
Busted by DNA

"Hello, Midtown Highschool!" Tony Stark announces in front of Peter's class of excited teens, "I understand you are excited however I would greatly appreciate it if you pipe down just for a bit." The class instantly fell silent; all eyes towards the billionaire genius standing at the front of the room. "Awesome now let's get started."

Mr Stark murmured in the ear of the teacher. "Ok class! I'm going to choose a volunteer!" All of the students' hands shot into the air, except for one. Of course, Peter wouldn't put his hand up, he couldn't risk anyone finding out he was Spiderman.

The teacher, who goes by the name of Miss Petherick, was confused as to why the young teen didn't raise his hand. He's just shy. She thought and smiled to herself. "Peter Parker would you like to come to the front of the room please."

Oh shit.

Peter exchanged glances with Mr Stark. They were both thinking the exact same thing. "Maybe one of the others Miss, Peter didn't have his hand up." The class looked hopeful. "No, I think Peter needs to come out of his shell."

Double shit.

Flash leaned over and whispered only loud enough for Peter, Ned and MJ to hear, "Come on Penis Parker, or are you afraid that your lie about the internship is going to come out?" Peter gulped.

"Dude don't do it if they find out you're screwed." Ned attempted to persuade Peter but he got out of his chair anyway. It would look suspicious if he turned the opportunity down.

Meanwhile Tony looked at the kid, this wasn't going to end well for him. Plastering a smile on as all eyes turned on him Peter stood at the front of the class.

"You may be wondering what we are doing today. Well, we're testing a brand new Stark Tech DNA scanner and Peter here is our subject." A small black box had been placed on the table that had a slight dip in the middle. "Not only will this tell us Peter's identity from his fingerprint but it will read his blood without drawing it. This will suggest any superhuman abilities, diseases or other abnormal things he may or may not possess." Peter felt his binder constrict around his ribcage, struggling to breathe Peter hid his trembling hands behind his back. "Peter just place any finger on the DNA Scanner."

I'm screwed.

Placing his finger on the box Peter braced himself for the worst.

Full name: Peter Benjamin Parker, originally Karen Rose Parker. He is sixteen years of age and there is found to be an abnormality in his blood... ...Scanning... ...Peter has acquired super strength, the ability to stick to walls, 10 times increased metabolism and other spider-like abilities, possibly from a radioactive spider bite.

"Mr Stark what am I supposed to do now?"

"Kid I don't know."

The class just stared dumbfounded.

"PENIS PARKER IS SPIDERMAN!!!" Flash yelled breaking the silence into a million pieces.

Tony just looked him dead in the eye.

"What did you just call him?"

Ok, guys, you've probably seen millions of versions of this elsewhere so I'm not sure who came up with it to start with but I thought it would be cool to twist the idea into my own just to start this off. Anyways thank you for reading!!!!

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