
Daughter of the Sea God

"Now then my king, why have you given me a water bottle?" Faith said looking down on the water bottle confused.

"Well my queen I do believe you might be a daughter of the god of the seas. Better known as Poseidon." Caleb said with a small smile playing on his lips.

"So what should I do with the water bottle?" Faith asked.

"Try to make the water move. Other than that if you are a daughter of Poseidon, water should also heal you and give you a substantial boost to your energy." Caleb explained.

"Well let's give it a shot then." Faith said sceptically. She might believe that Caleb had powers but she doubted that she had any still.

Faith stared down on the water bottle in her hand when it suddenly started to move, she quickly dropped it. And jumped back. "What was that!" she yelled out.

"That is your power as a daughter of Poseidon, but on an extremely toned down scale." Caleb answered, trying to keep from laughing at the dumbstruck expression Faith had.

Faith stared at him for a moment before mumbling, "Dear god, you were right.".

"It's dear gods actually." Caleb said, waving a hand in the direction of the sky.

"What do you mean?" Faith asked.

"There are alot of gods and unless you mean a specific one like your father you say gods." Caleb explained.

"Wait, how do you know my father is Poseidon and not any other god that controls water?" Faith said, remembering that there were many gods with water based domains in Greek mythology.

"Oh, well I have this kinda instinct that tells me the power of those around me. It's not super accurate but it's accurate enough that I can tell you that you are way too powerful to be a child of anyone but the big tree and of them Poseidon is the one with a domain over water. Even if you could argue that Zues also had one, it's not the same and Zues children can't control water in a bottle." Caleb expanded then looked down. "I don't know if this power sensing thing is a trait unique to me or something all demigods have."

"Well I don't think I can sense others' powers." Faith said uncertainty.

"Oh it took me a year to learn that skill so that's not too surprising." Caleb said.

"So I'm the daughter of Poseidon. What does that entail exactly?" Faith asked.

"Well apart from the powers I mentioned before and probably a whole lot more, you will be hunted by monsters. Like the Minotar, that was a very powerful monster however. Most monsters you will have to fight should be a lot less powerful." Celeb said, trying to sound as sure as he could. He knew that with two children of the big tree here, a lot of powerful monsters would be drawn to them.

"But I don't know how to fight! I can barely control these powers and you're telling me I need to fight monsters!" Faith said with panic in her voice.

"Don't worry, there are two of us now, until you learn to fight I can protect you. I will train you when it comes to fighting. My coin can become any weapon so I made sure to learn most fighting styles. While I specialise in swords myself, I know more than enough to train you for some time. When I can't teach you anymore we will find some else or you will just have to train from theory." Celeb explained. He made sure to sound sure of his own abilities but not arrogant.

Faith went quiet and looked at him, her eyes judging him. He knew that she was trying to discern if he was going to use her or keep his promise. "Then teach me." Faith said, smiling.

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