


Shane walked back to his office, he slammed the door after him and it was so hard that a frame fell from the wall and smashed on the floor. He ran his hand through his perfectly slicked back black hair and ended up ruining the nice work. He stared at the desk, all he could remember was how elegantly she walked in, her exquisite she looked, how gracefully she spoke and how she had announced it to his mother that she was rich.

How could she do this to him? How could she break his heart the second time? Nine years, nine long years he had waited, believed that there must be a good reason while she left that night, that she would come back and explain everything to him and then they could go back to how they used to be but all along she had been married? Freaking married!

Robert was married eight years ago which means they might had been courting in one year. God! The thought alone was driving him insane and he strode to his desk and wiped everything on it on the floor, including his computer. He turned to the coffee table in the office, picking up the glass tea jug, he smashed it on the wall, then he walked to the wall, smashing every frame, every work of art.

In less than a minute, his perfectly arranged office had turned into a mess with broken pieces and papers everywhere. How could she do this to him? Just how! After everything, after all the pains he had to go through for her, after all the waiting, all the love, how could she break him like this?

His door opening him made him glare at the intruder, /"I’m…I’m sorry sir, I had the breaking sounds and wanted to know if you are okay,/" the panic stricken secretary gulped when she saw the look in his eyes.

/"Get out!/" Shane yelled.

/"Y…yes sir,/" the pretty blonde turned to run for her life.

/"Salina,/" he called, making her turn stiffly, /"I don’t want to see anybody. If I see anybody, you are fired, is that clear?/"

The lady nodded like a chicken picking grains, /"yes sir, very well understood./"

/"Get out./"

/"Yes sir,/" she closed the door gently after her despite her fear.

Shane looked at the mess in his office and he only wants to make more mess but there was nothing more to break. In time, his anger started turning into pain, his heart hurts and he slumped beside his desk, he pulled his knees up to his chest and his hands holding tightly on his head. He cried. Yet again, he cried for the same woman. First one being the day he realized that she had abandoned him nine years ago and now, she was back but she was married, even if she was a widow.

Minutes passed, he don’t know how long but he finally got himself up from the floor, he walked into his private room and got himself a bottle of whiskey, he poured half a glass for himself and walked back into his office with the bottle. He stared at the mess he had made and sighed, walking to his chair, he sat down and sipped his liquor.

He looked at the beautiful sunset through the floor to ceiling window, if anyone had told him his day would have ended with him being so broken, he would never had believed it. He could still remember how she looked in that black gown, so exquisite and perfect. She should have been his, his alone but no, she chose Robert over him. She chose a sixty five years old man over a thirty seven years old one.

The thought alone made him want to laugh out loud at the fool he was, nine years he was staring at the truth but he chose to believe in her love for him, a love which was probably an imagination on his part.

He heard the door opening and didn’t even bother to look back, /"my goodness Shane, what kind of a mess is this?/" He heard his mother but didn’t take his eyes off the sunset.

Her heals trotted, signifying she was getting close to him, /"I can’t believe you made this mess simply because of that girl. I must say I’m surprise, she is Robert’s wife, she really did grab onto a thick thigh. Never would I have expected Robert nor a man in his status to marry such a girl,/" she shook her head with a sigh.

/"Well, as much as I would hate to admit this she really does have us on her whim, we can’t let her sell her shares to Xavier, something has to been done,/" she continued, /"although she said she wants to be a part of the company but I don’t believe her that she doesn’t want to sell the shares, that’s why before she do, we have to get those shares from her. If you think about this, it’s really a blessing in disguise. Now you don’t have to charm your way to her, you just need to rekindle that old feeling in her, that is if she really had real feelings for you.

You guys spent quite a lot of time together, think you can get her to sign her shares to you? Well you can, I know you can. You just have to make her believe you still love her and that you are on her side. Give her some romantic moments and get her to sign the document, no big deal. Just take as long as you want but don’t let it exceed three months, I don’t want her having those shares for so long. Yes, that’s it, go after her Shane, make her fall for you for real this time. Remember son, we can’t let Xavier Gray or any other person get to her first and stand a chance of owning our shares, that cannot happen.

So rather than sit here and drinking like a drunkard, step up your game and find a solution, find a way to make Lillian Williams fall for you, we need those she shares,/" she stopped briefly only to sigh, /"I have something to handle in the office and yes, the boarders have agreed to give her an office, that’s something else I need to prepare. I will see you at home, try not to be late for dinner,/" she patted his shoulder twice and walked away, she paused briefly at the door and added, /"and please call Salina to send for Martha to clean this place up,/" then she walked out.

Shane closed his eyes when the door closed, he heaved a deep sigh, his heart was breaking and it won’t be a lie if he said he heard only a few of the things his mother said.

He pulled out a drawer, and in it he brought out a picture, there was no day he doesn’t look at the picture, at the smiling girl and the laughing man who looked so happy and in love. Every single time he looked at the picture, he always offers a silent prayer of her to come back to him but now, looking at those transparent brown eyes and how they looked at him in love and happiness, his heart only cried out in pain. His thump caressed her face and he shut his eyes.

He felt like he was choking and his heart felt so heavy like he couldn’t breathe, he opened his eyes once more to look at the picture and after, he crumbled it in his palm and tossed it into the trashcan and as he did, a part of him locked up, a part of him which he had left open over the years, believing there was a good reason, believing everything was a misunderstanding locked up. He may have believed there was a reason but not anymore, apparently there was no misunderstanding and there was no good reason or any reason at all. It was high time he stopped deceiving himself, it was high time he call it like he see it. Sipping his drink once more, his sad eyes toughened up, turning a darker shade of gray.
