
Chapter 6

Saturday 2nd Septembre 1971 

After experiencing a peaceful night's sleep for the first time in two months, I decided to seize the day and make the most of my Saturday compared to the other. Upon seeing it was early by casting a wandless 'Tempus' and realizing it was only 5 am, I embarked on a refreshing morning run around the Lake. Half an hour later, I made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast but was surprised to find myself the only Slytherin in attendance. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful, with only a handful of students scattered across the hall. However, to my delight, the four esteemed heads of the houses were present. I observed Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher, and Professor Pomona Sprout, the Herbology teacher, deep in conversation with Professor Filius Flitwick, the Charms professor, and Professor Horace Slughorn, the Potions professor. After introducing myself to Horace I got my schedule.

After breakfast, I decided to explore this version of Hogwarts wanting to see how much I could rely on Harry's memory of the castle. It was a good step toward the future in my book. Despite the passage of time, Hogwarts remained a magnificent seven-story building that relied on the collective magical abilities of its students. I was aware that the castle's protective ward was powered by a wardstone located in the center of Hogwart. However, what many fail to realize is that Hogwarts is a formidable fortress. The castle was built in the near 1000 years ago by the four Fonder and they planned the safety of the castle through its many towers and turrets and was also equipped with a dungeon now serving as Slytherin dorms.

First, I entered the Potions classroom and immediately noticed that it was different from the time of Harry Potter. There was no smell of potion in the air, and the cauldrons were in a much better state compared to those of Snape's time. Instead, I saw shelves filled with jars of various ingredients, each with a price tag on them, allowing students to purchase what they needed for their potions.

Next, I made my way to the Charms classroom and noted that it was located in a different part of the castle compared to Harry's time. The room was bright and airy, with large windows that let in the sunlight. 

After that, I made my way to the History of Magic classroom, where I saw the ghost of Binns, still discussing with himself as if twenty years had not passed. The room was filled with the same dusty books that Hermione Granger had browsed through in her first year at Hogwarts when Harry accompanied her.

Finally, I stepped into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and memories of Harry's bad experiences flooded my mind. The previous professors had either been completely inept and caused chaos for the students or, in some cases, posed a real threat to their safety. However, I could sense Harry's love for the subject, the fact that he had taught the DA during Umbridge's regime was proof of his talent. The room had an ominous feel to it, with various creatures in cages lining the walls. But it was clear that the classroom had been well-prepared for the students. The desks were arranged neatly, and the blackboard at the front was clean and ready for the professor's instructions. The room was well-prepared, and the atmosphere was not as foreboding as I had expected. It gave me a sense of reassurance that perhaps, for the second time in a row, I wouldn't have a professor waiting to kill me.

After taking a few minutes to take in the atmosphere of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, I decided it was time to head to the Great Hall for lunch. As a first-year Slytherin and an eight-year student of Hogwart, I knew it was important to make connections with my housemates, and what better way to do that than over a meal? The fact that the dishes were potioned absolutely didn't have a relation.

As I walked towards the Great Hall, I noticed a group of Slytherin students gathered near the entrance. I recognized a few faces from my dormitory, but there were others whom I hadn't met yet. Among them were Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda Black, the infamous Black sisters. Narcissa was the youngest of the three and had a regal air about her. Her blonde hair was perfectly coiffed, and her posture was impeccable. Bellatrix, on the other hand, had a wildness to her that was palpable. Her curly black hair was in disarray, and her dark eyes gleamed with mischief and not the insanity of the future. Andromeda, the middle sister, seemed to be the quietest of the three. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and she appeared to be lost in thought. 

Seeing them like this, standing together as fellow Slytherins, brought back buried memories. It was hard to imagine that two of these women, Narcissa and Bellatrix, had once been my enemies. I remembered the fury that Harry felt towards Bellatrix and the disdain he held for Draco, but he didn't seem to have any particular emotions towards Narcissa other than gratitude for her role in helping to save his life. Then there was Andromeda, the grandmother of Harry's godson and heir, Teddy. The sight of her added a layer of guilt to Harry's already heavy heart. He let his godson grow alone without having been with him, he was a monster, and maybe Voldemort was right, he was indeed not better than him.

