
Seek and destroy (3)

Percy had always loved the night. And, in his opinion, nights in the woods were the best.

The pure clean air that filled his lungs. The chirping of the crickets, the hooting of the owls, and the rustle of the wind in the trees, swaying them in a constant, mesmerizing dance. The darkness of the night helped him stay calm and focused. No matter where he looked, his gaze always involuntarily drifted skyward. Towards the stars that adorned the firmament, highlighting the beauty of the night, but there was something else. Something that captivated her attention for hours and brought a peace that filled her heart.

The moon.

That beautiful glowing sphere high in the dark sky. Percy was captivated and fascinated by that satellite. The millions of stars paled in comparison to the beauty emitted by the moon with its silvery glow. Despite being surrounded by absolute darkness, the moon still shone brightly, highlighting its beauty even more.

A series of sounds brought Percy out of his dreamy state. The sound of grass and branches breaking under the weight. He turned and saw someone approaching in the darkness of the forest, dimly lit by the crackling fire. He recognized the golden-blond hair.

"Annabeth" said Percy, in acknowledgement "What's wrong? Aren't you the one who has to take the next watch."

"Yes, I know" said Annabeth, in a low voice "I just couldn't sleep."


"No. I just couldn't sleep. Can I sit next to you?"

"Sure," said Percy, straightening up from his sky-wondering position. "A little company wouldn't hurt."

Annabeth smiled slightly and sat down next to Percy, contemplating the fire.

An awkward silence settled between them. Percy found it comforting, as he continued to gaze at the moon and stars. Annabeth found it slightly uncomfortable. She was an eleven year old with ADD, it was very hard for her to sit still without doing something. She glanced sideways at Percy, who seemed completely relaxed.How did he do that?

"It's a quiet night" Annabeth commented, breaking the silence she found uncomfortable.

"It is" said Percy, nodding and not taking his eyes off the sky.

"Don't you feel tired? You've been driving all day, and yesterday you were the one who stood guard all night without sleep."

"I'm fine, Annabeth. You have nothing to worry about."

"I can't help it," she said sheepishly. "When I see the dark circles under your eyes..."

"I've always had dark circles under my eyes, Annabeth," Percy said, mildly amused.

"Well, you shouldn't! You need to get more sleep, and you need to relax."

"Relax? Are you saying I'm too tense?"

"Of course. You have to find a hobby."

"A hobby..." mused Percy, holding a hand to his chin. "Do you have one, Annabeth?"

"Yes! I like to read and learn more and more!" exclaimed the girl excitedly.

"I see... Is there something specific you like to learn?"

"I like to learn all kinds of things! History...science...math.... And architecture!"

Percy let out a small laugh at the enthusiasm the girl was emitting. She was very similar to Sammy, and he couldn't help but find the similarities between them. The same excitement, the same innocent smile....

"That's why I say you should find a hobby. Tell me, Percy, is there something you like to do?"

Percy thought about it for a few seconds. There weren't many things he liked to do, looking at the night sky was one of the few. He also found it just as relaxing and comforting to look at the sea. It was like a longing he had. Other times he enjoyed sleeping for long hours and, if he had the chance, eating junk food like an obese pig.

In short, and in easier to understand words, Percy was a slob.

"There aren't many things I like," Percy admitted. "But if I had to decide on anything, it would be that."

He pointed to the starry sky that stretched above them.

"Do you like looking at the stars?"

Percy nodded.

"You said you like history... well, history is all about you, Annabeth, up there. Myths and legends about the exploits of our ancestors are immortalized in the stars."

Annabeth looked up at the sky, contemplating it under a new gaze. Her gray eyes seemed to sparkle with a new acquired fascination.

"Do you know anything about Astronomy, Percy?" asked Annabeth, excited to learn something she didn't know.

"Just the basics, but I can teach you what I know."

"Really, I'd like that very much!"

A smile stretched across Percy's lips.

"Let's see... Do you know what the zodiac signs are?"

Annabeth nodded, not once, but twice.

"Do you know what yours is?"

"Mmm... I was born in July, so my sign is.... Cancer?"

"Cancer, huh?" Percy mused, remembering the story behind said constellation. The words began to flow in his mind. Remembering the story he was told so many years ago.

Annabeth listened intently to Percy as he told the story of Cancer, the crab. She was a little annoyed when he told her that it was considered the faintest constellation, but relaxed when he told her that it was so named because it was the hardest to see in the sky.

He went on to relate the story of the crab that, in Herakles' fight against the Hydra of Lerna, one of his twelve labors, attacked the son of Zeus, biting his ankles with its pincers in order to distract him so that the many-headed beast could kill him. Annabeth was discouraged when he told her that the demigod crushed the crab and thus was able to kill the Hydra.

Although the crab failed in its mission, Hera, wife of Zeus, rewarded the brave deed of the little crustacean, and placed it in the sky, so that its small act of bravery could be remembered for centuries to come.

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