
Dropped Must Read!

Or not...lol y'all bozo's really thought I dropped big skill issue if you did I'm not gonna lie anyway I got a question should I drop this and make new book all the same shit btw just less inconsistencies for example gaia should have attacked him more and there is also no way that gaia can't tell Ouranos is not at full power and many more inconsistencies so yea if you want me to I will my beloved readers I hope you guys are having a great day and if you are having a rough one I hope my books makes it better and shit enjoy!


"Ugh!" I groaned my head flickering between camp half blood and the beach as I clutched my nose the smell of demigods assaulted my nose (Literally though, to a mortal his head would be impossible to track as It back and forth far to fast for them to see as It would be invisible) as a bit of drool ran down my mouth almost rolling off my chin before I wiped it off with my wrist before leaving the place where my mother and walked off a bit and looked around at where I was.

Behind me laid a slightly big hill with a single pine tree at the base that had a weird aura.....It was inexpiable, It wasn't bad but not good either it gave me a feeling until a feminine sound resounded.

[Skill attained: Magic Sense] "Oh so that was what It was" I said a bit joyful at attaining a new skill and magic sense at that! but I also wanted to try something but discarded it due to it being a very bad idea. "I need to experiment with magic...." I mumbled before shifting my attention.

In front of me was a huge beach. People of all ages enjoyed themselves, splashing around in the water, tanning themselves in the sun and genuinely having a great time. But the water was something else.....It was...Divine to say the least, aqua green water clear as glass I definitely would have thought it was enchanted by Poseidon If I hadn't sensed any magic or gained and sensing skills. On the shore sun like sand graced my divine eyes a gleam in them as they twinkled slightly.

I would have went in the water or at leased dipped my long, thick, milky white, slippery, flaming hot twinkly thing deep inside it..."Okay that wasn't funny" I mumbled to myself laughing a bit at my attempt of making slightly sexual joke.

But actually I was a bit scared of what would happen if me uncle Cael put 'IT' inside nephew Poseidon I thought before laughing out loud a bit loudly getting me a few looks from a bunch of random teens though I didn't care much and threw them a peace sign and left to explore the beach.







'Status' I thought as I took off my shoes and black shirt saying 'Son Of The Skies' on in a light blue, a deep shade of white in some parts of the letters. And laid down on sand my bare stomach was warmed by the god like sand I had also realized that I was abs of stone, My abs were as chiseled as a Greek god...Wait I am Greek god.....or sorta I guess I thought before shifting my attention to my shirt which I was probably created by my mother seeing as it said 'Son Of The Skies' and when you're in the Greek world as a god coincidences are almost nonexistent.

"Stats, Stats, Stats" I mumbled shifting my attention to the transparent black screen which listed my stats in white.

[Name: Caelestis Fulger

Age: 8

Tier: 6 (divine)

Race: Storm Spirit/ Primordial Hybrid

Level: 175

Exp: 1,000/1,750

Primal Power: 26,700/26,700

Stamina: 26,700/26,700

Health: 26,700/26,700


Strength: 267

Speed: 267

Dexterity: 267

Endurance: 267

Mental: 257

Spirit: 267

Points: 1,050


Primordial Battle Senses(Lvl 1)

Basic Swordsmanship(Lvl 3)

Sword Throw(Lvl 1)

Primordial Skills-----

Tongue Of The Skies(MAX)

Electrokinesis(Lvl 5)

Aerokinesis(Lvl 5)

Umbrakinesis(Lvl 4)

Atmokinesis(Lvl 1)

Photokinesis(Lvl 1)

Weather Camouflage(Lvl 1)

Storm Spirit Skills--------

Storm Spirit Form(Lvl 1)

Pyrokinesis(Lvl 1)

Gamer Skills------

Gamer's Body

Gamer's Mind


A/N His stats are so high because for every level he gets 1 point and before he was level 72 now he is level 175. 175 subtracted by 72 = 103 so I added 103 to each of his stats and now he gets more lol, I swear he's too OP I def shouldn't have put tiers in but screw it I guess, Also he will continue to level up like from weak monsters until level 200 after that only tier 5 monsters will give him levels and only 5 at that tier 6 ones will give 15 tier 7 will give 20 not that he will kill any he will get more levels if he gets a quest to defeat them.

"Point Time!" I yelled excitement coursing through me a lustful glint in my eyes my craving of adding points ready to be satiated "What's 1,050 divided by 6!" [According to my calculations 1-"Stop beating around the bush and just tell me!" I yelled [It's 175] It said it's robotic voice gained a cold edge as if she was alive.