As these thoughts emerged, my eyes lost focus for a moment before I reminded myself that I was not Harry Potter. Though I possessed his memories and responsibilities, that was all. I was not him, and I shouldn't have to bear guilt for the actions of others towards me. After all, they never felt guilty for their actions against him. And I a third party shouldn't bear such useless emotion.

---PoV Bellatrix--

I sensed a gaze on me and quickly turned my head to see who it was. As I scanned the crowd, my eyes met the piercing green gaze of a young Slytherin with long white hair and beautiful green eyes. And for a moment, I felt a surge of anger rise within me. How dare someone look at me like that? Did this little mudblood think he could gaze at me? As I prepared to give the young Slytherin a piece of my mind, I recognized him as a first-year. My anger subsided slightly, replaced by curiosity. As I observed him, something about him seemed familiar. It was as if I had seen those piercing green eyes and thoose messy white hair before. Just when I was about to speak

"Excuse me," he spoke up before I could say anything, "I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be staring at me. Is everything alright?"

I was taken aback by his question. No one apart from my sisters had ever shown concern for my well-being before, even my classmates didn't dare because of my family. But I quickly regained my composure and responded in a cold tone, "Everything is fine. You should focus on your own concerns and not worry about me."

The young Slytherin seemed unfazed by my response and instead introduced himself,

"I apologize if I came off as intrusive, my lady. My name is Hadrian Peverell."

I was surprised to hear the last name 'Peverell' It rang a bell but I didn't remember where I saw this name and couldn't help but ask,

"Peverell? Never heard about it. Are you a first-year?"

"Yes, my lady," he replied with a small bow and a charming smile.

His reply caught my interest, and I found myself drawn to his confident demeanor and politeness. He even went on to kiss my hand as he introduced himself, which only added to his charm.

After Hadrian's introduction and his chivalrous act of kissing my hand, I felt it was only appropriate to reciprocate his courtesy.

"I am Bellatrix Black, daughter of the Noble and Ancient House of Black. And these are my sisters, Narcissa Black and Andromeda Black," I gestured towards the two women standing beside me.

Hadrian nodded politely towards each of them before returning his attention to me. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Lady Bellatrix, Lady Narcissa, Lade Andromeda. Then if you don't have anything to say I will "Hadrian nodded politely towards each of them before returning his attention to me.

"It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Lady Bellatrix, Lady Narcissa, and Lady Andromeda," he said with a small bow. "If you will excuse me, I must make my way to the Great Hall for lunch." As he turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. There was something about this young Slytherin that intrigued me, and I wanted to know more. But I made a mental note to keep an eye on him. He could prove to be a valuable asset in the future.

-----pov end----

Realising that it was already time for dinner 

I made my way towards the Great Hall, my mind still reeling from the encounter with the three Black sisters. I couldn't believe that I had just met Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most notorious Death Eaters known for her insanity, from what Neville had told Harry in the past his parent were tortured before being tortured with a dozen of "crucio"' in the future. And yet, she seemed different from the person that killed Sirius and they met at the ministry during the Battle Of The Department of Mysteries. While I thought about her, my magic seemed to act strangely and I couldn't help but wonder about the strange connection I felt towards the Black sisters. It was as if there was some unspoken bond between us, something that went beyond emotion. It was mostly when I was near Bellatrix that it happened is it the Magical/Soul Bond, did she already do any ritual with Riddle linking their soul lasting in the future? it would explain the reaction my magic had toward her.

I entered the Great Hall and found the tables filled with an array of delicious-looking food. I quickly found a seat at the Slytherin table. The green and silver banners hung proudly above our heads, and the smooth, emerald surface of the Slytherin table reflected the soft glow of enchanted candlelight. And began to load my plate with some perfectly seasoned roast chicken, creamy mashed potatoes, and a generous portion of buttery asparagus. There was a platter of warm, flaky pastries nearby, and I couldn't resist grabbing one, savoring the rich taste of the filling as it melted in my mouth. The food from the Wizarding World was in fact better than what the muggle could do but it lacked variety, it seems that I should give the house elves a book about cooking or I should just ask them when I go to the kitchen in the future. During the dinner despite not wishing to speak for the time being many senior students welcomed me with open arms and invited me to join them for lunch the next day which I agreed after thinking about it, from Harry's research on the Slytherin of this decade it seemed that it was only because of the war between Riddle and Dumbledore that they had to choose a side transforming them into monsters and I needed to know if they would speak of it tomorrow after all brainwashing have to start from young to achieve a better effect in the adulthoods.

