
Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Beginning

Rius woke up to the warmth of the sunlight streaming through the cracks in his room. He had been eagerly waiting for this day, the Eldoria Knights selection. He sprang out of bed, excitement radiating from him like sunshine.

Bounding down the creaky stairs, he expected to see Mr. Kael and Ms. Donna, the old couple who took him in when he was just a kid. "Good morning!" he called, but the silence was like a puzzle he couldn't figure out.

He scoured the house, from the kitchen to the backyard, expecting a "surprise, happy Eldoria Knights day!" But nothing. Not a peep, not a sign of them.

"Okay, maybe they're hiding for some prank," Rius chuckled nervously, but deep down, a sense of unease crept in.

Rius marched outside, the salty breeze hitting his face. The routine greeting by Mr. Kael and Ms. Donna was missing. Confused, he sprinted around the village, thinking they might be pulling off an elaborate joke.

No luck. Panic set in. "Where are they?" he muttered, tearing through the village like a tornado.

The Village Chief, Eldric, spotted Rius's distress. "Hey, everything alright?"

"No, Chief! Kael and Donna are gone. Poof! Vanished!" Rius blurted out.

Eldric's eyes widened. "Gone? Are you sure?"

Rius nodded frantically. "I've looked everywhere. They're not in the house, not in the garden, nowhere!"

Eldric scratched his beard. "This is strange. Okay, let's round up the folks. We'll find them."

As the village buzzed with activity, Rius paced by the docks, anxiety creeping up his chest. A boat ride to the Twin Island seemed the next logical step.

"Chief Warrick! Seen Kael or Donna around?" Rius shouted, practically jumping off the boat.

Warrick, a grizzled man with a pipe dangling from his lips, squinted at Rius. "Nah, kid. What's going on?"

Rius's story spilled out like water from a broken dam. "I can't find them anywhere, Chief. It's like they evaporated!"

Warrick furrowed his brow. "We'll help you look, lad. Don't you worry."

The twin island was abuzz with curious villagers, all eager to help. Rius approached a group, desperation in his eyes. "Guys, have you seen Mr. Kael or Ms. Donna?"

A fisherman, casting his net, shook his head. "Nah, Rius. They ain't here."

"Spread the word. Keep an eye out. They're family," Rius pleaded.

As the sun dipped low, Eldric approached Rius. "No sign of them on this island either. But don't lose hope, kid."

But Rius couldn't shake the worry. The Eldoria Knights selection was looming, and he couldn't ignore his responsibilities. "I'll join the search after the selection. I promise. I just... I can't let this dream slip away."

Eldric clapped him on the shoulder. "We'll find them, Rius. You go, do what you gotta do. We got your back here."

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