
Wizard Drama


Before he realized it they were surrounded. 'Damn!' Harry looked at stoic faces of his captures and regretted not telling the Order about their findings today. 'But something is off too' he realized. Hermione didn't look mistreated and the guards seemed to have stopped their advance when she came towards them, although they didn't put down their guard still holding shields and Spears at the ready making me feel on edge.

Ron must have caught a blow to the face because his nose was bleeding and his body was covered in dirt. Seeing this Hermione walked briskly to him fishing out a tissue from her small purse she had around her neck to staunch the bleeding. Giving him a quick once over she set her gaze on me.

"What are you guys doing here? How did you know to even find me? Why were you fighting the Romans?" She asked all her questions in quick concession most people would pause in bewilderment, but Harry had been friends with Hermione for many years and he knew if he started answering her questions now he wouldn't be able to ask his own for a long time.

"Wait Hermione you first. What's going on here?" Harry said watching Hermione as she fussed with Ron attempting to get some of the dust from his clothes. "...That, is what I'd like to know." A new voice said walking through the guards that had formed ranks around us.

He was a tall well built man he looked to be in his early twenties, his hair dark brown and angular face reminded me of a Greek statue that had came to life. What stood out the most was the man's deep green eyes that flashed with anger focusing on something on something maybe Ron. After a few moments Harry then realized his focused gaze was on Hermione's hand still resting on Ron's shoulder. Sometime later she must have realized it too, because she stepped back creating some distance between them.

Notting her reaction for a moment something clicked inside Harry's head. "I don't believe that is your place to ask that question. Percy." A kind but stern voice rang out behind Percy shaking his focused gaze on Hermione. "Come, guests of the Wizarding world. I believe we have much to discuss." The new woman seemed cold but the guards obeyed her order quickly and without question.

Harry hesitated for a moment thinking about grabbing Hermione's arm and apparating away, but something in his gut told me to hold off. Meanwhile, he had the duty to calm Ron down. He was starting to get agitated by Percy's glare earlier. A few times I caught him starting to raise his wand but after a few moments he thought better of it and lowered it down again.

They entered a room with a long table and many chairs, much like the Order's headquarters meeting room. While everyone started to file in Harry took Ron to the side to speak.

"...Besides, Ron, as I've already told you multiple times before, Hermione is a grown woman. Whatever choice she'd like to make, she can. You know that, right?"

Ron's face faltered in a kind of shame, his head begrudgingly nodding in agreement.

"But, Harry, what if she's making a wrong choice? What if this man is secretly a murderer? What if he hurt her? I'm just worried, that's all."

Harry eyed his friend with weariness.

"Ron. You must remember that as close as a family we get with Hermione, we have made some messed up choices with her. Merlin, even I let her down! Of course, if there are suspicious aspects surrounding Hermione's life that are also obvious to everyone, not just you, I would intervene and let Hermione know such concerns exist in my mind. But, Ron, you're not her boyfriend. You are... You're actually her ex-boyfriend, or have you forgotten Lavender?"

Ron pursed his lips. He almost hated when Harry was so absolutely correct. Harry continued.

"We both know that Hermione is smarter than both of us. That doesn't grant her wisdom in all kinds of circumstances, I know, but we should know better than to judge or doubt her decisions."

Harry sighed.

"Fine. But let's try to talk to Hermione, okay?" Ron replied with determination in his eyes.

"Hi! Everyone, come lets have a conversation like civilized people." The lady that seemed to be in charge said in a gesturing manner.

She led them into the setting area where the dark haired man stood behind one of the chairs, waiting. He had a nervous frown, but when Harry and Ron came near, he approached them with a hand held out. Harry grabbed it first.

"Hi, I'm Percy. You must be…?"

"Harry. Nice to meet you Percy. This is Ron."

He gestured toward Ron, all the while jabbing Ron subtly on the side. Ron begrudgingly held out his hand as well.

"Ron." Percy said shortly.

But he still grabbed it, and Harry witnessed how Ron became grumpier as his strong grasp left no impact on Percy, who seem entirely unknowing about the red head's attempts.

Hermione, seemed to be dreading for the awkward silence to fill the somewhat friendly atmosphere. She was relieved when Raina hurriedly gestured for all of them to sit.

"We got some wine, and crackers too, if you'd like. We probably have cheese somewhere if you want it with the crackers."

As she asked one of the guard at the door to the freezer to began looking for cheese, Ron just glared down at nothing, mumbling. Hermione pretended not to notice as she made quick glances at Percy.

"So… Percy, there they are! Harry and Ron. They've been friends with me since I was eleven, and they're practically my family now." She said emphasizing the word 'family'.

"That's amazing, friends for more than ten years!" Reina said looking genuinely surprised.

By the way Percy looked Hermione, Harry could tell this man really genuinely loved her. In fact, Harry was sure that if it weren't for him or Ron, Percy would have probably kissed Hermione just now. Ron, also recognizing the loving moment, but only scowled in response.

Percy glanced down at Hermione again, and she looked up at him meeting his gaze. The room could only guess what they were thinking. Ron cleared his throat loudly breaking there moment.

"So when did you guys meet?" He looked at Hermione while she bit her lips not wanting to speak.

"It happened... really gradually. There really isn't much to say." Hermione said feeling a little light headed from the day she had.

Harry nodded.

Ron humphed and relaxed his previously tensed up shoulders. He turned his head to Percy, making his most serious face but said nothing.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief, but Percy narrowed his eyes. That ugly tension she was afraid of started to return. But again before the room could sink any further in awkward silence, Selina showed up out of the blue and stepped in breaking the tention.

"Understood. Everyone is in love with Hermione Granger now can we get to this meeting?"

After that, things flowed smoothly, with more ease. There were some pleasant exchange of stories, and some dangerous moments were there too.

Thankfully, Harry and Selina would cut in before they got too weird too fast, and Ron was able to adjust throughout the night. Finally they got to business and discussed what they had been dealing with over the last twenty four hours which surprised Harry and Ron to no end.

By the end of the night, it was decided Hermione would say with the demigods and Harry and Ron would return to the Order. Ron had consumed the most wine, unsurprising to Harry, and it became his duty to take care of the very drunk Ron.

Percy was left to clean the glasses and plates while Hermione accompanied Harry and Ron out to see them off. They had to get back to the Order to explain the situation to them. When Hermione learned they had came here without telling the other order members she could have choked them of both.

As she had closed the door behind her, she crossed her arms across her chest and watched Percy struggled to keep his sluggish body from falling while still cleaning the table. Hermione smiled. It was good to see Harry again, maybe Ron a little bit as well, but she started to feel more complicated about Percy. Righting the position of the glasses Percy had just knocked over in his clumsiness. He asked Hermione with his serious and worried voice "So... Ron?

Hermione sighed.

"To be honest, we were something at one point, but it ended pretty abruptly. I didn't plan on having this conversation." She said feeling a little empty at the words. "I don't know if we're ready for another emotional incident tonight." she said rubbing her temples at the headache that was starting to build behind her eyes.

Percy nodded understandably.

"We'll, have to find the right time and place to do it before... you go." He whispered the last two words like they hurt to say

Hermione groaned.

"Alright, Hermione. Goodnight." Percy said briefly before leaving the room stumbling as he left.

"'...good night." She said feeling emotionally drained.

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