
Perfect System.

jay_pee · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Ding, ding.

The sound of weapons clashing could be heard. When the sound of weapons clashing was heard, destruction was sure to follow after. The fight was between two supposedly normal youth but the power they packed was something else. After all they were, 3rd order humans.

One was dressed in all white, with a sword glowing a slight gold. He had Deep blue hair. It could be said that the youth had not only killer looks but killer moves, but his opponent was not to be underestimated either, dressed in all black with white hair. He also had killer looks, but his moves were also a lot more deadlier.

Although both were both third order humans, the deep blue haired guy was seen to be at a disadvantage, although having the level advantage. In a normal fight against lower leveled beings, he would surely be at an advantage. He was also known as Perry, a worshipper of God.

But his opponent was no pushover. The seemingly lower leveled guy was although struggling, was not in a desperate situation yet, he was instead the one controlling this fight. This was because, he was one of the devoted ones with a Perfect System. This was Orochimaro, a devoted worshipper of Lucifer.

Every person who owned the perfect System was a monster, they were even able to take on those higher leveled than they, without effort, and those an order higher, with maximum effort.

A radius of 1 km around the duo was laid waste. It was as though the appocalyps had decided to decend on that particular area. Not a single living being except the two were in this particular area.

The Duo acted like killer machines, as they continued fighting for two hours without even uttering a single word. They had to give their all not to fall to the other in this battle for life. This was not a virtual reality game, where on being killed one could respawn with some mild or heavy punishment. The duo would have even loved that they received heavy penalties for dying, upon revival, as the reality was that this was reality, not some VR company doings. If they died here, it was permanent. No respawning, just death. This was the bitter truth.

The two continued the charade for the another thirty minutes. Fighting for so long had taken its toll on Perry. He could not even mutter the strength to lift his hands. He used the remaining strength in his body to hold tight to a seemingly ordinary pearl. Lying on the floor, accepting his fate, Perry manage to utter one sentence, " I'll have my revenge".

"Yeah, in your next life", Orochimaro said before stabbing Perry's heart. The light in Perry's eyes slowly dimmed, until they became lifeless. Orochimaro, slowly pulled out his sword, and gave it a few swings to wipe the blood off it before placing the sword back in it's scabbard.

Without giving Perry's corpse another glance, he turned around, and the next second he was gone, gone as though he was never there, gone without a trace.