
What we think is never true?

This path I tread today, my usual route from the hospital to my home, feels different, unsettling. But it is not the road or the surroundings that are peculiar; it is the darkness festering in my mind. I have committed a heinous act, killing to attain wealth. A greed has consumed me, twisting my perspective until I can scarcely recognize myself. The money I sought was meant to elevate my family's life, offering us endless luxuries and boundless freedom. My mind remains haunted, struggling to acknowledge the depravity of my actions, yet the desire for riches drives me forward, pushing aside any sense of remorse.

I return home, and the following morning, a call disrupts the facade of normalcy. It is the patient, whose heart I transplanted. His dreams have become strange, filled with unnatural visions that terrify him. He recalls the accident, the truck barreling into the car he occupied, but he remains unaware of what transpired during the operation. He, somehow, sees beyond the veil of medicine, and it sends shivers down my spine. He threatens retribution, promising to destroy my life for the horrors inflicted upon him.

Months pass, and news of his descent into madness reaches me. He mutilates himself, as if driven by an unspeakable force. Fear grips me, and I take precautions to safeguard my family from the vengeful specter that haunts me. But today, amidst the tranquility of the national sanctuary, a monstrous figure emerges from the shadows, striking my legs and cruelly ending the lives of my innocent wife and children. My family falls victim to this nightmarish entity, and I am left to witness their harrowing demise.

The darkness grows deeper, and I am consumed by guilt, realizing that my greed brought this unspeakable horror upon my family. Money, power, and possessions offer no solace; they are mere empty shells in the face of such tragedy. The consequences of my avarice have obliterated all that was dear to me. As my life slips away, I beseech others not to follow the same path of greed and ambition. The price of such actions is far too high, and karma lurks, ready to claim its due.

The skies darken, and my vision wanes as the monster closes in, his gruesome feast drawing nearer. My family is gone, their lives sacrificed for my sins. I pray that their souls find peace while I face the consequences of my insatiable desires. The ancient wisdom of karma rings true; our actions reverberate through the fabric of existence, and we must take responsibility for our choices. Greed, in all its forms, is a treacherous road to traverse. I have learned this painful truth too late.

Now, as the world fades into obscurity, I warn others against falling prey to the allure of power, wealth, or any ill-gotten gains. Control your desires or be prepared to face the wrath of fate. Every wrong deed has its consequences, and the innocent may suffer for the sins of their kin. Responsibility weighs heavy on the shoulders of a family head, and the actions of one can taint the lives of all they hold dear.

In my final moments, I plead with those who hear this tale: resist the lure of greed and recognize that we are not invincible in the face of cosmic justice. Reflect upon my story and be wary of the choices you make, for they shape the trajectory of your life and the lives of those you love