
DA : Chapter 52: Typhoon Falls! III

"I think I might have just the thing," she said with a small smirk. "Just wait for the opening but it could be nice if you distract him for me."

"Will do," Percy agreed before rushing off to join Nico.


He arrived quickly while glancing up to see purple arrows constantly striking Typhon around the collarbone, neck, and face making him roar in frustration while trying to cover his face with his good hand, his right side being more of a hindrance as the Voidfire ate into more of his flesh, freezing it before it broke off in clumps of molten flesh and globs of sloshy ichor.

It was still only skin level damage at best and was only starting to get to Typhon's muscle. He disregarded it for now and arrived at Nico's side, the blessed of Tartarus leaping across Typhon's calf as Damnation sliced across the flesh while igniting it in purple Hellfire adding further damage to the titan's leg.

"Yo Nico!" he shouted as he stood a few meters away while keeping an eye on the titan's arm swinging over them as the monster tried to cover his face from Andy's onslaught.

"What!?" Nico shouted as he swiped some sweat off his face. "I'm busy at the moment!"

"I can see that!" Percy replied as he jumped high and drove both his swords into Typhon's knee earning a very loud roar of pain as his Voidfire spread from the blades.

Percy disengaged quickly and landed close to Nico but both them leaped again and moved away as Typhon's hand nearly smashed them while the titan looked for what cause him so much pain on just one leg.

"Hey, if my flames eat away enough, you think you can cut through his knee?" Percy asked as Nico huffed beside him.

"Sure, I just need a higher vantage point since I can't jump as high as all of you guys since my physical ability is still just underneath godly level," he replied.

"Alright then, just wait for Rhea's part and you should have an opportunity," he answered getting a nod from Percy before the heir of Nyx jumped away to the front of Typhon. He could see Jason was on the titan's shoulder again but was trying to avoid being caught like Percy had before.

He pulled to a stop and glared up at the monster before flaring the flames on his blades. He then slashed at the air in front of him, blades of Voidfire shooting off his swords at the monstrous titan and impacting him on the chest making him stumble slightly as the fires spread on his skin slowly.

Percy clicked his teeth, having hoped that the blades of fire would manage to cut the skin as well to really get into his flesh but apparently not. He was about to send another volley but then felt a spike in power and looked to see Rhea jumping onto a pillar of rock with her bow staff glowing green as it thrummed with power.

It drew Typhon's attention when Percy saw Nico lunge from a rock outcropping near Typhon's burning foot, his blade roaring with Hellfire. With a mighty heave Nico cleaved across the back of Typhon's burning knee, the cut combining with the damage from Percy earlier attack nearly causing the entire bottom half of the leg to rip off.

Typhon roared in agony and surprise, lifting the injured leg in reflex but it was that moment that Rhea attacked. Blasting off the ground she roared as she swung Testament with all her immense strength, an explosion of pure power following as the end made contact with Typhon's left knee.

A sickening crack followed as Typhon's kneecap was blown off in a shower of ichor and bone making Percy smirk as he focused more of his power into his swords while watching the titan fall.

With all the pressure on one completely shattered knee, Typhon roared as it buckled and he fell to his knees kicking up a massive dust cloud but Percy remained still.

He watched as the dust and ash dissipated as Typhon sat up while in obvious pain and looked directly at Percy with his one good eye. Percy smirked before muttering, "Let's see you take this."

The flames coating his swords condensed before he brought both up and then with a roar, swung them down together with as much power as he could. His swing released a massive blade of black fire joined from the two swords, slicing through the rock and air around it as it sped towards the titan faster than a missile.

Typhon could only watch as the massive blade of Voidfire spanning nearly 20 meters impacted his chest hard enough to push his immense body back with an explosion of pressure and flames as the blast minced through his thick hide.

Typhon bellowed in sheer agony as the flames ate deep into the muscle and bone of his chest as a waterfall of ichor formed from an attack making Zeus' master bolt look like a firecracker.

Then, just as he was trying to cover the largest wound he'd ever received, Percy spotted Jason jump straight up from Typhon's shoulder with his blade raised high as it crackled with white lightning.

Percy watched as Jason fell back down and swung his blade, slicing past the thick hide and muscle along the titan's shoulder nearly severing the arm completely but still doing enough damaged to make it useless.

Then a larger than average purple arrow, nearly double the size of a ballista bolt, struck Typhon's other shoulder where Percy's fires had eaten away at the flesh, piercing clean through muscle and bone alike while cutting off the vital tendons of the arm.

"Nice shot Andy," Percy muttered as he took in the sight of the downed titan. Armless, crippled legs, and a wound basically leaving his inner chest cavity exposed to all.

Percy then looked behind him to the highest of the pillars left by Rhea, Thalia standing there with a massive bolt of crackling lightning and churning winds forming a drill point aimed straight at Typhon. It seemed that Thalia felt his gaze as she glanced at him.

