
P a r t 1

Aamarih Abara

"Please Xariah can you get dressed please baby we're late" i said while grabbing Xariah off of the couch and turning off the tv.

"Nooooooooooooooooo mwommy pwease 10 more minutes" she said trying to fight me in my arms by hitting me. "Xariaaaaaaah please baby your making this harder than it is" i said while holding her arms back.

"Here you want a yogurt" as i showed her the nano yogurt. (Yk those yogurts that you suck :)) "yes i wan it" she said trying to grab it with her tiny hands. "Okay well get dressed please" i said while putting her down and while i sat down on her pink bed.

"okay" she said while coming closer to me.

"All dressed" i said as i kissed her on the forehead. "Now can i eat it mwommy pwease" she said trying to grab the yogurt from my hands. "Fine" i said as i handed it to her. "Okay lets go baby your gonna be late" i said as stood up and walked to the entrace of our appartmemt. I grabbed her shoes as i picked her up and sat her on the floor.

I grabbed one of her legs and put her shoes on while ticklingher a little bit. "Hihihihi" she chuckled. "What you like when i tickle your feet huh?" i said with a smile on my face as she smiled too. Once her shoes put on and mine aswell we went to the metro station and went on the first metro that showed up.

Arrived at her daycare i dropped her and continued my way to work. I worked at this rich boutique that idols would usually go shop at. Arrived there i put my staff pin with my name on it to start my day...

Time skip: around 6pm

"Come eat Xariah" i yelled as i put her plate on the table and served her some water with ice cause she loves ice. "Ohh yay macawoni" she squealed as she sat on her pink high chair.

"Mmmm thats so yummy mwommy" she said as she gobbled her macaroni. "Hahhaha okay but eat slowly you dont wanna choke" i told her as i stood up to get her a napkin to clean her face.

"Here wipe your face up" as i wiped her face. "Mwommy" she said as she finished her food. "Yes baby wassup" i said as i admired my beautiful daughter. "Where's daddy? Do i have a daddy?" She asked as i stayed in shock.

Xariah never asked about her dad. And i was hoping it was going to stay like that but i guess not. The truth is i got pregnant at a pretty young age. 20 to be exact. Yoongi and i were super happy until....well i guess yoongi panicked and wasn't sure if he can provide for us.

He would drink alot and i dont even know if he would take drugs or not. Evreyday i would come home from work to find him drunk on the couch. Then he would try to hurt me when i wouldn't do what he wanted. It was too much so i left and lived my own life alone. I havent heard or seen yoongi ever since.

"Y-yess you do but he's gone now" i said as i kinda hesitated at first. I didnt want Xariah to know about her dad because at this point what is there good to say about him... "come lets go put you to bed its a getting late" i said as i quickly grabbed her out of her high chair.

"Okay but will i see daddy one day?" She asked as i brought her to her room. "Y-yess you will" i said as i gave her pyjamas. "YAY" she screamed and started to dance. Ive never seen her as happy as that. I guess maybe i should reconsider the fact that she should see her dad.




"Alright good night my love sleep tight and dont get nightmares" i said as i kissed her on her forehead. "Okay you too mwommy" she said as she waved at me as i left her room. Oof another day is over. It wasn't even that bad of day though.

I wonder how yoongi is doin though. Not that i care either. I just wanna know for fun...

Min yoongi

"Sixth full cup today sir, are you sure your fine?" The kind bar server said. He seemed worried for me but I'm fine. I mean i can barely stand but who cares. "Im fine hahahhahaha" i said as i felt my body get more and more heavier.

"Sir are you sure?" He asked me again. I swear this man is irritating me. "UGHHHHHHH IM FINE" I yelled. After that i dont even know what happend i just passed out. Obscurity was the only thing i could see...

Time skip: around 10pm

There i was in a room. It looked pretty familiar. I looked around to see my brother sitting there on the chair. "Your awake" he told me as he came closer to me to sit ont the bed i was on. "Relax your in my room" he told me as he sat down beside me. Well yeah like i hadn't realised.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh my head" i said as i touched my head and felt alot of pain in the inside. "WELL YA WHAT DID WE TELL YOU ABOUT DRINKING MOM AND DAD ARE PISSED OF AND WILL NOT LET YOU STAY HERE THEY RAISED YOU BETTER THEN THAT NO WONDER AAMARIH LEFT YOU." He yelled.

Aamarih...thats true. I wonder what she has become. I loved her so much. But i guess i wasn't good enough to be a dad. Evreytime i think of her i get sad because i realise how much of a fool i am. I could be playing with my daughter right now or watching tv with her. But no im here drunk af, living in my parents house, selling drugs here and there to get some cash...ughh yoongi.

I then remembered that today is August 15th. Aamarih's birthday. What if maybe i could suprise her. Will she even want to see me. Will she even have any joy to see me?