A/N(Author's Note) the system isn't sentient in any way I only did that for shit's and giggles per say and yes "Per Say" Is my new favorite pair of words! love y'all hope you guys have a great day Author-San out!

"Oh Yea!!!~" I moaned uncontrollably as I felt a warmth go through me but unlike other times I felt significantly stronger before I could probably dead lift 10-15 elephants now I felt like I could juggle 50 with my pinkie. But I was faster too, If I ran currently I would have definitely sliced right through the sound barrier. I also felt smarter, much smarter, I felt my mind running faster, my thoughts were more controlled, things I would never think about entered my mind, attack combinations....everything. But not only that I felt my skin hardening, but more than that I felt more....alive per say, I could feel the world around me better, I felt the air blow across my face as if playing with my hair ruffling it up and fixing it back up. I felt the insects crawling along the ground, The termites and the ants their colonies, The dryads and Naiads I felt them all...It was unexplainable and once again it was unlike before as when I added points earlier I hadn't felt such and increase but that was probably because I hadn't added that many points.

However all this did was increase my craving for points. "Status" I said wanting to see my stats.

[Name: Caelestis Fulger

Age: 8

Tier: 6 (Immortal)

Race: Storm Spirit/ Primordial Hybrid

Level: 175

Exp: 1,000/1,750

Primal Power: 51,400/51,400

Stamina: 51,400/51,400

Health: 51,400/51,400


Strength: 514

Speed: 514

Dexterity: 514

Endurance: 514

Mental: 514

Spirit: 514

Points: 0


Primordial Battle Senses(Lvl 1)

Basic Swordsmanship(Lvl 3)

Sword Throw(Lvl 1)

Primordial Skills-----

Tongue Of The Skies(MAX)

Electrokinesis(Lvl 5)

Aerokinesis(Lvl 5)

Umbrakinesis(Lvl 4)

Atmokinesis(Lvl 1)

Photokinesis(Lvl 1)

Weather Camouflage(Lvl 1)

Storm Spirit Skills--------

Storm Spirit Form(Lvl 1)

Pyrokinesis(Lvl 1)

Gamer Skills------

Gamer's Body

Gamer's Mind


"My points..." I sulked sadness entering me as I looked at the amount of points that I had but sadness wasn't the only thing that encased my soul as a new determination to get points grasped me in it's hold, a numerical lust flowing through me if that was even possible but now it was time to go into camp half blood.

I was a bit curious as to what would happen as I was half monster and half primordial which made me a go-"A God!" I yelled "Wait how am I tier 5 if I'm half primordial and storm spirit god?" I inquired [Because your only a fragment of your father essence was gathered to give him a body and a mind so he was at only at a millionth of his power when doing your mother] "But my mother is a god and even if my father was at a millionth of his power I should at least be tier 8-9" I said a bit annoyed at how low my tier was [Your body was incapable of finding itself a divine domain do to you being slightly mortal due to you being reincarnated] "God Dammit!" I yelled people giving me more annoyed looks and what not as the sky slightly rumbling in a mocking manner which slightly pissed me off but I didn't care much way "Whatever I guess" I mumbled forming a top 10 best divine entrances in my head, chuckling at the thought.







"Yoo buddy do you see anything in the water?" I asked the nearest female in a bikini in my vicinity "Um no, not really" She responded a bit awkwardly most likely weirded out at my sudden appearance and my casualty. "I see.....What about now" I said. "Ahhhh!" She screamed jumping back up running toward the other side of the beach as I just chuckled finding her false misery amusing mere micro seconds after I had done that a voice I enjoyed hearing graced itself upon my ears [Mystokinesis(Lvl 5) "And my work is almost done" I said a bit exhaustingly though my mental exhaustion was understandable as I had been practicing my mist control for the past 6 hours why am I doing this might you ask well I decided to gain a couple more skills and get them to level 5 which I had done with all of my main skills the only thing that hadn't been level 5 is photokinesis and atmokinesis with photokinesis being level 1 as I had no plan to increase it for now and I had yet work on atmokinesis though it was the next thing I was going to work on.








[Atmokinesis(lvl 4) like sweet nectar to my ears the sound of the system dinging and explaining its reason of arrival blessed my ears and eyes I was a bit disappointed that It was only level 4 meaning I had to work an extra hour maybe 30 minutes just to give it that extra exp however It was worth it and so I resumed my sudden weather over certain parts of new york specifically the governors work area(I do not know what that shit is called someone please inform me if you know) as I changed the weather from zero clouds whatsoever all the way to heavy thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, snow and everything as I caused utter destruction within new york I had been curios how far I could spread my control and to my shock it covered more than one tenth of the entirety of new york however I had very little control over it as the most I could do make it slightly rain however in about 10-15 minutes of relentless weather change upon new york a ding was heard. [Atmokinesis(lvl 4) "Less go!" I yelled in pure and utter joy as I had finally got all my main stuff to level 5 in total It had taken me about a day and and a half however I was now ready for my entrance of camp half blood.









