
Soul Cultivator

Dominik is now standing in front of a building, behind him is a street. The front building had a sign on top "Cafe del Trading". Naturally for Dominik, he can not read the sign because he can not speak nor read the foreign language. Dominik is in first place stunned by the Design of the building, he never saw anything like it.

To his not surprise he was completely naked. Just seconds later, he has the attention of the people around him. The people around him were questioning him, Insulting him, or laughing at him. But to everyone's surprise, Dominik did nothing, not even his facial expression changed.

Dominik is currently concentrating to feel the energy around him, to his surprise the energy is very diluted, to compare it to the world Xeda, Xeda has 100x more pure energy than Earth. Dominik is not discouraged or depressed but happy, yes he is happy because of his special self-created Cultivation Method, he can obtain similar energy, the only difference is that the energy is much purer and stronger than the natural energy. The Energy is called Soul Force. Dominik needs just the energy of the souls from other living beings. The Soul is supplied by the Soul's Energy. From the birth of a living being, the soul burns soul energy to replenish itself, of course, you have a limited amount of soul energy. If the Soul's Energy exhausted, the soul will be destroyed.

For example, if the body gets heavily injured, a lot of the Soul Energy is needed to repair the damage.

So Dominik is standing right now in World with diluted Energy, The strength of the average adult human is here to compare with one of the weakest monsters from his home World.

The Energy passively affects the strength of the living beings. In the early age of the world where ancient creatures over hundreds of meters stand tall in the world, ancient mankind created impossible buildings, that's was only possible because of the rich Energy in the atmosphere.

But something big changes occurred, the ancient creatures died in minutes, ancient mankind mostly wiped out, most of the ancient buildings is destroyed. But what happened? Whose fault is it? where were the ancients? Who wiped nearly the entire world out?

The answers lie only in the future.

The Police arrived at the scene and captured Dominik without any difficulty. Dominik is of course not so stupid and attacks random guys with his actual Power. He sets himself 2 top priorities, the first one is to get information about the world and the second is to kill a human and Absorb the Soul Force.

The Policeman in charge of the new case is at his wit's end. How could he interrogate anyone if he can not understand anything? The only reason for it can be the Person who got Amnesty or how could you explain if a man is standing in front of a cafe and is completely naked and did not understand a single word nor was he aggressive but were standing lost in front of the building. The Policemen in charge drove Dominik into the hospital.

Meanwhile, Dominik is in the hospital. He sits in the Office of the Doctor, 10 Minutes previously, the doctor did some Test, like Test the Reaction, Reflex and so on. Now is the doctor standing outside of his office and is currently talking with the Police Officer.

Officer: Docter, will he be fine?

Docter: His body is in a Good Condition, he is a bit weak but the rest is fine. His Psyche is fine but he can not remember anything, even the language can not understand, this will be problematic, the only thing we could do is to wait, only time can heal his wounds, we have no other choice but to keep him here and check time to time his Psyche.

Dominik got a room with another patient, she is in the 90s, the originated from the Slums and can not offer the instant heal, she needs weeks till she is fully healed, she could not pay the taxes of the local gangsters, as an example to the others, they broke her back, she is complete immobilize.

For Johnny it is the perfect opportunity, he could daily devour her Soul Energy, and if it goes well, maybe even a soul fragment.

In his old world, he could easily devour tens of thousands of Souls in a blink of an eye, but with his current strength, it is impossible, so he would devour her soul Step by Step, enough time has him with her. What a gruesome fate for the old Lady.