
Chapter 8: "The Wolf's Last Stand... and Unbelievable Power-up"

I could feel a strange tingling sensation at my chest, my heartbeat growing more intense as if something was slowly waking up inside me.

In an instant, intense adrenaline surged through my veins, and there was a sensation of a bright ball of light beside my heart.

My body suddenly felt electrified, all my senses heightened, and my heart pumping in overdrive. A powerful energy coursed through my body, my heartbeat threatening to burst out of my chest.

I felt a strange power within me, unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

My eyes caught a glimpse of something

"What is.... happening?"

I began to see glowing orbs of green, yellow, and brown floating around me. The light they emitted felt warm and exuded an aura that brought a sense of calmness.

As the orbs moved around me, I could feel the healing energy emanating from the green orbs, restoring my energy and revitalising me. The fatigue and wounds that had burdened my body began to mend slowly. The gentle glow of green enveloped me, soothing away the exhaustion and tending to the scattered droplets of blood.

The yellow orbs infused me with courage, elevating my spirit and strengthening my body. I felt a surge of confidence and determination coursing through me, revitalising my weary muscles.

The brown orbs provided a sense of tranquillity and safety, allowing me to compose myself and find a calm and centred state of mind. Amidst the chaos and exhaustion, the orbs worked their magic, weaving a healing aura around me.

I recall the glowing sphere had first appeared after I ingested the mysterious blue apple-like fruit the day before. Concentrating, I bring the memory to the forefront, and the image of the fruit suddenly comes to my mind.

"I remember that blue apple I ate before... this glowing sphere reminds me of the strange feeling that I felt when I ate it..."

Recalling the mysterious blue fruit I ingested the day before, the glow around my heart flares brighter.

"It was so strange..."

As I lay there, bathed in the warming radiance of the orbs, I felt a renewed sense of optimism and rejuvenation, as if the orbs were turning the tide from despair to one of hope and strength.

The orbs were working their magic, slowly shifting my mind away from the depths of despair and exhaustion, and back towards a sense of positivity and renewal. I began to feel refreshed and strengthened, as if I could finally see the light once more...

"This is amazing..."

The energy and power that the orbs were giving off were like nothing I had ever felt before. My body was filled with a strange sensation, and I could feel some strange connection to the orbs around me.

"This feeling... I feel like I can do anything..."

The green orb started to spin rapidly around me, its presence drawing closer and closer to my heart.

Suddenly, the orb entered my body, and I felt a sharp jolt of energy travel through me.

The orb moved directly towards my heart, and I thought I could feel it connecting with the glowing ball inside my chest. Another green orb began to swirl around me, slowly moving towards my heart. As the green orb entered my body and spiralled around my heart, other orbs began to follow.

The green orb was now joined by a yellow orb, and soon a brown orb followed as well.

As the orbs gathered around me, I felt a strange sensation of warmth and power around my heart, as if something was rising and expanding within me. The orbs moving around me created a beautiful and mesmerising spectacle.

I could see the vibrant colours of the orbs swirling together, creating a kaleidoscope of light and energy. The sparkling orbs circled around me before they started to get pulled towards the light ball beside my heart.

The orbs were then absorbed and started swirling around the light ball, making it shimmer and glow brighter.

I felt the orb enter my body, noticing that it was now swirling slowly and peacefully around my heart.

The green orb emitted a soothing healing aura, and I could feel it infusing my heart with healing energy. The light orbs gathered around me, coalescing into a large glowing ball of light beside my heart.

The ball steadily grew brighter and brighter, its intense warmth and light filling my body.

The surrounding area dimmed in comparison to the light around me, and the light appeared to be growing brighter and brighter as it absorbed more energy and power.

"This... power... I... can't describe it..."

The energy coursing through me began to grow wild and uncontrollable, spreading throughout my entire body.

My body heated up, and pain manifested in random parts, a sensation akin to burning alive as if the energy itself had a life of its own, moving uncontrollably.

The sensations of pain spread, and it felt like the energy within me was alive and restless, attempting to break free. Yet, whenever the green energy flowed over the painful areas, miraculously, the pain would instantly subside.

The warmth of the green energy seemed to penetrate into the cells of my body, healing with unexpected tenderness.

As the green energy continued to move through me, the pain began to dissipate. It flowed into every cell, melting away the pain, cleansing the body from within.

However, the energy kept intensifying, taking a toll on my body. The excess load damaged and wreaked havoc within, as it attempted to heal itself.

