
Lala, the girl from the planet Deviluke

"Sigh*..... This is really relaxing..." said Rito, as he slowly entered the bathtub, filled with hot and bubbling water. Placing his arms to rest on the corners of the tub and after that, he simply lets out another soothing sigh and closes his eyes to simply enjoy how relaxing this moment of his life was.

"If only every day were like this..... Right, Haruna had told me that an old friend of ours would return to the city.... Hmm, he asks me who it will be" Rito said slowly, remembering about the people he met through his new life.

At the same time, he was also surprised by the large number of girls around him, although at first it had not taken so much importance, because they were not yet legalized ... the current situation was very different from the past, so who wondered if it was time to break the wall of 'friends' between him and his companions...

"Now that I remember, that girl shouldn't appear anymore-" suddenly cutting off his words, a great light begins to appear at the bottom of the bathtub, managing to surprise Rito for a few moments, before the latter put on a complicated smile and say. "It seems it's about time ..."

Bubble * Glow * Bubble * Glow * Rumble * Dip *

Opening his eyes, because all the water in the bathtub had been derailed and released, Rito manages to visualize an intrusive figure that was the cause of the terrible unfolding of the water in the bathtub.

Opening his eyes wide, Rito can only completely marvel at the attractive and seductive figure of the beautiful girl in front of him, who had exotic pink hair and beautiful light emerald eyes making his charm multiply as Rito continues to stare at her.

"Uh?... Wow, apparently I didn't calculate the distance well" said the beautiful pink haired girl.

Recovering from his sudden dumbfoundedness, Rito shakes his head from side to side, then puts on a friendly smile and says. "This.... Who are you?"

Just realizing that there was another person next to him, Lala just stares at him curiously enough, only for seconds later to put on a rather innocent smile and say. "I am Lala"

"Yes?... Nod * My name is Yuuki Rito, this... could you tell me why you appeared in my bathtub all of a sudden?" Rito said, trying to sound as innocent and detached from the situation. After hearing Rito's question, Lala begins to explain everything that had happened and that to escape from her pursuers, she had tried one of her new inventions, but due to a miscalculation that she did not take into account, she teleported to your bathtub.

"I see ... Well, I have no problem with a cute girl being here but ... For what reason are they chasing you?" Rito said, continuing to act like he was oblivious to the fact that he knew all of Lala's story.

"Well, that is-"

Knock * Knock * Knock * Knock *

"Hey Rito-nii, it's all well inside, there's a lot of water leaking" Mikan said from the other side of the door, alarming Rito.

"Don't worry Mikan, it's all-" Cutting off his words, Rito begins to look around him, only to realize that Lala was nowhere to be found, finishing his previous statement unconsciously. "Good?!..."

"(Maybe he's already teleported to my room ...)" Rito thought, then started to get up from the bathtub, and began to dry the entire wet floor. Once the entire bathroom has been dried, Rito puts on a towel, covering his entire lower part and then leaves the bathroom, only to bump into Mikan, who was waiting for him because she thought something bad had happened.

Being stunned by Rito's naked body, Mikan begins to have various thoughts in her mind that would make Rito look at her with a stunned face, but before he realized how fiercely flushed she was, Mikan scream. "Rite PERVERTED !!!", launching a powerful blow to her abdomen and escaping from the place with his face hidden by her hands.

Observing the grandiose escape of his little sister, Rito waits a few seconds, before standing again and rubbing his abdomen gently, while thinking about what he had done to be called that by Mikan, but remembering that there was a beautiful alien girl waiting for him. in his room, he decided to leave that for later and focus on the biggest problem ... "Nod* I shouldn't keep a lady waiting right?"

Climbing the stairs at a fast pace, Rito finally reaches his room and once he enters, he is able to appreciate the beautiful figure of Lala covered by a towel.

"Oh hello Rito, I'm sorry to leave you there alone, I borrowed your towel by the way, hehe ~" Lala said, while putting a silly but cute smile on her face, but inside, a strong feeling was blossoming, seeing in detail, Rito's half-naked body.

