
24 Months


"RUN number 5" 

"I'm trying number 2, but these bastards being 4 miles away can still locate our positions and future moves" shouted number 5 while running through the dark forest in the pitch black night. 

As they sprinted through the dense forest, Number 5's thoughts raced as fast as his pounding heart. He dared not look beside him, knowing that any distraction could be fatal. The wound on Number 2's shoulder throbbed with each step, a reminder of their relentless pursuer's deadly accuracy. In the darkness, Number 5 cursed their luck, a bitter reminder of how swiftly fortune could turn against them. They were seasoned warriors, accustomed to facing danger head-on, but this adversary was unlike any they had encountered before. With every stride, they pushed forward, driven by the primal instinct to survive. But even as they ran, the specter of their relentless foe loomed ever closer, a reminder of the merciless grip of fate. They knew that they were running towards one of the 20 forbidden zones declared by those four families whose surname itself is a taboo to speak, whose very name stuck fear into the hearts of those who even think of them. Number 2 eyes sparked in excitement but then immediately dulled with resignation, knowing that he will never get a chance to even glimpse at the majestic shadows of those titans who rule this world from the shadows so black that an mere assassin like him will be like a mortal shadow in front of them.

'Though I'm not a mortal but what difference does it makes to them, we all are ants in front of them. Me, a slightly bigger ant' chuckled number 2 in his mind with his absurd comparison. 

'Absurd or what, but the truth is truth' number 2 suddenly opened his black eyes with determination.

"Alas! It ends here" 

"You are right brother" number 2 and number 5 both stopped in their tracks and finally decided to embrace their death. It was like a spiritual connection between them that they both suddenly agreed to it. 

"So, you finally decided to let it go, that worthless lives of yours" a hoarse voice echoed their ears. 

With trembling hands and shaking legs, Number 5 and Number 2 finally dared to steal a glance back at their relentless pursuer. Emerging from the depths of darkness was a figure so radiant, it seemed to cast aside the shadows that clung to the forest's edge. His black hair, tinged with a subtle hue of purple, cascaded around his chiseled features, framing a countenance both alluring and foreboding. 

Draped in a pitch-black robe, cinched with a dark purple strap, he moved with an effortless grace that belied the danger he posed. But it was the weapon he wielded that truly captivated their gaze—a magnificent spear, ten feet in length, gleaming with an ethereal sheen. Its surface, as delicate as glass, yet harbored a lethal edge known all too well to the eyes of Number 2.

In that moment, amidst the oppressive silence of the forest, they stood transfixed by the sheer majesty of their adversary. For in his presence, it seemed as though every shadow paled in comparison, and darkness itself quivered at the sight of his radiant form.

"Why did you suddenly decide to stop? Just one mile ahead is the beginning of the forbidden zone. You know I wouldn't have chased you into it although the outcome would have been more gruesome for you inside there. And don't you dare give me that bullshit, that you have decided to confront me in battle, because you know it will be like an ant trying to shake a thousand year old tree," asked that majestic presence with curiosity.

"We know that there is no chance for us to escape with our life intact. Although entering the forbidden zone would have spared us from your pursuit, if the inevitable outcome is death, why not opt for a death that is less gruesome and swift?" number 2 gathered all of his courage and began to speak. He deep down knew in his mind that he was only permitted to speak, and any attempt of defiance would lead to a thousand times more gruesome death. 

"And most importantly, we want to know why we are being chased and who is trying to kill us. What have we done to deserve such an endless pursuit? For a hundred days, Lord, a hundred days, you have been continuously chasing us. If you wanted to kill us, you could have done it on that day when the chase started, but you are playing with us, trying to break our spirit and minds," cried Number 2, finally asking the question he had wanted to ask for a hundred days. His sobbing echoed through the forest, alerting all beasts in the vicinity.

"Fair enough, and the question you asked, though you are not qualified enough to ask me anything but because today is a day worth celebrating our friend Dereck here will answer you" the spearman tilted his head towards number 5 who was silent throughout the whole conversation. Cold sweat starts pouring from Number 5's head because the name, which he has forgotten for God knows how many years, he heard it again, and nevertheless from someone he didn't even know. Number 2 was silent after hearing the spearman's words. Though it was a bit unusual that Number 5 was silent throughout the conversation, now he believed that Number 5 knows something he shouldn't have known. As for how the spearman knew his name, Dereck, it was not hard for him to guess. He himself felt as though standing in front of him, that all his truths, lies, and life were naked in front of this spearman; knowing a name is a small thing.

"The reason we are being chased is that I somehow came to know that the Heir to the throne of Celestia will be born today" Finally, Number 5 spoke, knowing all the deceit would take him nowhere. But the words he spoke fell like a bomb on Number 2's mind and body. The name, which was taboo even to speak of, the name which was taboo even to think of, but this bastard, Dereck, knew this big secret of theirs. "Heir to the throne of Celestia" in simple terms meant that the matriarch of the Celestia family is giving birth to a son.

"A simple carelessness from our side lead to a leak of such important secret. Don't worry the one who leaked the information has been dealt with and now it will be your turn. But I guess Brock you will die knowing that your ultimate wish is finally fulfilled" chuckled the spearman eying Number 2(Brock). After learning such a secret, Brock's eyes showed no dullness. He knew he had finally met someone from one of the taboo families. By observing his majestic appearance, Brock was certain that he held a significant position within the family.

'Swoosh' and the next second two heads rolled down the ground with their eyes closed. And the turbulent darkness in the forest regained its usual calmness.

"Lord both the assassins are dead" outside a room spearman appeared out of the shadows and kneeled in front of a man.

"Good work Xeon" echoed the voice of that man in Xeon's mind and he finally stood up appeared behind the man.

The man Brock was kneeling to was the infamous patriarch of the Celestia family, who had ruled with an iron fist for forty years. He ascended to the position of patriarch four decades ago when his father, the previous patriarch, chose seclusion. Today, this man, Alex Celestia, would welcome his second child, the heir to the throne, according to the prophecy made by the second elder of the family, Sage Celestia—the most mysterious of the nine elders.

It had been twenty-four months since the matriarch became pregnant. Typically, it takes nine months to deliver a child, but for the matriarch, it took twenty-four months. If not for the prophecy of Sage, who knows what Alex would have done? Knowing his wife was enduring so much pain and his child was experiencing complications.



Thank you for reading the first chapter, further chapters will be released after some time.

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