
The Second Chance Initiative

it turns out that this whole second chance thing was really complicated and simple at the same time.

The Second Chance Initiative was a way to keep the high Gods, which are like the Supermen of Gods, entertained.

The initiative would pluck people who were passing through limbo and give hem a second chance in a world of there choosing, along with this choice they would get two wishes, these wishes could be anything from a cheat system to a extra set of arms.

The high gods would watch the rebirthed people and their adventurers for entertainment.

Thu was just the base line of it as the high gods could also slightly interact in the worlds of the rebirthed and set things into motion that would be a hindrance to them, there was a bunch of other stuff to the initiative, but I couldn't be bothered to memorise all of it, so J just learned the important bits and left the rest alone.

"...and finally, A high Gods can choose to keep reincarnating you if you entertain them enough" these end words surprised me, it ment that if someone entertained a High God enough, they would be reborn again in a different world essentially creating an elite cast of rebirthers that held the God's favour.

"Now thats out of the way, let's get this started" said God "first, what world would you like to be reborn into?" he asks, I had actually been thinking about this when he was talking, I loved Greek heroes and I also loved the Percy Jackson books, so it was a no brainer "I wish to be reborn in the Percy Jackson world" I said loudly "good choice, now what about you wishes?" he asks.

"I want a gaming system and a new plot, those are my wishes, now let's get this show on the road," I said with a grin, I was so excited about this, not only were most of the web novels true, but I also got a system, the one thing I've always wanted.

"Ok have fun, but remember, we are always watching, so don't do anything stupid" then with a cold child and a bright flash of icy white light I found my self some where completely different, I was in the arms of a Giant woman, but she wasn't giant, I was just small.

I was a Baby.

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