"Sigh * Okay then why don't we continue the conversation we had in the bathroom, of course, unless you already have to go" said Rito, trying to create a conversation starter, even though he already knew where it came from Lala.

"Right.... I think that on this planet they would refer to me as an alien, yep, that.... The truth is that I come from the planet Deviluke, but for certain reasons, I am being chased by some guys who sent to take me back "Lala said, looking at Rito with an embarrassed smile.

"Mmm... I see, then, what are you planning to do? I mean, I don't think your pursuers will give up so easily do they?" Rito said, as he crossed his arms and wondered if he should do the same as the original 'Rito'.

"That's true, but I have complete confidence that I will be able to escape from them!" Lala said, looking around her curiously.

"Well wait, do you already have a place to live?" Rito asked curiously, as he was still acting.

"No, I arrived very recently, so, I don't know where-"

"LALA-SAMA !!, IS HE OKAY ?!" said a doll that had a somewhat strange shape, but very adorable indeed.

"Peke !!!, thank heaven, so you also managed to escape safely !!" Lala said, as she hugged the strange but adorable doll.

"If Lala-sama luckily the ship wasn't out-... Hmm, who is the perverted earthling over there Lala-sama?" Peke said, pointing to where Rito was.

"Oh right I forgot to introduce them, Peke he is Rito... And Rito, he is Peke 'An all-purpose clothing robot'!!" Lala said, while she seemed to have remembered something and throwing the towel that she had on, she says again. "Peke, I'm counting on you !!"

Being blinded by a strange violet-pink light, Rito places a hand in front of him, then removes it and calmly sees Lala in a rather... peculiar outfit. "Wow, I thought it would be the same as in the anime, but I see that reality is several times better than fiction"

"Yosh~, this is perfect Peke, what do you think Rito, it's great right?" Lala said, curious as to what her first Earth 'friend' thought.

"Nod * It looks great ... something exotic I would say" said Rito, trying not to laugh, because despite the fact that the suit made him stand out too much, the hat he was wearing was very funny to him.

"Hehehe ~, thanks Rito ... by the way Peke, did you make sure that-" Before Lala finished what she wanted to say, two men in black suits and dark glasses entered Rito's room in a very quick way, unable easily perceived by the human eye.

"Seriously, she is very troublesome miss, if she continues to insist on escaping from her, she will leave us no choice but to tie her hands and feet so that she does not resist" said the man with the blond hair suit.

Looking at both people in amazement, Lala takes her time and says. "Hey Peke, didn't I tell you to notice they didn't follow you?"

"Y-Yes ma'am"

"You are an idiot Peke !!! Because of you my whole escape plan has been ruined !!" Lala said, complaining and throwing punches into the air in a rather comical way.

"Tch, enough of the nonsense, it's time for you to come with us" said the other person with a black suit and dark hair.

Approaching slowly to where Lala was, one of the two guys tightly grasps Lala's wrist, but the latter trying to struggle, begins to bite the arm of the guy who was holding her, throwing blows into the air, so that his partner's aggressor ', do not approach to help him.

Seeing the scene that was emerging in front of him, Rito simply sighs and taking the soccer ball that he had in his room, he fired a strong shot at the arm of the man who was holding Lala, managing to free her and with quick steps, Rito took the Lala's hand and begins to escape with her.

Looking at the young man who had just helped her, even though they only knew each other a few minutes ago, Lala begins to feel strange and asks Rito. "Because you help me-"

"Do you think I'd stare quietly, while they try to force a girl in front of me? Besides, I don't like to see a sad girl" said Rito, but inside the only thought he had was. "(In the end if I did the same as 'he' would do eh)"

Jumping from ceiling to ceiling, both Lala and Rito were absorbed in their own thoughts, which is why neither of them realized that a certain person was watching them holding hands.





A / N: Would you like me to put everything that happens next, or do I just skip the whole scene and put Rito in school already?

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