Cells were being rebuilt and restored, only to be broken down by the intense energy. The inner struggle intensified as my body coped with the battle between healing and destructive forces.

The healing energy fought to repair the damage caused by the other energy, but it seemed like a losing battle against an overwhelming force.

In the midst of this internal chaos, my body was in shambles, experiencing both destruction and healing simultaneously, and the pain within me intensified with each passing moment.

"This pain... This... energy is just too much!"

I could barely speak amidst the pain in my body and the escalating intensity of the energy rushing through me.

Attempting to fight back, I found the power growing too strong, and I couldn't keep it steady anymore.

The destructive and healing forces reached a standstill, my heart pounding intensely, the pain escalating with each passing second.


With a shout, I released a blast of energy radiating outwards towards the wolves.

A blast of energy shot out from me, sending ripples of force outwards. As the energy ripple expanded, I witnessed the wolves being abruptly lifted into the air, thrown away by the force of my power.

The wolves were thrown backward with such force that they soared through the air before exploding in a shower of blood and gore. The energy tore through their bodies, ripping them into numerous pieces, instantly incinerating the two surrounding wolves into piles of burnt embers.

The wolves were reduced to ashes within an instant, and the energy I released blew them apart in an explosion of flames and destruction.

They were knocked back until there was nothing left of them but a chaotic mess of fur and broken bodies.

In a blink of an eye, where the wolves once stood in front of me, all that remained was a gruesome scene of flesh and blood. I stood in the middle of it, my power coursing through me as I witnessed the aftermath of the devastating blast.

"This... is my power..."

Suddenly I could feel the energy now getting out of control, as it began to destroy and heal me continuously.

But instead of keeping the balance between the destruction and healing, the healing was not keeping up, and the destruction was starting to win.

I could feel the energy destroying me, and the pain from this constant destruction starting to overtake my body and mind.

"What is this energy...? I... I... I can't..." The energy continued to build up within me, as if it lacked any limit to its accumulation. The surge and buildup within my body felt unstoppable, and the power within was growing stronger and stronger.

My body was being ripped apart and pieced back together simultaneously by the onslaught of energy. My heart felt like it was being beaten, crushed, and then revived simultaneously, as if the energy were trying to create order.

The energy felt like it was overflowing and now starting to destroy and heal my body simultaneously.

The power was overwhelming and intense, and I felt as if it was now too much for my own body to handle. I decided to push the energy further to its limit and gather it all together until it reached a point of saturation in the center of my body.

As the energy moved toward the center, I felt the power rushing through me, growing denser and denser.

The energy was now tightly packed, but it began to take its toll on my body even more.

My entire body was filled with the energy, and it started to feel overwhelming, as if it was too much to handle. The pressure and pain grew intense, making it feel unbearable.

"This... Oh, I... I... this is too... much..."

The energy had reached its saturation point within my body, and I felt completely overwhelmed by the power within me.

The amount became unbearable, and the pain and pressure took a toll on my body, making me feel like giving up.

However, as I struggled against the force within me, I felt the power slowly begin to subside.

The energy was still present but easing its relentless onslaught, and the pain was gradually abating. Unable to bear it any longer, I decided to release the energy outwards, creating a large circle of explosive force around me that spread outward.


The energy burst out of me, exploding outward and creating a large circular area engulfed by the force of the blast.

The explosion was tremendous and destructive, forming a massive circle of destruction and chaos.

As the pain within me began to subside, the energy released outwards, dispersing beyond my body. The large circle of destruction and chaos spread out, and I could feel the pain from inside my body gradually lessening.

The explosion dissipated, leaving destruction and chaos around me. The blast had devastated the area, and debris and rubble filled the surroundings.

The pain slowly subsided, and the intensity of the energy within me reduced. My body felt relieved as the energy dissipated, and the force of the explosion diminished. The blast extended beyond my body, tearing up the ground and destroying anything in its path.

The area surrounding the initial blast became a wasteland of destruction and ruin.

I was free from the overwhelming energy and pain, but it came at the cost of the destruction around me.

The force weakened and diminished, but the land was ravaged by the blast. I felt myself growing more and more exhausted as the force drained my energy.

Despite the relief, I felt my strength fading. "I'm almost at my limit..."

I tried to remain standing, but exhaustion took over, and I grew weaker. I felt drained of vitality.

"My energy... it's almost drained." I was on the verge of collapse, my vision blurred, limbs heavy and numb.

I struggled to stay standing, but the exhaustion overcame me. I felt close to dropping to the ground. Vision grew darker, arms like lead weights, and legs about to give way.

