
Perverted Cultivation

The mixture of yin and yang is a union that cannot be underestimated to normal cultivators, or what some would call dual cultivation. However, in the Distaff Clan World that got overcome by Yin due to the extreme amount of females that dominated the planet, there came a time where men from a faraway place became needed to help balance out the world! Yun Che had been a medical student training to be a doctor when his girlfriend took his virginity on the night of the new moon. This special timing however happened to be a play, for an asteroid that approached once every hundred years had just started to pass their planet! In the morning, he woke up after indulging in the pleasures of celebrating his girlfriend's flesh only to find that his home had been somehow transported to the asteroid like a flaming missile! Even more perplexing is that he will now be forced to leave his world in order to make sure his dear Yun'er doesn't die to the wretches trying to overtake her planet! Come join Yun Che while he engages in using his wits, looks, and abilities to completely challenge the status quo on this all female's planet. However, if he fails, the worst that will happen is he'll be forced to make lots of babies with dozens of beautiful women. What's the worse that can happen with the invasion of the planet from the other forces around the strange cultivation star in their galaxy? A road of mystery and adventure awaits!

Dao0fPerverts · Eastern
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69 Chs

Too much attraction is dangerous?!

A few hours had been spent analyzing Yun Che's rather amazing body, and its ability to suck in 'yin' energy by the Mistress Empress.

In fact, it had already reached nightfall and Yun Che had to fight ten core disciples tomorrow!

If not for the fact that Yun Che had somehow reached the peak of the Qi Introduction Realm while asleep, he most certainly would've been afraid for his life.

However, even though he'd reached the 'peak' of the Qi Introduction Realm, his body could only use strength equivalent to the Fifth Qi Introduction Realm. The energy had yet to spread into his body, and strengthen his meridians, bones, and ligaments.

Still, Mistress Empress had confirmed Yun Che's strange ability while sleeping, but once again hadn't found out about the Blood Lust Cube. Because of this, she intended to fully submit to Li Qiang tomorrow without telling Yun Che. If she submitted, she could 'bed' Li Qiang for a few nights, and then in secret train Yun Che until he greatly surpassed either of them in strength.

Mistress Empress: "Yun Che… It's strange, but your body has a special yang bloodline that I can't quite figure out. When you reach the Foundation Rising Stage, your body will naturally reveal what kind of bloodline you have! However, for some reason, your body already seems to have activated a bloodline I've never heard of before!

"In fact, if I hadn't watched Xiao Chunhua taking advantage of you with her glorious body, I might have not realized your strange bloodline. However, right before Xiao Chunhua finished on top of you, I noticed your body began to automatically cultivate! This had to be the result of a bloodline, because nothing else made sense!"

Mistress Empress: "However, when you began to cultivate Yun'er who had been in the other room suddenly ran in and started to join the fray! It seemed that she couldn't resist you when you cultivated, and helped participate even after Xiao Chunhua finished!

"If not for my great willpower, I also would���ve taken part! However, I-I did find it rather amazing your ability to keep it going… I think because of that if you want you can have Xiao Chunhua if you defeat the inner court disciples tomorrow!"

Mistress Empress only said this to make him feel stronger, but at the same time she planned on telling Li Qiang to have the ten core disciples fake 'losing' the match. A man's ability to win fights manifested in the rest of his life,and if she stopped him from having to fight people he might really lose hope to cultivate!

She could tell that his strength had already reached the fourth Qi Introductary realm, and it had only been a day! She really imagined the most she'd have to do is 'bed' that Li Qiang perhaps a hundred times and than Yun Chu could kill her!

Yun Che: "Wait, so you're telling me that both girls finished while I had been asleep?! Are you telling me that I missed out on the most amazing day of my life?! Oh god, what time is it?! I have to get back to training!

Mistress Empress sighed and curled up her finger to gesture him to come towards her.

"I'm sorry, but you won't be sleeping tonight. It's time to help you increase your cultivation. I-It's against the rules to help new disciples, but because you've already done two girls I consider family, I will help train you!"

"However, unfortunately, you'll have to keep your hands off of me while I'm teaching you! In fact, you must stay twenty feet away or I won't be able to focus!

Yun Che had noticed Mistress Empress had carefully placed her feet a certain distance away from him, and nodded his head. However, he couldn't resist trying to get close to her. After all, he had just been taken advantage of by two beautiful ladies, and he could tell that Mistress Empress still had blush on her cheeks!

He needed to take revenge, and all he had to do seemed to be get in twenty feet of her.

With all his strength he rushed towards her, but in response she backstepped and ended up downstairs in just a second. In disbelief, he sighed and followed her outside, stepping out into the moonlight only to find Mistress Empress safely seated nearly 100 meters away.

In fact, she even had a fence around her, and how she did that in twenty seconds he didn't know.

"I'm sorry, but this is for your own good! When you're done, I might even come on my own accord and do something nice for you!" Mistress Empress blushed and tossed a parchment out of her arm which quite accidentally hit Yun Che in the face.

With a 'plop' Yun Che fell over to Mistress Empress surprise. In disbelief, she immediately rushed over to him and checked on his condition.

His skin had began to sweat and this caused Mistress Empress to get worried. She never expected Yun Che to not try and dodge the parchment. In a way, she treated him like someone at her level, and she had no idea why.

She leaned in and felt a heat coming from his body before she instantly tried to pull away. However, when she did, his hands caught her from behind, and with a swoop he pulled her in and squeezed her tightly kissing her gently on the lips.

Because of what she did, he felt the need to pay her back, and pay her back a thousand times over. Unfortunately, with a 'plop' that Mistress Empress in front of him exploded and a gentle laugh came from behind the fence.

"If you win tomorrow, I'll let you kiss the real me!" Mistress Empress screamed outloud while she blushed and felt at her lips. Indeed, she had used her 'phoenix' to make a second copy of herself so she wouldn't once again fall for that jerks tricks. However, at the same time, she wouldn't dare mention everything the phoenix felt she could feel. "Now, hurry up and study that parchment! If you don't learn it by the morning, you can kiss me rewarding you goodbye!"