
Persona Paradox

I don't know who I am, or how I got here... but... I hope to help the best I can.

SimonDigger · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Welcome to the Velvet Room


As abrupt as it came it went, an unbelievably great sensation of pain passing through my chest from side to side, a burning sensation that seemed to come from hell itself, then nothing, it was all over unexpected, a great calm came over me, when I was finally able to recover some composure I decided to open my eyes.

"Should I use the classic line of an unknown ceiling?"

"A guest with a sense of humor, isn't he?"

I blinked absently as I looked a little better where I was, it seemed to be a large library, several shelves, many books, a light piano song playing in the background, so while I was looking at the ceiling a voice distracted me, I move my head a little to see an old-looking guy with a very long nose… and a creepy smile…

"A guest from a rather strange place, although you look like those of this world, you are not, my name is..."


There was no doubt, he was the unmistakable Igor, the one who always welcomes newcomers to the PERSONA series of games, one could say that he is one of the most important characters for all the advantages he gives the player throughout the game. your journey, in many ways.

"Certainly, an unusual guest, yes, my name is Igor, welcome to the Velvet Room, a world within dream and reality, mind and matter, usually only those who have signed a contract can enter, but It seems that you are a very special case" (Igor)


"Although the Velvet Room is connected to many worlds, this shouldn't be one of them, however, you are here" (Igor)

"What…? ouch!"

I finally put some of my mind together and got up from the ground to be able to understand my situation a little better, but as I got up I noticed that there was a large amount of blood on my chest, my shirt was torn right where there was a large diagonal cut that was from my left hip to my right shoulder, I looked horrified as there was still a lot of blood coming out of my chest, but surprised by the lack of pain, my outburst must have been more of a conditioned reflex.

"Strange, isn't it? This place can be confusing sometimes"

I had to admit that for a moment she scared me, I had not noticed her right next to Igor, she was a girl of about 16 years old, high black boots, a dress-skirt that reaches her knees in a dark tone. dark blue, a jacket that only covered the upper part of her torso with short sleeves and a lighter blue color than her dress, platinum hair that fell to the middle of her back with bangs that fell on the right side of her face all over. next to a tied blue scarf that made her look like rabbit ears, almost like Chitoge from Nisekoi, her skin was white as porcelain with bright gold, she made me feel bad with my third-world skin tone, finally she had a belt around his waist from which hung a thick book.

"She is Lazuli, she is another resident of the place" (Igor)

"Nice to meet you" (Lazuli)

"Continuing what I was saying, yes, you are a special case, you are about to embark on a journey, a great odyssey, it could almost be described, but unlike other heroes of old, your path could be a little different. tell me, how does the Velvet Room look to you?" (Igor)

"A great library"

"Velvet Room has the characteristic of adapting to the visitor's subconscious thoughts, that subconscious is what indicates the nature of their trips" (Igor)

"So, a library... Quest for knowledge?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no, only time will tell" (Igor)

"Not very encouraging… or accurate in any way…"

"We can always try a reading that might shed some light on your circumstances, consider it a service from me" (Igor)


Before I entered this room, I was quite skeptical about fortune telling, but having Igor in front of me with an assistant really left me believing that anything was possible, and Igor of all people would do it. Well, he was earning more than some other people might believe.

"Okay, I'll start" (Igor)

With a hand faster than someone of his apparent age could imagine Igor shuffled the cards to finally draw seven cards and place them in a V shape in front of me, starting from my left revealing the first card, a skull, a great first omen.

"Don't worry, guest, death is not necessarily bad, it is the symbol of the end of a cycle to start another, a little curious, but accurate to describe your past" (Igor)

I flip the next one, The Fool.

"As could be expected, you are currently the fool, the beginning of a new journey, a letter that is not strange to any of us, but the next…" (Igor)

A card that worried me, The Aeon

"A non-standard card, which like you, is here, your journey will be difficult and only through critical wisdom will you be able to discover the right path… finality and destruction… or hope and liberation, only your judgment will be the deciding factor" (Igor)

I swallow hard, flip another, The Magician.

"Don't be afraid, there is a clear guide of what you must do to achieve the optimal result, as the magician suggests, you must take action, stay active, you must use all the tools and actions to achieve your goals..." (Igor)

Next, the moon, inverted

"The most important thing is that you must not allow yourself to give in to your fears, your anxiety, and doubts… put aside those illusions…" (Igor)

Sixth card, The Strength.

"That is why you must maintain your will, put yourself before problems, channel them and solve them" (Igor)

Last letter… The hanged man…

"I think this concludes your reading; I hope it will be enlightening" (Igor)

"Thank you"

A reading that only increased my anxiety, more than helping, they only managed to make me feel more pressure, with my limited knowledge of the Arcana I understood enough of the reading to worry about the results, Death, The fool, Aeon, The magician, The moon, The force, The hanged man.

I could only move forward and hope for the best...

"And now I think there is only one thing left to do" (Igor)

Lazuli spoke moving to the table, in her hands, a scroll that she placed right in front of me with a raven quill "The signer of this document did it of his own free will, seek answers and the purpose of his appearance, letting him walk through the path he chooses

"This is his contract, once signed we will be able to help him in the best viable way as he moves forward to find the reason why he is here" (Igor)

"Signing this will give me the power of the wild card?"

"A clearly informed guest, I think it will help you find the answers you are looking for, I am also curious to see how the joker works on someone who is not from this world, and since knowing the joker you must also know the PERSONA?" (Igor)


"Splendid, it seems that explanations will not be necessary, so my assistant Lazuli will help you record all the people you have in your compendium" (Igor)

"Feel free to come to me if you ever need help" (Lazuli)

"Ah, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, first you have to sign the contract, you just need to put your name and let's start" (Igor)

Just as I picked up the pen to sign, I realized something very problematic, there were big memory gaps, I had put my hands to my head trying to review my memories, I could remember my date of birth, things related to school, some things random of my life, only after a lot of effort I could find my name

"Tyron Miller" (Tyron)

"Well then Mr. Miller, as we saw you have the power of the *Fool* Arcana, thus marking the start of your journey with the potential to be whatever you decide to be, it's going to be a long one, but maybe at some point you'll find the answer as to why you have fallen into this world, I look forward to seeing the results of your journey" (Igor)

I took a breath, there were a lot of things missing, I could say forwards and backwards all the plot of the PERSONA games until 5, but everything related to me is deeply blank, confused, disoriented, with a lack of memory, still I couldn't feel a bit of emotion, I didn't know what the other side of the door would bring me, but I would take it head on.

"Here is the key to the Velvet Room, you can use it to come back here at any time" (Lazuli)

I simply nodded as I took it and turned around to face a bright blue door, taking one last breath before moving forward and opening it to be greeted by a bright light.

"That door marks the beginning of your journey… I hope to see you again" (Igor)

Well, English is not my first language, still I hope you like it

SimonDiggercreators' thoughts