

"Wait, this is a joke, right? It can't be real right? This has to be a dream! Yes! A sad fucking nightmare! Yeah, calm down Ren! Calm down and observe your situation again." said an ethereal being, who was looking at it's own body as it floated along a white tunnel which was glowing.

To be more precise, the man was a soul.

"What the fuck! What the actual fuck! Did I really die. This is the way souls are supposed to look like when they die right? I can't believe it. I actually died! And such a sad way too!" said the soul frantically as he thrashed around, trying to turn around and return to where he came from. But all to no avail.

After a long while of fruitless struggles, he finally gave up and calmed down. He looked at his body one last before sighing in depression and wearing a look of regret.

"There's no doubt about it now. I died and my soul left my body. And now i'm in the tunnel to the afterlife. Hah, I never thought I would actually get to say this but I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like I'm in a story from one of those wuxia novels." he said as he laughed hysterically.

" You know, now that I think about it, my life was really sad." said the soul the soul as he stared at the distance light, reminiscing about his life on earth.....

Ren Weiss, although born into a very powerful family, his immediate family family was only a middle tiered one. At the age of three, his parents died in a plane. His grandfather, who was the head of the family at the time, took custody of him. The Weiss family was an aristocratic family, one that had lasted almost five hundred years. It was a clan that, even in the modern age, valued strength over anything else.

Ren only had subpar fighting skills and wasn't good at using any kind of weapons. whether they were melee weapons like spears swords, spears or long range weapons like guns. He was well grounded in the basics but couldn't advance at the same place as his other peers and as a result he always got bullied by the other the other kids at training. Even his grandfather at a point got fed up with his incompetence. Eventually he became the the blacksheep of the family, a blemish on the family name.

When he turned 12, he ran away from the family but while he was running away he was found by a man, a martial arts master and a blacksmith who forged swords for people with enough money to buy it at exorbitant price. You could say he had his own fortune. But he had no heirs to inherit his property. So when he saw Ren, he took him to his house as it was raining that night and it was really cold.

He asked Ren about his family which Ren told him. He then took him back the next day but when he met the patriarch of the family , Ren's grandfather, he was told that Ren was no longer a member of the family. And he was not welcome back. That was when Reid, the man who found Ren, took him in as his son.

He enrolled Ren in a good school and taught him everything he knew about martial arts and forging. While Ren was still bad at fighting, he was a natural a forging. So when he grew older and got into college, he learnt metallurgy. He was also a capable businessman and sometimes assisted Reid in his multimillionaire company. When he graduated from school, Reid fell sick and died. But before he died he gave some very crucial advice to Ren.

"Ren,*cough* *cough*, as your adopted father, I have only one advice for you,*cough* *cough*...." said Reid in a frail voice.

"well it's more like a request. I want you to live the life I was unable to. I want you become a playboy and conquer all the women you come across." those were Reid's last words to Ren.

Soon after that, Ren took over his company and especially developed a sector that focused on making weapons and military equipments. Because of his choice of industry, his company quickly rose to become a top tier company in the country. So at the young age of 23, Ren became a very important figure that even the government had to respect. But he didn't put Reid's advice into practice until he reached 36, when he decided to go to bar and hook up with any girl he saw. But his decision backfired when the girl he tried to hook up with was actually a serial killer who liked to kill men. He unfortunately became a victim as he was murdered in cold blood by the beautiful but bloodthirsty murderer who killed him.

And like that he died a virgin....

"I can't believe I actually died like that. And I never fulfilled Reid's request,*sigh*."said Ren, downcast as he remembered his past.

But then his eyes went with a wide as if in an epiphany as he said "Wait , according to one of the novels I read, this should be the path of reincarnation. Thank goodness I wasn't sent to some kind of judgement up in heaven. I've not done anything really bad, but my browsing history would be enough to throw me into hell. Thankfully I cleaned the last time I used it....I think."

His eyes then shone with determination as he said "36 year without any form of interaction with a woman, dying a virgin and in the end being killed by a woman. All of this happened because I allowed women to conquer me. But not anymore. I'm going to fulfill Reid's request in my next life and conquer all the women that enter my eyes."

As thinking about all this, he noticed the light getting brighter, signalling that he was reaching the end of the tunnel.

"Finally, the tunnel is ending. I can finally see what the underworld looks like" said Ren a slightly excited expression. It wasn't everyday you get to see the underworld. The most important part was that he was naked, so obviously there was a 99.9% chance that everyone else would naked, including the ladies. And he was not disappointed.

When he passed through the opening, he saw the other souls floating out of different tunnels, before floating over to a moving platform. When Ren saw this he broke a broad grin because as he thought, every soul there was naked. In front of him especially in front of him were a bunch of women with sultry bodies. He couldn't ask for anything better.

The women in his front looked confused, obviously not understanding something about their death. When they spoke in a language that Ren couldn't understand and he was sure it was no language from Earth.

'They must be from another world' thought Ren as he just kept observing their assets. The women, after sometime finally noticed Ren and the other men behind them, watching them with great interest. When they saw this, they were embarrassed and tried to cover their assets with their hands, but unfortunately for them they didn't have enough hands.

"Come on, now. There's no need to hide the goods, we are already dead." said a bald guy who was right behind Ren. When Ren saw him, he exclaimed in surprise.

"Noah! What are you doing here? How did you die? asked Ren. The man turned to look at Ren, surprised that someone had recognized him among the dead.

" What the heck! Ren, is that you? How the hell did you die?" asked Noah.

"That's the question I was asking you. Let me guess, one of your deals with the mafia went wrong, right? said Ren shaking his head.

While, scratching his bald head. " Well more or less that's what happened. I do all I do for my wife, you know." said Noah helplessly.