"I know but im changing ok? Im gonna go see her apologize and im gonna see my daughter even if its after four years i would want to see them" with that being said, i went to my room got dressed hopping for gifts.

I went to diffrent shops and got diffrent stuff for Aamarih and Xariah such as clothes and toys for

Xariah. I wrapped them all in boxes.

Now all i have to do is go to her appartmemt. I then texted her friend Seoyeon on instagram to know the address of her appartmemt.

@min.yoongi : hi seoyeon. Its yoongi idk if you remember me but i had one question...whats the address of Aamarih's appartmemt?

@kimseoyeon_ : ofc i remember you...😤why do you want her address? Do you not understand she wants nothing to do with you in her life. If she needed you she would of talked to you a long time ago. You are bad influence and a bad person to be with and Xariah deserves a better dad, we both know that. Have good day min yoongi.

What? Is this woman serious. She has the audacity to come to me and talk like that. I didn't even say anything bad.

@min.yoongi : EXCUSE ME??? well sorry for disturbing you SEOYEON. You have yourself a WONDERFUL DAY!

Breathe yoongi breathe....

I then just went on seoyeon's account and saw that she had tagged Aamarih in one of her posts. I then went on Aamarih's account... she's so pretty how did i ever leave this girl. Anyways dont get caught up. I looked at her location she put in a post that was obviously taken in her own house and wrote the address on my gps and drove straight there.




Okay yoongi breathe in and out. There i was standing at her door. Appartmemt 6. (He asked the receptionist for her number of appartmemt) i then knocked on the door three times.

I could hear little squeals in the background. "Xariaaaaaaah please baby stop screaming its just someone at the door" Aamarih said. Her voice is so sweet and calming.....

"Hello?" She said as she opened the door with a shocked face. Thats i dont think she wants to see me.

"Hi...H-hap-py birthday" i stuttered as i gave her the bag with all the boxes inside of it. "I- why are you here?" She said with a mad tone. " im here to wish you a happy birthday, to apologize and to meet my daughter" i said as i could feel all the butterflies in my stomach.

She's so pretty....wow.

"Well umm thank you i guess...you should come inside if you want to see Xariah" she said calmly as she opened the door wider so i can step in.

When stepped in i could see her standing right there. Xariah, my beautiful daughter. She so adorable and pretty. She looks just like her mom but even prettier. How did i ever want to leave this...

"Daddy daddy daddy" she squealed as she ran to me. I put myslef on my knees as she gave me a huge hug while i could feel tears welling in my eyes. She's so precious how could i have ever left her.

"I love you so much" i whispered in her ear. "Me too" she said as her cute chubby fingers held my neck. "Look what i have for you" i said as i passed her the bag with all her boxes. "Wow thats fo mwe" she asked as she sat on my lap. "Yes its all for you princess" i said as i took one box out of the bag and handed it to her.

She grabbed the box and opened it. It was a barbie because why not. "Fank you fank you!" She squealed as she jumped. It was nice to see her smile. She seemed so happy.

"Do you wanna eat something" Aamarih said while looking at me with a small smile. Wow like im still trying to understand how i ever left this woman for drugs and alcohol... "umm...well if you don't mind i..uh i-"i said as she cut me off "its all good dont worry about it...will ramen do?" She asked as she gave me flirty eyes. Ahhhh Aamarih why...just why. "Umm ya...wait xariah do you want ramen?"

I asked her as i turned to see her playing with her doll peacfully. "She already ate" aamarih responded as she went straight to the kitchen.

Time skip: dinner around 8:00

Its been 1h30 that xariah is asleep now and its just me and aamarih eating in peace. "So....you still drink?" Aamarih asked with a annoyed face. "Umm...not as much" i said while quickly take a bite of my ramen to kinda change the subject.

"Hahahah you know yoongi... it's been awhile that I've been thinking about this but you know I kind of miss you and I think that xariah would appreciate maybe having a dad in her life but you know I don't know if you're willing to...but you know everybody should deserve a second chance and I just feel like maybe you deserve a second chance because life will definitely be easier and more funner if you were around" she said sincerely.

I can see in her face that she needs me. And i wont hide it i need her too. "But nevermind on this just know that i think that" she said really quickly after her very affecrive speech. I cant hide i fell in love with her again... "You know its getting late i should go" i said as i stood up. "The food was very good thank you" i said while going to the entrace to put my shoes on.

"Wait!" She yelled while running twords me. "I love you and you should know that" she said as she hugged me. "I do too" i said as hugged her tighter in my arms. I then opened the door and left leaving her beautiful face behind.

Ahhhhhhhh the butterflies....

Ha! Chapter one only. Yall should tell me what you think. Also im sorry if its moving to fast its just i dont plan on make alot of chapters thats why. Okayyyy yall thank you for reading byeee :)

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