
Killing the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect

Killing the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect

Jiang Jun looked at Max as he went back to meet the Rainsword sect disciples and said "We will get you another time"

Max gave a cold smile and said "There will be no next time. Trust me"

"Hmmph!" Jiang Jun harrumphed and said to the people in his group "Let's go."

They nodded their heads.

Then when the ones that went to pick up the unconscious Zhang Wun from where he was shoved to with a single slap returned, they began to move at really high speeds using the various Movement Arts that they studied with Jiang Jun to a destination that they had in mind.

Xiao Bilan who was looking at Max with intense astonishment in her eyes walked up to him and said to Shang Fei that was by his side "Shang Fei, can you give me some minutes with him?"

"Sure thing, elder sister Bilan" Shang Fei said and then left Max's side so that Xiao Bilan could discuss what she had in mind with him.

When Shang Fei left Max's side to interact with the people in his own group, Xiao Bilan said in a low voice to Max "You should be careful with killing your enemies in the open. If you want to kill them, do it when nobody is watching so that you won't get yourself into serious trouble which you may not come out unscathed from."

"Look, super mortal, our world has really powerful cultivators like Sect masters and Pavilion Masters that can squash you as easily as a bug. So, If you harm a favorite or budding disciple of theirs, they will come for you with burning, towering rage in their hearts. And trust me, there is no escaping from that. You will be mercilessly obliterated for slaying their disciples"

"I understand." Max said with a knowing smile.

"So, do you want to go after them to kill them?" Xiao Bilan suddenly asked.

Max's brows arched upon her question which totally surprised him.

"Sure." He answered with a ruthless smile surfacing on his lips.

"Okay. But you won't be able to track them down since they might have gone really far at that velocity that they were moving at. However, you can do that after we have gone to see Master Three Eyes at my Rainsword sect."

"He is a hermit cultivator of Divination Qi since he studies Divining Art. So he might be able to give you the next location that Jiang Jun and his group of annoying and arrogant bastards might go to in the nearest or soonest future. Then you can go there to slay them if you want. It therefore literally depends on you."

"I will talk to him for you when we arrive at my sect. Or what do you think?" Xiao Bilan asked.

"Thank you, Xiao Bilan. But I have my own neat way" Max said appreciatively.

Xiao Bilan heard Max call her directly by her name and surprisingly didn't feel offended.

Instead, she asked with a curious gaze in her eyes "What way is that, if I may ask?"

"Haha. Trust me, Bilan. You might not really understand." Max grinned and said.

"Okay. But how will you get there so quickly? They would have definitely gone far by now" Xiao Bilan said.

"Bilan, like I mentioned a moment ago, I have my own spectacular ways of doing things. Just expect expect me back in a few minutes" Max answered with a smile.

"Hmm. Alright then. Go satisfy yourself. But be careful and vigilant when slaying them. Also, be fast about it and leave there at once when you are done." Xiao Bilan said, urging him to be fast and very careful with what he was about to do.

Max looked at Xiao Bilan with a bright glow of surprise in his eyes. He then nodded his head a second later.

"By the way, is your name Max? I heard Shang Fei call you that." Xiao Bilan asked.

"Yea." Max answered.

"Alright" Xiao Bilan said with a nod of her head.

Then she said out loud in the next moment "Everyone, let's wait here for Max. He wants to get somewhere to quickly retrieve some of his possession that he kept some place which he has refused to tell me about. But he has promised to be be back here in a few minutes. Do you want us to wait for him? Then when he is back, we can resume our leisure walk to our sect?"

The people in her group and Shang Fei's group nodded their heads.

Xiao Bilan then looked at Max and said "Alright Max, you can go. Make sure to come back in time"

Max smiled and gave a slight nod of his head.

Then he dashed away using his peak vampiric speed to cover large distances very quickly.

Leaving a thin cloud of dust behind and numerous after-images, he disappeared into the far distance in a flash till he eventually vanished from their vision.

"Such insane speed" Someone in their group muttered while the others shook their heads astonishingly.

Xiao Bilan looked at Shang Fei and asked "Where did you meet that guy actually? Did he go with you guys from the city to that valley that we met?"

"No, elder sister Bilan. I think he came to us in the cave that we were in because he heard Lu Wenxiang terrified shouts. Then when he arrived and came across a massive beast that was about to devour Lu Wenxiang, he stepped in to help us eradicate the beast which he did with a single punch that utterly reduced the huge hideous beast to thousands of shreds."

"He is just so physically strong despite not being a body cultivator" Shang Fei replied with adulation in his tone.

Cultivators in this world surely respected the strong, no matter who they are or what form or shape that they possess. Well, except if they didn't have eyes to see Mount Tai.

"Yea. I know that he is astonishingly physically strong. Recall that I saw him shatter the pentagram-shaped lightning formation with a single punch. That's something that I won't be able to break even with many full-powered strikes from me." Xiao Bilan said them Shang Fei nodded.


