth and from the hundreds of bone-deep cracks on his naturally hard and thick skin.

Luke quickly deactivated the strength-testing machine with the pillar being pulled back into the enormous hatch that it came out from.

He then ran at his fastest speed towards where his son was.

And this time, he fully made up his mind to not conduct any more test on his son. This was surely the last test that he was going to perform on his son, lest his boy accidentally damages his body.

When he got to where Max was and then saw the terrible state that his son was in, he felt really bad of himself.

He quickly produced a small, crystalline cube of Miraculium and put it into Max's mouth.

Some seconds after the mineral melted in his mouth and moved down his throat to his stomach, it increased his body's quick regenerative ability.

So, not quite long, the many cracks that could be seen on his body disappeared like they were never there. While the really high temperature of his body which had suddenly appeared as a result of overproduction of Kronous energy rapidly lowered. Also in that same instant, the profuse bleeding from his eyes, nose and mouth stopped. And furthermore, his skin which had gotten sickly pale returned to it usual vibrant color.

Then when Max's eyes snapped open, Luke asked him "Son, how do you feel? Has the pain totally gone?"

"Yes dad. It has." Max said.

Then he continued by asking "Before I collapsed to the ground and slipped into the unconscious state, what amount of weight did the machine showed that I could lift?"

"One hundred and fifty tons son." Luke said.

Then he mentioned further "Max, that's one really insane feat you pulled there."

He then continued with a solemn expression appearing in his face "Son, until you are able to harness that blue energy and shape or bend it according to your will, never try to produce it in great amount in your body, or your body due to critical energy overload might actually explode. Am I clear?"

"Yes dad. Very well understood." Max said with a slight nod of his head.

"Well, I was only trying to scare you, son. Your body won't explode into bits since the Resilienite alloy that was used to coat your entire bones is exceedingly tough. It should be able to enable your body withstand a world-shaking explosion of Kronous energy from it. Then coupled with the T-612 dominator that was embedded into your body, I am sure that you will be able to withstand an interplanetary-scale explosion of the blue energy from your body. There is nothing to really fear or be frightened about" Luke said and grinned.


Max laughed.

"Alright dad. But I will still try to be careful." He said.

"Good! It's time to take you to my office, Max. I have lots of advanced, hi-tech gadgets and ultra-high, space-age interstellar-level weapons to give you."

"And trust me son, you will open your mouth wide in shock when you see them" Luke said with a grin while Max's eyes shone with delight.

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