Liam POV:

It had been a long and eventful day as I had just finished sword fighting with a friend of mine named Elijah soon after sparing with him I had rotated to doing archery with the children of Apollo and Chiron and surprisingly I was pretty good at it even though I had never tried it before as I had only decided to do It after much unappreciated persuasion from the Apollo kids and some friends of mine I had finally relented and decided to try archery, I wasn't on the level of Apollo's kids but I was better than most campers then after a painfully boring yet enjoyable session of archery I practiced magic with Amelia a daughter of hecate and one of my best friends which was pretty fun as I liked magic quite a bit and I was pretty decent at it too so far I had gotten incatments down which was the art of visualizing what you wanted to do and speaking backwards so that you didn't screw up someone's life every time you get pissed and stuff after finishing my session with Amelia (Finishing his session with her hehehehehehe~)

I rode the pegasus's and believe me when I tell you it's fun, the wind flying ruffling your hair, the breeze violently blowing across your face was.....unexplainable sadly however I had to leave for capture the flag which our team lost I didn't care too much unlike some other people and we all headed off to dinner at around 6:00 to 7:30 after sacrificing some food to to zeus hoping that he was my father eating my god send of a dinner all that I had said bye to Amelia and the rest of my friends I left to rest my sore body upon the soft but firm grass of camp half blood I heard a very familiar yet annoying voice.

"You just love Amelia so much don't you" Elijah said joking "Oh shut up will you" I responded annoyed at his antics while he just chuckled as he too laid himself on the grass as we rested our heavy eyes on the stars clear skies above I started to get a bit sleepy but right before I could get up I saw a small dot in the sky and then the sky turned dark which should be impossible as normal winds couldn't effect the camp-half-blood and whenever zeus got mad a huge part of the sky got dark not only camp half blood but there was more a bit of rain started to come down in little droplets before it started to come down hard and when I mean hard I mean got doused in water from top to bottom then the winds started to pick up and they got fast ripping out a lot of the berries causing much panic but there was gladly no lightning.

"Um Liam I don't think this is normal" Elijah said a bit of worry in his tone. "Yea no shit sherlock" I said frowning at the sky however just as soon as the storm came in just faded away but for a second it went away before coming back again and it kept flickering before turning stormy again and staying that way and for a minute or so the winds and rain were not that bad but that was only the calm before the storm.

"You should be proud your mortal eyes are capable of gracing themselves upon my divine sexiness!" boomed a loud voice as the winds started getting really hard almost ripping out trees from the from earth before lightning stuck right in the middle of the plains which such a high intensity it blew me and Elijah back a couple feet causing as well as causing a bunch of dust obscuring our vision then the winds started settle down becoming normal once again as the clouds also returned to their snow white forms and wind a gust of wind the dust was cleared as me and Elijah got up and where the lightning hit there was what looked to be an 8 year kid with dark almost purple hair reaching to his eyebrows, electric blue eyes and a blue shirt that said 'son of the skies'.

"That was fun!" he laughed as everyone got out of their trance as per usual Mr. Dick otherwise known as Dionysus god grapes maddening and what not only sent him a weird look while standing somewhere in the back while Chiron suddenly appeared beside him his bow pointed right at his face and asked him what everyone was thinking "Who are you?" "Woah, woah chillax bro I come in peace!" he said his hands in the air.

"I asked who you are...." Chiron said grimly pulling his bowstring back harder "Oh me I'm Caelestis Fulger son of the skies also your uncle!" a couple people laughing a bit at the uncle part as the sky rumbed in approval as an electric blue man holding a zodiac wheel appeared above his head showing that he was not a son of zeus.....not in the slightest.

"Was that you doing that stuff in the sky!?" someone shouted "Yup y'all proud of me?" he said sarcasm lacing his voice "Also sorry about messing up your camp" the kid said scratching the back of head sheepishly "Why though" Chiron said asking the question we all wanted the answer to "Oh that um I kinda was trying to make a cool entrance but it mighta got a bit out of hand" he said scratching the back of his head a bit once again "I see...." Chiron said thoughtfully "And what was your reason for coming here" Mr. D said finally saying something like the god he was supposed to be "I might not be a demigod but for me here is the next best thing!" "What are you then?" said Amelia "Yea what are you" some of the ares kids said also agreeing with her though their question sounded more like a statement but they were a bunch of buffoons so it was to be expected. "Half-Monster Half-Primordial!"....

