
Returning Home

Walking through camp half blood was a felt like a nightmare. People were pointing and staring, this all reminded him of when he had taken his first tour of the camp. He was confused by the stares maybe it was because he looked so different. The most noticeably was his height, he had grown about 3 inches making him tower well over 6 feet. But after his breakup he would like to think he had gone through a change of temparment as as well. Currently he was wearing jeans, a blue shirt, a black leather jacket, gray van's and aviators. The only reason why Percy took the aviators was to hide his eyes, he had to look strong, if he saw Annabeth he knew…. Just knew his knee's would go weak, but he had to stand tall and show her that he was doing fine, no matter how much his heart would break all over again.

The green grass was still wet from the early morning dew, the satyrs were playing volleyball in the courtyard while some were whispering animatedly about something he didn't quite hear. Percy didn't care, he pushed those thoughts out of his head as he walked through the familiar sites. By the time Percy got to the big house he realized he had picked the worst possible time to come have his chat with Chiron. It was breakfast, which meant most campers would be in the pavilion. Percy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, he had two options either wait in the big house and do nothing for the next hour which would drive him crazy. Or he could go to the dinning pavilion and get a very nice breakfast and ignore the questioning stares.

As sad as it was the second option sounded like a much better choice to Percy, with a huff he trudged his way down the steps and as slowly as possible walked to the dinning pavilion. Which unfortunately didn't take long, as quietly as he could he grabbed a plate of waffles and a muffin. But by the time he walked over to the fire to scrape part of his meal into the flames people were starting to notice him. As he sat down at the Poseidon table and started digging into his pancakes someone sat down next to him. He looked to his right and saw Frank, Percy almost chocked.

"Frank! What are you doing at camp half-blood?" Percy exclaimed. Frank chuckled nervously

"Hazel and I are just here visiting…. Percy we miss you and..." before Frank could finish his sentence Percy pounded his fist on the table rattling his waffles.

"Zang I haven't seen you in 2 years can you save me the lecture?"

"Sorry…..I just…I…. But man if you want to get your mind off of it you could spend the day with me and Hazel, just the three of us it'll be fun" Frank said his words portraying his hope.

Percy smiled wistfully, but a frown appeared on his face and slowly shook his head.

"I Wish I could man, but unfortunately I'm only here to talk to Chiron then I'm leaving. I probably shouldn't even be here…."

Frank frowned at Percy's whispered sentence but didn't press the issue. Frank's face fell, and anxiously he glanced across the dining pavilion at Leo who was too preoccupied taking apart a toaster to notice that Percy was back.

Percy on the other hand was looking at Frank, who he could tell really wanted him to stay, how could he say no.

"Fine…. I'll stay." Percy said causing Frank to grin, just as Hazel snuck up behind Percy and wrapped her arms around him squeezing the life out of him unexpectedly. Then quickly setting down beside him she propped her chin on her hand with a Misty look in her eyes and glared.

"I've missed you" with that she wrapped her arms around him once more. With a evil grin on her face she stands on my table and yells.

"PERSEUS JACKSON! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE WITHOUT EVEN A LETTER OR IRIS MESSAGE, I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU" She sat back down looking triumphant. Suddenly Percy got mobbed in hugs and kisses from tons of campers that hadn't realized his presence. Hazel smiled peeling her orange as she watched Percy struggle through the mob of people. She looked straight at him and gave him a bright smile.

"When did you get this confident?"

This only made her blush and smile in response.

Five minutes later. When Chiron ordered everyone to go back to their tables did Percy sigh and mutter to Frank and Hazel.

"You guys know, you're not supposed to sit at the Poseidon table, it's against the rules" Percy said in mock seriousness.

"Well, Hazels your cousin and I'm a descendent or Poseidon so technically we are allowed to sit here"

Hazel smiled, as she seen Piper making her way to Percy's table and sat down opposite of him. Percy sighed and pushed his plate away forfeiting his breakfast for the company. He stared at the table in a depressed manner, his aviators still covering his eyes.

Percy didn't hate Piper by any means, but after his break up with Annabeth his relationship with her was strained. Maybe because she hardly frowned at Annabeth's actions before moving on with her friendship like nothing happened. I don't want people to hate her but...

"Percy" Piper called her voice soft. "Percy" she called with a little more force but before he could respond to her charm speak two more seats were filled up by Leo and Jason. Leo had brought over what used to be a toaster but was now being converted into a race car.

"Percy! My man, how've you been?" Percy looked up and smiled tiredly just to fist bump Jason.


"Listen Percy you look a little bummed, I have something that will make you feel better" Leo said with a grin as pulled out a computer chip just a bit bigger than his thumb and placed it on the table.

"Take a look at this attractive piece of technology!" as he pulled out what appeared to be a smartphone.

"Leo I don't know what to say" Percy stated speechless. "But... I hate to break it to you but demigods can't use cell phones. It's like a homming monster beacon." I said confused.

"Not this one, my friend!" Leo said with a laugh. "Tyson and I have been working on this little wonder for months. It doesn't react to the Demi waves that cause monsters to locate you! It's perfect for the wayward demigod!" Leo had a proud look on his face but Percy knew what Leo was doing. He was worried about Percy and warmth flooded his heart.

"Thanks man I don't know what to say..." Percy said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Then don't say anything, just keep and give us a call every once and a while… I've already got about ten of these and we will be send one out when quests are assigned, and I'll give them to each of the Argo team members. The number are already saved in your phone..." Leo really started getting into explaining the phone features when his words died on his lips as he caught sight of some over my shoulder.

Percy shook his head and grinned not realizing the change in the atmosphere.

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