
Storage Cube - Bikes, Vehicles and Jets

Storage Cube - Bikes, Vehicles and Jets

After sometime, they both left the office together.

And when they came out of the Federal Weapon and Bionic Research facility, they entered a rocket-propelled Pod which shot at tremendous speed back to the Federal Space Research and Interstellar Travel Agency (FESRITA).

When they arrived at FESRITA and came out of the high-velocity transportation pod, they walked into the agency to a place where General Evans and Elijah Stokes could be seen waiting for them.

"Good day, sirs" Luke Humbly greeted and then saluted.

"Hmm" General Evans who was a middle-aged man uttered with a nod of his head.

Then he glanced at Max and said "Boy, don't disappoint me by dying miserably in that place. I want you to return with at least, an island or a city-sized amount of that miraculous mineral. Am I clear and well understood?"

"Yes sir!" Max said out loud.

"Good! And if possible, bring us many creatures from that world for experiments to be carried out on them." General Evans said further.

"I will do my best sir!" Max said loudly.

"You better! Now, go prepare. No time to waste further" General Evans said while Max nodded his head.

Max then left their presence to go change into a tight-fitting, black space leather costume.

Elijah approached Luke and asked "Your boy, how were the tests that you carried out on him?"

"He did absolutely well in them, sir." Luke answered.

"Alright." Elijah nodded his head.

"What about his other superhuman abilities? Did you also carried out tests on them?" He asked.

"Yes sir. I did." Luke said, lying.

"Okay. So what are his new superpowers? Or just the still old ones but have quite upgraded?" Elijah asked.

"Still the old ones sir. But they are now far better than before." Luke answered.

"Hmm. Tell me about them" Elijah instructed.

"Well, he can now move a mass of one ton over a distance of ten meters with his mind when he couldn't even move a small kid's bicycle across a distance of three feet before."

"Another of his old ability which has gotten better is the ability to see in darkness. Now, he can see clearly in total darkness. Unlike before when he could only see in partial darkness"

"Then the last of his numerous superhuman abilities which has also improved is his sonic scream. He can now shatter large rocks using his scream when he could only cause thin glasses to fragment explosively in the past." Luke answered.

However, all these that Luke told Elijah were simply lies.

Although Max have these abilities and much more since his human-vampire physiology was being continuously altered by the Vlessaract energy in his body, endowing him with innumerable superhuman abilities, they just hadn't really developed to the stage that Luke described them to be in to Elijah.

"Good!" Elijah said with an impressed nod of his head.

Then he said further "With all the superhuman powers that he possesses and the T-612 Dominator to tremendously enhance his body's physical strength, speed and resistance to damage, he should be able to survive in there, right?"

"Yes, Lieutenant." Luke said and nodded.

Elijah then broke a smile and said "Your vampire wife gave birth to a miracle, Luke. If not for your super-powered son, our world doesn't stand a chance of surviving it impending implosion."

"But now, we can be rest assured that our world as well as it inhabitants will survive. Also, when he brings back that mineral in large quantities from that world, planet Earth will become far more better than how it is now."

Luke smiled with a nod of his head.

"I know, sir. It will flourish much more in that time" He said.

Then not quite long, Max appeared before them in that body-hugging, black space costume.

"Now Max, to assist you in your highly dangerous mission in that world, I want to support you by giving you some of my really expensive possessions." General Evans said.

He then threw a small cube at Max which Max caught in his hand and looked at to study.

"What's this, general?" Max asked respectfully.

"Not what is this, boy. It is, what does it contain? That should be the question that you are supposed to ask me." General Evans said.

"Oh. My bad, general. What does it contain?" Max asked.

"That's a miniaturized hangar, boy. It contains state-of-the-art bikes and vehicles"

"Types like like jet bikes, rocket-propelled automobiles, gravity-defying vehicles, then supersonic jets and hyperspeed planes."

"They are simply meant to make your transportation to any place in that damned world faster and easier. Also, there are hovercrafts, warships and warplanes in it, if you really need to go to war with the beings of that world" General Evans said and chuckled.

From the way that he sounded, one will surely know that he was a belligerent warmonger. He was the type that loved and instigated cold-blooded, full-scale planetary wars.

General Evans then spoke further "Use them as you like, boy. You don't need to bring them back to me in one piece. Haha."

Max looked excitedly at the cube in his hand and nodded his head.

"Thank you very much, General Evans. And I promise this day to not bring them back to you in one piece" He said seriously.


General Evans laughed.

"That's a good one, boy" He said and nodded his head with a smile in it.

He then left FESRITA to go back to his his office at Octagon Defense.

"Alright people. Start the Portal Generator machine. It's time to take this boy away from here." Elijah suddenly said.

Then the people in the large facility turned on a massive machine that first had to gather tremendous amount of power which took quite a while before producing a large portal in a large chamber that was designated for it appearance.

As the large portal revolved in the enormous spherical chamber of the Portal Generator machine, it suddenly caused strong gales of wind to appear which blew away small, movable items in the massive facility high into the air.

Luke whose hair had begun to flutter in the strong wind that raged about in the facility quickly said to his son who was by his side "Max, you can go in now."

Then he hurriedly said further with a loud voice due to the raging winds that blew about in the area that they were in "And son, don't forget to look inwards for the superhuman powers that the Vlessaract energy will continually bestow upon you since it endlessly causes chains of alterations to the cellular make-up of your body."

"So with your body's enhanced hybrid physiology which has further evolved and will give you shocking metahuman powers that will tremendously help you in your dangerous quest in that unknown world, you should be able to surmount and overcome all odds in there."

"It is therefore up to you to realize those powers in there and grow and develop them!"

Max nodded his head with a bright glow of understanding in his eyes.

He then embraced his dad very tight.

After releasing his dad from his embrace some seconds later, he prepared to jump into the portal that was revolving within the Portal Generation machine.

Mustering strength in his powerful leg muscles, he leaped from where he was towards the Portal Generation machine which was approximately fifteen meters away from where he stood.

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