
The package's burden

Manel, a twenty-three-year-old student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, juggled his studies with a part-time job at the local post office to fund his education. One fateful day, he received a special assignment to collect a package from a gentleman named Pere Salvador, residing in a quiet neighborhood in Barcelona.

Upon arriving at Mr. Salvador's residence, he was warmly invited inside. Not wanting to appear impolite, Manel graciously accepted the offer for tea. Their conversation began in earnest:

"Thank you, Mr. Salvador," Manel said.

"Please, call me Pere. It makes me feel more youthful. And you, my young friend, how may I address you?" Pere asked with a warm smile.

"I'm Manel, and I'm twenty-three years old," he replied.

Pere's curiosity led to further inquiry: "Ah, a university student, I presume. What is your area of study?"

"I'm pursuing a degree in history, and my plan is to complete a master's in education to become a history teacher in a high school. And you, what was your field of study?" Manel asked.

"I, too, was a history student in my earlier days, much like you. Later, I ventured into archaeology. I once attended the Autonomous University of Barcelona with a dear friend named Ricard Comtal. I believe he's now a history teacher at the very institution," Pere reminisced.

Excitement filled Manel's voice as he responded, "Indeed, he is my professor."

"We were close friends once, until a most unfortunate turn of events... but that is a story for another time," Pere mused.

Intrigued, Manel continued, "By the way, Mr. Salvador, what fascinating discoveries have you made as an archaeologist?"

Pere leaned back, deep in thought. "Oh, many discoveries, my young friend. For instance, I uncovered the remains of a Roman temple in Guadix."

Manel's eyes lit up. "How remarkable! Did your friend, Professor Comtal, assist you in any of your archaeological endeavors?"

Pere let out a weary sigh. "No, regrettably, he did not. He was entirely consumed by his academic responsibilities."

Eager to share his achievements, Pere suggested, "Would you like to view an album of photographs showcasing my various discoveries?"

Manel was enthusiastic. "Absolutely! I'm keen to see some of the archaeological relics you've encountered."

As they perused the photographs together, Manel and Pere developed a deep camaraderie. As the clock ticked, however, Manel realized that he needed to depart.

"Mr. Salvador, it's getting late, and I must take my leave," Manel said.

Pere, now a newfound friend, was understanding. "I won't keep you. Please remember to take the package with you. Its safe arrival at its destination is of utmost importance. You must send it to Zurich in Switzerland, specifically to the German-speaking part – Zurich's address is detailed in the package."

"Thank you, Pere! Auf Wiedersehen. That's 'goodbye' in German, isn't it?" Manel inquired.

"Yes," Pere affirmed with a cheerful laugh.

Manel left Pere's residence and made his way towards the elevator. To his surprise, the elevator was occupied, so he decided to take the stairs instead. Little did he know that this decision would alter the course of his life.

Upon reaching the ground floor, a deafening gunshot pierced the air. Panic ensued as a frantic crowd pushed and screamed, with the building's concierge frantically dialing the police and an ambulance.

Intrigued and alarmed, Manel cautiously began to climb the stairs again. Upon reaching the top, he was met with a chaotic scene outside Pere Salvador's apartment. There, on the ground, lay Pere, blood seeping from a wound in his chest. He was still alive but struggling.

Without hesitation, Manel rushed to Pere's side. With every labored breath, Pere implored, "Manel, the package... it must reach its destination! If it falls into the wrong hands... it could cause the deaths of many people!"

In his final moments, Pere made a Herculean effort to reach into his shirt pocket, withdrawing a crumpled 500-euro bill.

"Manel, take it! Go to Zurich... Take care of the package..."

Pere's last breath escaped him as he collapsed on the floor, his last request echoing in Manel's mind.

With the package and the crumpled 500 euros clutched in his hand, Manel left the tumultuous scene, overwhelmed with grief, fear, and an unwavering sense of duty. Though shaken to the core, he resolved to fulfill Pere's final wishes.

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