After dinner, the whole Slytherin house gathered in the common room to meet our head house. When the time was near Horace Sloghorn stepped out of emerald flames, wearing a sharp emerald-colored robe that perfectly matched the Slytherin house colors. He had a warm and welcoming smile that immediately put the younger years at ease from what I observed.

"Welcome, my dear Slytherins!" Professor Slughorn began, his voice resonating with warmth and enthusiasm. "I'm delighted to see so many fresh, eager faces among our ranks and to be reunited with my returning students. Slytherin is a house known for its ambition, resourcefulness, and unyielding pursuit of success, and I do not doubt that each and every one of you will make us proud during your time at Hogwarts." He continued, "In Slytherin, we value cunning, determination, and a strong sense of loyalty. We also place great importance on the bonds of friendship and the value of connections. You see, the world is full of opportunities, and your time here at Hogwarts will be your first step in making the most of them. It's also one of the reasons why I created the Slugs Club, it's reserved for the people of potential to meet with either people with connection or other like-minded people."

Professor Slughorn then recounted a few anecdotes about notable Slytherin alumni who had gone on to achieve great things in the wizarding world, emphasizing the significance of being part of such a prestigious club. "As Slytherins, we are like a family, and you'll find that your housemates will support you through thick and thin. Don't hesitate to lean on one another for guidance and friendship," he urged. "Your professors and I are here to help you grow, learn, and succeed. So, take advantage of all the knowledge and experiences that Hogwarts has to offer. The library is your ally, and your fellow students are your allies." But while saying that I sensed some kind of I sensed some kind of calculated manipulation in Professor Slughorn's speech. It wasn't just his words, but the way he delivered them, that raised a few eyebrows among the more perceptive members of our house. The warm smile, the reassuring tone, and the stories of success and connections all seemed a little too polished as if they were carefully designed to charm and persuade. The only reason for such a speech was that Riddle had already started trying to reach students and Dumbledore had discovered it pushing Horace to speak about loyalty and that friendships were everywhere in Hogwart".

---In another part of the castle--

A beautiful girl with long red hair and green eyes walked through the halls of Hogwarts. She just came back from sending a letter to her parent and her sister and she was now making her way back to the Gryffindor common room. The castle, with its grand architecture and shifting staircases, always held a sense of wonder for Lily. She loved how the torchlight played on the ancient stone walls and cast dancing shadows on the floors. The portraits lining the corridors whispered their secrets to one another as she passed by.

---Lily Evans's POV mixed with the Narrator's pov--

I hope father and mother won't mind the owl. Sending messages via owl post was quite complicated and Ruby was not very gentle and knowing Petunia she would surely try to kill her again. Yes, the real concern was her older sister, since she was the only one to receive the Hogawrt letter Petunia's resistance to all things magical and her resentment toward me had grown enough for her to try to kill my owl this summer, I had known that she never quite accepted that the magical world or its creature but to the point of killing such a beautiful owl. While I was trying to tie the letter I saw a girl with long, chestnut hair do it easily I couldn't help but be slightly embarrassed and asked in a low voice "Excuse me, I am struggling, can you help me?" 

hearing this the girl smiled shyly and said "I can help you, yes"

Lily Evans smiled and introduced herself, "I'm Lily Evans, by the way. Sorry for interrupting you."

Teresa returned the smile, appreciating Lily's kindness. "No need to apologize, Lily. I'm Teresa Berlitz. It's nice to meet you. So, what can I help you with?"

Lily blushed slightly, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "Well, it's just that I'm still getting used to the owl post system here at Hogwarts. I have this letter for my family, and I'm not entirely sure how to send it."