Max who totally disappeared from their vision in a flash stopped running when he got to a particular place and then went on to conceal himself behind a long row of tall buildings.

He then produced a Supersonic Jet Bike from the vehicle storage cube that was generously given to him by General Evans.

"Start!" Max said after understanding the full capabilities of the bike from the information about it which rushed to his head in large amounts.

The bike which was voice-controlled immediately started, then a computerized female voice rang out from it:

'Performing full operational scan on bike...'





'Scan is 100% complete...'

'Jet Bike is in good working condition'

'Engines are now fully activated...'

'Bike can now be used...'


Immediately the electronic, voice-guided computerized bike said all these after hearing Max's voice command and then self-started, Max immediately sat on the bike's ergonomic leathery seat and eased himself into it.

Then when he pressed a small blue button among the numerous buttons, switches and keys on the large bike, the bike immediately lifted itself many meters above the tall building that Max hid behind of and remained there at that great height by abruptly and then continuously expelling fast-moving, focused streams of clean flame from the fully collapsible, eight rocket-exhaust heat-resistant plastic muzzles that it possessed.

It was these eight powerful jet-streams of fire that generated a tremendous propulsive force that effortlessly lifted the bike very high into the air in a near instant.

"Go!" Max said, giving another voice instruction.


Then the voice-guided electronic Jet Bike created a sonic boom as it instantly shot at a supersonic speed towards the location where the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect had reached.

One mustn't forget that Max was tracking the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect using the tracking bugs that flew towards them and attached to their uniforms.

And since he had fed the A.I-assisted bike with their geographic spatial positioning, the Jet Bike shot towards there without further instructions from Max.

Then a few seconds later since the bike moved through the air at many times the speed of sound, it arrived where the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect had gotten to.

Max then jumped down from the bike which remained afloat in the air at a shocking altitude of many hundred feet to the ground.


The earth where he landed on shattered apart in a rippling fashion into the distance.

Max could dare to jump down from such a great height because of the shock-absorbing, organic Resilienite metal used to thickly coat his body's entire skeletal structure and also had the extremely strong and nigh-indestructible, T-612 Dominator endoskeletal armor coupled to it to increase it structural strength, toughness and integrity.

Max landed like a furious god from the sky in the midst of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect disciples, greatly startling them and abruptly causing shock to surface in their hearts.

Then when they looked to see who or what had suddenly appeared in their midst, they saw Max and then their eyes widened with more shock before dread appeared and replaced it, completely occupying the bottomless abyss within their eyes.

"Guess who is back?" Max asked with a ruthless smile surfacing on his lips.

Then with a thought, a laser sword and a focused plasma blade appeared in his hands.

And before the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect and the now conscious Zhang Wun could unleash full-powered strikes at him out of the great fear that had engulfed the entirety of their hearts, Max dashed towards them at an unbelievable speed and began to slash off their heads.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Numerous slash sounds rang out in an instant.

Then when the slash sounds stopped in that same instant, what could be seen on the ground were the heads of the disciples of the Heavenly Termination Thunderous sect.

Jiang Jun's eyes widened with immense shock before it was abruptly taken over by immense fear.

He then quickly summoned a small clay-like object to a hand which he wanted to crush to bits.

But he couldn't complete his action when that hand holding the small clay-like object was abruptly cut off.

Max who had appeared before Jiang Jun at a ghostly speed used his laser sword to cut off his hand.


Jiang Jun screamed in pain and worry from seeing his hand slashed off.

"Scared of me now, eh? I hope you remember that I earlier told you that there will be no next time for you and your group of arrogant blockheads?" Max asked with that ruthless smile still in his face.

Then before Jiang Jun could do or say anything, Max who had teleported explosive nanobugs to a hand threw them at Jiang Jun.

The nanobugs clung tight onto Jiang Jun's uniform when they got to it from Max's throw.

Then they abruptly burrowed into Jiang Jun's skin causing him pain that caused him to screech.

And immediately the nanobugs burrowed their way into his body, they walked from there with their small, bug-like robotic limbs to where his brain was after they had pierced through his skull with their burrowing, sharp mechanical jaws.


Then they actually exploded, instantly shattering Jiang Jun's head, neck and a small part of his chest and shoulders to many pieces.

Max then gave a mocking smile.

"Stupid cultivators thinking they are some powerful beings because they cultivate some Qi. If the large armies of my world invade your world with their latest forms of technological weapons, we will round all of you up like the lambs for slaughter that you are." He said and grinned.

Then using one of his heavily bestowed, numerous super powers which was Fire Control and Manipulation, he shot off pencil-sized rays of bright crimson flame from his ten fingers at the dead, headless bodies around him to burn them to cinders.

"Come!" Max said immediately after doing this.

The voice-guided Jet Bike picked Max's voice command from that altitude in the air and then abruptly lowered itself from that height towards Max.

When the Jet Bike appeared before Max, Max quickly climbed on it to seat. Then the Jet Bike shot away in the next instant to the waiting location of the Rainsword sect disciples at a supersonic speed.

Next chapter