He nodded sternly at her and she nodded back before locking her gaze on the nearly dead titan. With one final breath she pulled back her bolt the last stretch of her bow and released.

The bolt sounded light a hundred thunder cracks within a hurricane as the bolt flew towards Typhon. The monster could only look on, not even uttering a sound as the bolt struck him dead in the chest right over the heart.

What followed was an explosion that felt akin to an atom bomb as Percy was forced to turn his gaze away to cover his face from the vicious winds and shockwaves, the air thrumming with electric charge making him feel almost numb along with a blinding flash.

The roar of the explosion lasted for nearly ten seconds before everything finally died down as Percy looked again to a sight no Olympian or Titan had ever thought possible.

Typhon wasn't a single body anymore. His head and hips were what remained as his entire chest had been all but vaporized with the combined might of Percy's flames and Thalia's bolt, his right leg mostly ash thanks to the still burning Hellfire.

Percy remained silent as he memorized the sight, their first true battle of this impending war and a victory thought impossible by most.

The others soon gathered round, all looking on soberly as the gravity of what they've just accomplished settled on them. As they watched Typhon's body slowly starting to decade to golden dust Thalia thrust her hand out.

In response a blueish aura drifted off the growing piles of golden sand and drifting into Thalia's hand. As she absorbed it the sands started to turn white, marking the fading of an immortal.

The Law of Succession needed only be used to strip immortality and domains not related to those held by the victor if they had them by chance.

Thalia was already the heir of Sky and Storms, Typhon's only domain that he was given when Gaea stole part of it from Ouranus when Kronos cut him up, it was his only tie to retaining his form.

Thalia forcefully reclaiming his domain of Storm and having so much of his essence destroyed by Percy's Voidfire and Nico's Hellfire, there was nothing left for the monster of a titan but to fade.

With the last of the blue aura collected Thalia's power grew while all of the golden dust left from Typhon turned ashen white. It was done now. The greatest monster of Greek mythology was permanently erased and sent to the Realm of the Faded to be judged by Lady Chaos herself.

With a tensed exhale the group let their postures relax before some broke into massive grins, namely Percy himself, Jason, and Nico.

"We fucking did it!" Jason shouted while raising his hands in triumph while Nico just whooped in agreement.

"Hell yeah!" Percy agreed while pumping his fist making Rhea giggle beside him and drawing his attention. "And where would we be without you knocking him down a peg or three?" Percy added before sweeping Rhea in his arms and claiming her lips much to her surprise.

In didn't last long before she eagerly returned the kiss, escalating it into a full blown make-out as her hands dug into his hair as he pulled her closer. He was so enraptured with her taste and soft whimpers as he bit at her lips that he nearly missed the throat being cleared … loudly.

They both snapped out of the steamy embrace with flushed faces and heavy breaths to see their audience including those that had watched the fight from a safe distance.

Rhea blushed a little more while Percy sheepishly chuckled much to the amusement of some though Hades looked a bit uncomfortable having seen his mother make-out with his one-upon-a-time nephew. Hestia was also blushing like crazy but there was a curious glint to her eyes making Percy wink at her only for her to blush more and look away shyly.

"Well …" Nyx started while looking around as everyone settled down. "… That was exceptional."

"Exceptional!?" Persephone asked incredulously as she clung to Hades' arm. "That was utter madness is what it was!"

"I think they did well enough," Tartarus added his two cents.

"Badass!" Medusa exclaimed with glee next to a nodding Lamia.

"Damn, my little bro and sis one upped me there. Now I need to do something big or I'll get left behind," Hercules chuckled as he clapped Thalia on the shoulder.

"That was very exciting," Hemera added though she grimaced slightly. "A bit more gore then I needed but at least the brute is gone for good."

"Very true," Aether agreed but with a more sober tone. "… And soon … so shall we …"

Everyone grew silent at that. Percy locked eyes with Nyx and saw that sadness again, knowing that she would miss them just as much as they would them. In the time together everyone, not only the protogenoi and their heirs, had grown closer as a family.

Their pasts put to rest in the effort to live and strive for the future … but sadly they could not all be together to see it through. With that though Percy let go of Rhea before slowly walking to Nyx, all eyes on him as he kept a calm face.

He stopped before her and looked down at her due to the difference in height. Wordlessly he brought her into a hug, her face partially buried into his chest as he rested his cheek against her raven locks. She soon returned the embrace and squeezed onto him as her frame shook slightly while she sniffed.

He tightened his hold as she softly started to sob and he felt his own eyes sting and his throat beginning to hurt as he spoke softly.

"I guess it's finally time huh … mom."

Nyx only nodded as she sobbed harder before speaking in a muffled voice.

"It really is … son …"


Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.


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