'Another one brought down by a woman. damn.' thought Ren as he looked at Noah.

Noah then asks with great interest " but how on earth did you die."

Ren released a long sigh as he explained how he died. By the time he was done, Noah was already laughing, rolling on the floor.

"What are you laughing about? it's not funny at all." said Ren a little upset remembering his sad life.

"Hahaha. It's very funny man. You've been a virgin for the past 36 years of your life and moment you decided to try it, you got killed by a psycho. That's most saddest thing I've ever heard in my life." said Noah still laughing.

"Fuck you!" said Ren annoyed.

"Ok, ok, sorry, I was just looking for trouble. Alright, so what are supposed to do now." said Noah observing the area.

Ren shrugged his shoulder nas he said "Do we really have anything to do. I mean, we are dead, what else do we have to do. Let's just allow nature to take it's course or do you think you can escape death."

"Ehn, you're right though, why should I care about it.* said Noah as he stopped caring.

As they kept floating on the platform, they soon reached some sort of check point. When ever souls passed through, a ray of light would wash over them. Ren and Noah were talking when they passed the check point but after passing it, Ren soon discovered that he was the only talking while Noah kept quiet. When he turned to look at Noah, he saw his eyes were dull, and he was moving like before. When he looked to the front, he saw the women who were acting uncomfortably were all still, exposing their assets uncaringly. When he checked the other people around him, they were all wearing the same dull expression as Noah and were all stiff and still.

After a while, Ren came to a realization. 'That check point must be a place to wipe memories and consciousness from souls.' thought Ren. But soon he became confused.

'if that's the case, why wasn't my consciousness wiped too.' thought Ren thinking about the situation.

As he was thinking he entered ban epiphany as his confusion turned into turned into shock, then from shock into excitement. 'Wait doesn't this mean that I'm going to have all my memories of my previous life. In my next life things will totally different. I can use my little experience to conquer all the women. Hahaha. This is great! Awesome!' thought Ren with excitement.

After sometime, he came across some strange looking beings like humans but they were white all through their bodies. No, It was more appropriate to say they were shining a pure white light. They were also wearing white Clothing. Although they weren't communicating they were doing their jobs very naturally.

'They must have been at it forever. It's so deathly silent here. They must be some kind of soul caretakers.' he thought as he observed the white beings.

There was a division in which the white beings used some sort of energy they could control with their hands to move to the soul to different platforms where they could enter some Gates set up so that souls could enter individually.

Whenever a soul passed through a gate some words would appear on a screen on the the gate. Although didn't know the language he could understand what it meant perfectly

When some souls passed the gates he saw words like 'normal', 'useless', 'protagonist', 'antagonist' and so on.

Normal was very often, useless wasn't often but not that hard to find. protagonist and antagonist were very rare and hard to find. Of the millions of souls which had passed through the gate, he had only heard antagonist 7 times and protagonist 4 times.

When it got to his turn, he saw the words 'misfit'.

When the white beings in charge of his gate saw this, they were surprised as they looked at Ren. One of them then took Ren and redid the scan but got the same answer. It then took Ren to the side as it went out of it's post. Ren was confused as to all that was happening. why were the white beings looking at him with some sort of curious and a somewhat pitious gaze.

While he was wandering, the white being came with another white being, who shining brighter than the others. Ren guessed that this one was of a higher rank.

"Human, can you understand?" asked the the white being after observing Ren for a while.

"Yes" answered Ren. After listening to his reply, he then went to corner to discuss with the lower ranked white beings around, before walking away. The white beings around then looked at Ren with pity in their eyes. Seeing this, Ren got a bad premonition. 'What the fuck is going on?' he thought exasperated.

He didn't have to wait long for the answer though as the high rank white being came back. It went straight to Ren and said "According to our laws, all misfits must be eradicated!" after saying so, it faced it's palm at Ren as a blue ethereal energy gathered around it's palm.

when Ren saw this, he became scared and frantic as he tried to run away all to no avail. Just when it had gathered enough and the white being was about to fire it off, a spatial tear appeared above everyone and rapidly sucked away all the energy in the area, including the one the high rank white being had gathered.

A playful voice then came out of the spatial tear "A misfit, huh. Interesting." Then a young man in his early 20s came out through the spatial tear, wearing a smile. He was extremely handsome, a well defined face, jade like skin and silver hair. He was wearing a white robe while wielding a white spear in his hands.

When the high rank white being saw the young man, fear coloured his face as he and the other white beings knelt on both knees and greeted " Greetings to his greatness, lord Zen.

In a nonchalant attitude he replied "You know, to save you guys all the trouble, you guys can give me the misfit and save your strenght." He then snapped his fingers and Ren appeared next to him.

In haste the high rank being said "Lord Zen, i'm not sure if my Lord will agree to this".

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him." said Zen as he turned to walk back.

"I don't think so" said a voice that echoed everywhere.

A man then materialised mid air. He Looked in his Late 30s thirties and had a bulky figure and was wearing dark armor

The soulkeepers then greeted " Greeting to his magnificence, Lord faust".

"Yo, faust, how you doing. Fine I hope" said Zen.

"Drop the misfit. He must be eradicated" said faust in a serious manner

"But I need him for a serious experiment. Can't you you make him an exception?" said Zen in a nonchalant manner.

"I'm sorry, but no. Hand over the misfit....Or I'll make you do so" said faust as battles axes appeared in his hands.

"Ah, then you leave me no choice." said Zen as he raises and points his spear at faust. After a moment of silence, faust rushes at Zen while Zen pushes Ren into the spatial tear and closes it before rushing at Faust. The after effects of their collision was one word, disastrous!

Next chapter