

Tricked by a God and turned into a monster! Are you Serious!!! Ceris Vellane, screamed towards the heavens. Is life ever fair? Absolutely NOT. Well, at least in death everyone is equal. But turns out that’s a LIE! Follow the story of Ceris Vellane, and his turbulent life… Or rather his new un-life?

RaizelDelacroix · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Afterlife?

What is this? I'm standing in a line? Wait, what happened? Ugh! My head! My memories are all fuzzy. . . but didn't I die? No, I definitely remember dying, so where the heck am I?!

Is this the Afterlife? Wait, is the afterlife just one big que?!

*Looking around* Ok there are these really weird foggy human-ish shapes, which I think are other souls. Who probably also recently died? There is also a glowing/flickering flame in the center of their bodies.

Maybe that is the soul? Looking down at my body it also appears to be a foggy mass, roughly in the shape of my previous body.

Apart from seeing, I can't really feel anything or smell anything. I'm standing on a moving conveyor belt type of thingy. That is slowly pushing me and the other souls forward.

"Hey you there. Can you hear me?" trying to talk to the 'person' in front of me. Hmm, no response. . . Maybe I should try touching it?

I raise my arm and reach out for the soul in front of me.


OW! That freaking hurt! What the heck is this!?! There is some type of forcefield around me, and it seems like I cannot interact with anything.

A few seconds later.


Uhhhh? What? A wave of information entered directing into my mind. My entire life flashed before my eyes (well my non existing eyes, my face is blank like all the other 'people' in line).

I remembered my entire life, in the next few seconds. And yes, that included my tragic last day as living being.

What the heck! I didn't even get to make through the first day of my vacation! Not to mention actually graduating from college. I was planning on becoming a doctor!!

Now I'm stuck in the freaking afterlife in a line going nowhere!


A semi-transparent screen appeared in front of me. [Congratulations!] You have been randomly selected to transported to the world of {Eacylian}.

Normally, your soul would be wiped of all of its memories and then sent to a random world. However, you now have the option, if you so choose, to be transported to the world of {Eacylian} with all of your memories intact!

You will have 10 seconds to decide.




Wait is this even a choice? It is asking me to choose between losing my memories and ending up God knows where or transferring to a specific world and keeping all of my memories.



Well, I think the choice is pretty obvious. Losing all of my memories is akin to dying. Wait, I'm already dead, more like akin to completely ceasing to exist then.



Well, I guess I'm transferring to some unknown planet. "I pick transferring to Eacylian!"


A blinding white light flashes in front of my eyes.

"Welcome, Ceris Vellane! I will give you a quick rundown on the planet you will be transferring to."

I suddenly am sitting in front of a desk, and a glowing white 'person' is behind it. The person's face seems to be created from a mold, with barely any features. And their voice is going directly into my head. . .

"Eacylian is a planet in the Novus galaxy, and it is about 54 times larger than your previous planet Earth. For context, that is about the same size as your previous solar system's planet Neptune."

"Eacylian is a world of "Magic" (as you would call it), with many varying races, apart from just humans. Furthermore, a 'system' exists to support and facilitate the growth of the planet's inhabitants. Various methods such as skills, levels, and blessings are used to quantify and streamline growth of the inhabitants."

"On to the topic of your options, you will have the choice between two. The first, your soul will be transplanted into a newborn baby, to any possible intelligent race. You will receive five random blessings."

"The second option, being transported directly into a constructed body. This body will be constructed from the template of your current one. You will receive two random blessings, and a starting level of fifty."

"Nevertheless, both options will also include a few bonuses. You will be granted the unique skill: Status, which allows you to view your current status, and even interact with your stats. Additionally, the storage cube skill, a one-time consumable language assimilation ability, and lastly a basic guide to the world of Eacylian book."

"You now have ten minutes to freely ask any questions you might have regarding your transfer or the world of Eacylian."

Wait I only have ten minutes for any and all questions?


Uh, what is the average level for intelligent life on Eacylian?

"Currently, the average level of intelligent life is 20."

How about average level of all life?

"That would be level 29."

Ok so level fifty is actually a huge boost right from the start. Wait, what is the highest leveled being on Eacylian?

"I am not allowed to answer."

Darn, hmm what should I ask next? What are the options for intelligent races that I could be reborn into?

"I am not allowed to answer that"

What? Why? Well, I guess it would be random anyway so even if I did know it would not help all that much. Plus, the probability of being born into a high-level race would be rather low.

Alright my next question is about the blessings, can you explain them?

"Ah yes, blessings are basically an innate talent that gives special abilities. For instance, a blessing of Ice would grant the recipient increased magical prowess. Both increased attack power and resistance to the ice element."

Ok can I also ask for special privileges, such as Immortality. Also, since I was stabbed to death, I was thinking something along the lines of being untouchable?

"That is not possib- hmmm, wait I have gotten confirmation form the system administrator. Your request has been accepted, with slight modification. Being immortal is not possible, but you can have a long 'natural lifespan' as long as you are not killed."

Wait really? (That is totally broken!!) I gladly accept!

"Very well, as consolation your starting level will be reduced."

Oh, can for the information on what ability I was given? Oh, and how many levels for compensation?

"The ability that makes you untouchable comes from an innate trait of-"


"Oh, well your time to ask questions is over, you will now be transferred to Eacylian."