

I uncurled myself rapidly from the position I was in, breathing heavily, but my back hit something solid.

I panicked and stretched out my paws. They barely stretched out before hitting a wall, I sat bolt upright expecting to see tightly woven vines but I just saw the sky.

I looked down and saw the tire I had slept in. I breathed a sigh of relief and my shoulders sagged. I'd had a nightmare that I was trapped inside that cave again but I'd escaped, however I didn't know if I'd ever be able to escape the nightmares.

I took deep breaths to calm down and caught the scent of a strange cat, the cat scent was different than any I had smelled before.

No cat in the alleys had this scent; it was sort of earthy with the scent of oak. I also smelled the faint scent of many different cats.

It was undoubtedly a forest cat, there were two sets of scents one was stale and going towards the spot where the scent was strongest as if a cat had sat there then the scents leading away from here were scarily fresh 'was she watching me sleep?' I thought.

I will not update very often because I am still in school I have a lot of stuff going on so do not expect frequent updates.

Pepsterpupcreators' thoughts
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