Teresa's demeanor put Lily at ease. "Of course, I can help you with that. It can be a bit tricky at first. Let me show you how it's done." She walked over to Lily's side and gently picked up the letter she was holding.

Teresa explained the process, demonstrating how to attach the letter securely to the owl's leg and reassuring Lily that her owl would know where to find her family. She also offered some helpful tips about owl behavior and communication.

Lily listened attentively, grateful for the assistance. "Thank you so much, Teresa. You've been a big help. I'm still finding my way around Hogwarts, and it's nice to meet someone so friendly."

Teresa smiled and replied, "You're very welcome, Lily. If you ever need any more help or just want to chat, feel free to come find me. That's what Hogwarts is all about, after all - making friends and helping each other out."

Lily: "Then....Do you have any idea...to make someone love magic..? My sister ... she's not exactly fond of magical creatures."

Teresa: "I see. It sounds like you're dealing with quite a challenge. I can't imagine how difficult it must be with family members who don't fully embrace the magical world. But don't worry, you're not alone. My mother isn't exactly fond of magic either, so I understand the struggle. It's not easy to bridge that gap between two worlds." (If it's not clear I'm trying to refer to her background story)

Lily: "It's refreshing to meet someone who understands. It's been a source of frustration for me, especially since I want to keep in touch with my parents. The owl post is our lifeline, but it's hard when Petunia is so vehemently opposed to it."

Teresa: "I completely get it. Family dynamics can be challenging. But don't let it discourage you. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of patience and understanding. Maybe over time, Petunia will come to accept the magical world more, just as you are beginning to embrace it."

Lily: "You're right. It's just frustrating when we're both so different. But thanks for your kind words. I'll keep trying, and I'll hope for the best with my sister. By the way, what house are you in?"

Teresa: "I'm in Gryffindor. How about you?"

Lily: "I'm in Gryffindor too. Why didn't I see you at the ceremony? "

Teresa: "This...is quite hard to explain, my aunt is Minerva McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher of Hogwarts"(Sorry if I don't explain the reason here but you should know that the family of Dumbledore supporter should be endangered during the war so it would be smart to keep her hidden)

In another part of the castle totally opposed to the Gryffindor tower, the Slytherin dormitory there was a woman having long, sleek, platinum-blonde hair that cascaded down her back. possessing a striking beauty enhanced by her pale complexion and piercing, steel-gray eyes, which exuded an air of icy elegance. Her regal and aristocratic bearing only added to her allure.

-----Narcissa Black pov--

"Narcissa, you dream of having connections with many Wizarding families, don't you?"

I raised an eyebrow surprised, my sister was never one to be interested in my dream, "Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

Bellatrix leaned in, a sly smile playing on her lips, "Have you ever heard of the Peverell family?"

My eyes lit up with recognition, "The Peverells? That name is steeped in wizarding history, from what I remember they should be older than our family, why?"

Bellatrix hesitated for a moment, her usually confident demeanor showing a flicker of uncertainty which I caught but didn't comment on it. She recalled the intriguing sensation she had felt when encountering this young Peverell heir. "I encountered a boy named Peverell this morning and his name caught my interest" 

My interest was further piqued. The Peverells were known for their deep connection to powerful magical artifacts, like the Invisibility Cloak. Their secretive nature had led many to believe that the family was extinct, so this revelation was nothing short of astonishing. "A Peverell heir at Hogwarts? And he caught your interest ? That's remarkable. Tell me everything you've seen, Bella."

Bellatrix leaned forward, her voice low and conspiratorial but I caught a blush on her face. "Do you remember the boy who approached me in the great hall this morning? It's him. He seemed different, Cissy, not like the other students. There was an air of purpose about him, as though he carried some deep secret or hidden power like grandfather and I don't know why my magic was attired to him."

This shocked me but it also gave me hope, the magic of a woman attired to a boy means that they would have done a ritual of soulbonds like father and mother, it's also why despite their character they are still married but if Bellatrix's description is right then it mean that this boy has a natural SoulBond with her? "Bella, I will do some research on this but for the time being don't be impulsive and try to avoid him, if it's what I think then I may have found a way for us to avoid being married off"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know please.

Zozo_77creators' thoughts