
The New O.O.P


Harry was frustrated. It had been fortnight since he spoke with Hermione. Then she just disappeared! Just like that! There were no owls telling him where she could have gone, or even a letter telling him not to worry. Not that he wouldn't, it would probably make him worry more. He just wanted to kick himself for not staying in touch when he knew something wasn't right.

"Harry dear! There's an emergency Order meeting is about to start in the dining room. Please come down!" Harry looked at the person who had interrupted his brooding. She was like a mother to him.

He sighed, might as well join the meeting. In his youth he had been excluded from many of the meetings but not this time he was one of its members now. He adjusted his glasses to attempt to mask his frustration about his missing friend.

He walked down the stairs. The decor was morbid as usual. He heard some muffled conversation coming from the dining room as he entered and sat down beside Ron. He attempted to mask his frustration about his oldest friend but couldn't quite make his face stay neutral.

This guy always so insensitive. Not only did he break Hermione's heart by cheating with Lavender Brown he had the nerve to write a letter to Hermione stating he broke it off with her. It was a lie. A poor excuse to get her back to London. He had good intentions, which is why he hadn't stopped talking to the git all together. But he had never heard of something so insensitive. He couldn't help but think Hermione dogged a bullet with Ron.

"So, what do you think this meeting is about?" Harry asked as he sat down.

Ron shrugged. "Maybe they found Voldemort."

"If they found Voldemort the meeting would have already started. Finding Voldemort is a matter of utmost importance and if they found him we would already be forming a plan." Harry said rationally.

"But still! Maybe they are just confirming sources." Towards the end of the sentence he started to question himself.

Harry rolled his eyes but stayed silent.

Sirius sat down in the seat at the end of the table and everyone became silent awaiting the words of the new order leader. "I'm afraid I have grave news..." He said pausing so he could collect his thoughts. "Hermione has been abducted by a mysterious force in America. We don't know their intentions but we have to assume they are not good." As soon as his words ended Ron and I stood up grabbing our wands. The room already in chaos at his words.

"Where do you think you are going?" Sirius asked tiredness seeping in his voice but his eyes were sharp focused on us.

"We are going to get her back!" Ron growled at him with frustration. And where prey tell are you going to find her?" Sirius rose from his chair and strode up to him with fire in his eyes. "Dumbledore left this mission on my shoulders, Weasley. And running off and pretending to play hero will just get someone killed."

"Yeah!" He said looking determined. "Like whom ever took my friend!" He shot back the venom in his voice very apparent.

"No! Someone like you! or Hermione! Running off half cocked is what gets good people killed! Now you are going to set there and we are going to make a plan... One that wont come at the cost of lives." He finished looking around the room at the other Order members.

It took a few hours of discussing our plan and then another thirty minutes to give out assignments.

After Sirius left, a worried muttering broke out at the table. The odd one George who were planning who seemed to have a somber look on his face and stormed out of the room.

"No matter what this looks like l have to believe she is alive." Harry said looking at Ron's panicked face. "I believe you Harry's, 'Mione' is a strong woman and it will take a lot more than kidnapping to break her."

Harry stood up and pushed in his chair. His face determined "Let's go find our girl."

Several hours later

Harry and Ron Apperated into a dark ally in Queens New York.

"Remind me why we took the stairs." Harry huffed out. They had just walked up three floors to question the apartment's occupants. After searching Hermione's flat for clues they continued to the next floor in hopes of finding anything new, but Harry was starting lose hope.

Ron was complaining about Sirius's attitude during the meeting earlier, and Harry was starting to wish he had ear plugs. "...we fought more battles when we were younger than most people in the order. Does he not trust us?" He demanded dissatisfied. Harry chuckled darkly. "I once heard Dumbledore say his time in Azkaban was claustrophobic at best, my guess is having the burden of the Order and everyone's lives depending on his has made him understand the importance of planning ahead." Harry concluded trying to reason with the outraged red head.

Once they had composed themselves Harry knocked on the first door they came to on the third floor. They heard a bit of shuffling in the house then a pretty woman with wavy brown hair opened the door.

"Hello, do you need anything?" She asked brushing away her wavy brown locks away from her face.

"Where looking for a girl named Hermione, do you know any information on where we might find her?" Harry replied.

Surprise in her eyes she replied. "Yes, I heard she was on a date with my son, Who might you be?"

Ok everyone I got the basic layout of this chapter from site - https://www.wattpad.com/193352573-percy-jackson-grandson-of-voldemort-chapter-dos

Almost completely different content in the paragraphs

but I want to be truthful about where I got some of the lines.

Inspiring_forkcreators' thoughts
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