

Hello there, you might be confused.

You can have some kind of other emotions.

But tell me.

Why should I care?

Also, why should you care about me and my thoughts?

There is reason?

Then tell me it.

Anyway, I will probably never add more chapters to my other novels ( I don't know, if you can even call this thing I am currently creating a novel ).

Okay, I have some kind of reason to make this…hmm…journal?

That's not too bad naming.

Like Journal of Failed Philosophy or Philosopher.

Haha. I have quiet good naming sense, right?

Eh. Jokes aside.

I will be talking…no, I will be writing about my thoughts and some of my personal live.

Like I will not tell you my name or something.

I just want to share some stories, even some will be fiction, but those will be called as ones by me. So do not be afraid of me being liar.

Continuation in next chapter.

Next chapter