The exhaustion built up, and I neared my limit. I tried to push forward, but I was on the brink of giving way.

"I can't... drop... I need to... keep... going..." Utterly depleted, exhaustion took complete control.

My head felt light, consciousness waned, and the world faded. "I can't... I can't take it anymore." I could no longer resist the powerful exhaustion as it overwhelmed me.

The exhaustion and pain became too much to handle, and I could barely maintain consciousness as I began to fall, the tiredness and darkness slowly taking over. A blissful darkness enveloped me as I lost consciousness.




Deep within the woods, a group of individuals adorned in green armor with intricate golden trims and nature-themed designs surged forward towards the setting sun. Their movements through the forest were graceful, reminiscent of a herd of deer navigating the terrain effortlessly.

The golden embellishments on their armor gleamed in the waning sunlight, lending an angelic and ethereal quality to their presence in the woods.

As they traversed the forest, they seemed to blend seamlessly with the natural beauty around them, becoming one with the foliage and trees. Suddenly, a thunderous explosion, "BOOOOMMMM!" disrupted their tranquil journey, causing them to pivot towards the origin of the sound.

The shockwave momentarily pushed them back, their golden hair dancing in the air as the force of the blast reverberated through the woods. The explosion's magnitude shook the trees and resonated throughout the entire forest.

The unexpected blast left them bewildered, and their flowing golden hair responded to the chaotic force like a sea of ribbons in the wind.

In a synchronized pause, they listened intently, attempting to discern the source of the explosion. The group's leader, standing at the forefront, raised their hand and questioned, "What... was that sound...?"

The others, equally puzzled, looked to the leader for guidance. One of the soldiers spoke up, "Venerable elder, there seems to be a battle unfolding here..."

The elder, contemplating the situation, recognized the familiar touch of the energy released by the explosion. Something about it felt connected to the energy building up within them.

"Wait... this energy..."

The elder began to sense the familiar touch of the energy that had been building up within them. They recognized the energy and the force behind it, and they felt a strong connection to it. 

"Hahaha, there's no mistaking it! This energy is the power unleashed by His Holiness! Soldiers, start to split up into two teams! Search every corner possible, we have to find the Holy Mother as quickly as possible. We don't know her current condition, but if my predictions are correct, the Holy Mother is currently very weak. We must protect her until her power is restored."

"Understood, Elder! We shall search in every corner until we find The Holy Mother, and we shall protect her without fail!"

The soldiers all nodded sharply and responded with precision to the elder's order, the authority in their voice unmistakable.

The soldiers immediately dispersed and began searching every corner and nook of their surrounding woods in search of The Holy Mother.

The elder began to chant chants and send telepathic messages to the queen in the imperial capital.

"My dearest Queen, I can feel the holy energy emanating from The Holy Mother's in vicinity. My soldiers have dispersed and they are searching every corner in search of the Holy Mother's presence, in order to keep her safe and secure. I shall also continue to keep watch from here and send her majesty regular updates as the search continues."

"If the enemy is able to find The Holy Mother before we can, then it would be a catastrophic moment for us. We must reach her first and secure her safety, as the enemy will no doubt try to capture her or harm her. I hope and pray that Holy Mother will regain her power soon, and I will do my best to protect her in the meantime. May the radiance and glory of nature be with us forever"




In the grand castle at the foot of the giant tree that stretched towards outer space, the queen stood on the balcony and looked out over the city below, which was filled with buildings and trees that did not seem strange and yet were like they were made for nature itself.

The queen stood there, contemplating the city before her and watching as it glowed with sunlight and life.

She saw the city and its people as a harmonious connection with nature, as if it was a gift from above that had been blessed and created in harmony with the trees and the very world itself.

"Aaaa... Holy Mother... finally... Why did you have to fall from your throne and leave us thousands of years ago... You should have forgotten about us and prioritised your own life. It has become our duty to protect your existence and ensure that it is not defiled or desecrated. This time, I swear, on the name of Eleriana ****** I will protect you proper, whatever you wish or command me to cause you to sacrifice yourself again I will not listen, I will continue to prioritise you"

"Holy Mother, I will not let you sacrifice yourself again, even if that is what you desire the most. I will ensure that you remain protected, and that your existence remains secure. There is no need for you to worry about us. Just rest for now, as your power is still weak and I do not trust the enemy will not do anything to you. We will continue to keep our vigil, for we will not let your return go to waste. Stay safe... fufufufu..."




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