"What?!" yelled many of the kids as we all were shocked "Half Storm Spirit half Primordial, Protogenti it's really not that hard to understand" he said questioning our shock "How are you even half primordial" said one of ares kids "I'm not a son of zeus as a zodiac wheel appeared above me not whatever zeus claims people with and there's only one other creature that can control the sky to that extent and give birth to gods Ouranos primordial of the sky" he said and he wasn't wrong "As long as you pose no harm to the campers and lord Dionysus allows it you are free to stay here" chiron said his tone unreadable as he put away his bow though he was still on guard. "Yea I know really sorry about the damage though" he said looking at Dionysus expectantly "I mean I don't care do whatever Mr. Fluger" all the kids were barley shocked as Dionysus was always like this and like that we had gained a new camper.

Cael POV:

"It's showtime" I said chuckling slightly to myself as I flew high over camp-half-blood and started to put my atmokinesis to work as I started a good storm as I raised the wind speed a bit increased the rain and whatnot you know messed with weather though I didn't do too much as all I wanted was a flash entrance not mass destruction and for a few minutes everything was running smoothly then someone started to interfere I was guessing it was zeus and after a bit fighting and much help from my father I had finally won the tug of war over the weather over camp half blood and in one final act before my descent I yelled as loud as I could while also using my control over wind to make my voice more heard I said

"You should be proud your mortal eyes are capable of gracing themselves upon my divine sexiness!" as I disrupted the funnel thing and laughed a bit to myself before striking a bolt of lightning down upon the ground blasting myself down to make it appear as I was the lightning, (Nifty trick right.....Right guys...) as soon as I came down blew away the dust cloud as I willed the air to blast dust away. "That was fun" I laughed instantly as soon as everyone's eyes were on me. Then mere moments after everyone got it together again the centaur teacher otherwise known as Chiron appeared before me his gracious bow pointed my direction very much ready to hurt me immensely.

"Woah, woah chillax bro I come in peace!" I said raising my hands in the air as I did not want to get shot and especially not by this dude. "I asked who you are...." Chiron the man with a bow to my face said grimly pulling his bowstring back harder "Oh me I'm Caelestis Fulger son of the skies also your uncle!" I said a couple people laughing a bit at the uncle part as the sky rumbled in approval as an electric blue man holding a zodiac wheel appeared above my head sealing the fate of who my godly parent was.

seconds after silence emerged someone just had to break it "Was that you doing that stuff in the sky!?" some retard shouted and it truly did astound me how these guys were better than mortals. "Yup y'all proud of me?" I said sarcasm lacing my voice "Also sorry about messing up your camp" I said scratching the back of my head sheepishly as I truly was was sorry for the damage I caused to the camp."Why though" Chiron said asking the question they probably all wanted the answer to "Oh that um I kinda was trying to make a cool entrance but it mighta got a bit out of hand" I said scratching the back of my head a bit once again "I see...." Chiron said thoughtfully "And what was your reason for coming here" Mr. D said finally saying something like the god he was supposed to be "I might not be a demigod but for me here is the next best thing!" "What are you then?" said some random girl "Yea what are you" some of the more kid said agreeing with her though their question sounded more like a statement but they were a bunch of buffoons so it was to be expected "Half-Monster Half-Primordial!"....

"What?!" yelled many of the kids though I wasn't surprised as It's not everyday a god causally appears. "Half Storm Spirit half Primordial, Protogenti it's really not that hard to understand" I said questioning their shock "How are you even half primordial" said one of ares kids "I'm not a son of zeus as a zodiac wheel appeared above me not whatever zeus claims people with and there's only one other creature that can control the sky to that extent and give birth to gods, Ouranos primordial of the sky" I said a bit pridefully.

"As long as you pose no harm to the campers and lord Dionysus allows it you are free to stay here" The centaur chiron said his tone unreadable as he put away his bow though he was still on guard. "Yea I know really sorry about the damage though" I said looking at Dionysus expectantly "I mean I don't care do whatever Mr. Fluger" 'No way he just called me Mr. Fluger....' I thought as I looked around the kids had barley surprised looks on their faces and I wasn't surprised either just pissed as Dionysus was always like this in the books all the kids were barley shocked as Dionysus was always like this and like that camp half blood gained a new camper.....Me!

Next chapter